Shoulder Length Challenge Ladies, how is it going??

artemis_e. said:
I'm not so sure I will be shoulder length by May...I'm thinking more towards August. I'm so nervous that I will do something to botch my plans, that I just keep it bunned. Shampooing 2x/week w/blow dry and flat iron right now. Daily moisturizing. Perhaps my touch-up in the next few weeks (showing my real length) will keep me in the game. This is the length that has always made or broken my interest in my hair growth; if I can make it to SL, I'll know that anything w/my hair is truly possible. I've even started to take more vitamins...*keeping fingers crossed these next few months*

this is exactly how I feel.
seraphinelle said:
i didn't know either, but I was in my own unofficial shoulder lenght challenge.

Ella bella, when do you think you'll be full shoulder length?

I hope to be there by 10/18/07(my hair just grows about 1 cm or less per month).
I don't know how that will work out tough since I have to trim to even my left/right sides out.
I was in my own unofficial challenge to:lol: .
Ok I've come up with this picture. I hope this gives you guys enough information. Does it look like I will meet sl by June?


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^^Someone correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that SL? I'd think by June you'd be 2 inches past, on your way to APL...If you are not SL, then I'm not sure what true "SL" is.
I think I may have a few more inches to go. Thank you for your feed back. I need to buy a really good blow dryer with a comb attachment so it will be easier to check my progress.
I have been in braids since January; however, I have more than a half inch of new growth. The Hide your hair til April challenge is helping me to retain length.
Although I'm late, I'd like to join this challenge too. I hope to be shoulder length by Sept.07.

I'm three weeks post & into my hair care journey.
I'm still finding my staple products, finding out what my hair likes/dislikes, etc. :ohwell:
I will start rollersetting with my weekly washes and deep conditioning (Wed. & Sat.) beginning tomorrow.
I think I am doing ok. I am trying to do protective styles til the summer. However, this is sooooooooo boring. I have been terrible with taking vitamins. I just cannot stand taking them. I am still doing the baggie method. My ends have been extremely dry. I have been using shea butter, kemi oil, water, etc on them but they are still dry. I guess it is the cold air killing them.
This week I attempted to try Kinikakes' protective wet bun/pinned up thingie, and it's not bad. Made me come to terms with my "hand-in-hair" issues, so thanks Miss Kini :D ...

I've also decided that Thursday is touch-up day...I thought I might make it 1-2 more weeks, but the hair says, "8 weeks, no mas!!"...Can't say I'm not okay w/that...I'm eager to see where I'm at after so much darn deep conditioning. :p
I'm rejoining shoulder length challenge. I've got 2 more inches to go until I'm a healthy shoulder length.

artemis_e, do you have a link to kinikake's method? it sounds interesting!
^^ I don't want to post her Fotki out there like that, but you can check her profile or her signature for the link :)


Just wanted to check on my challenge buddies, where y'all at, man?? :look:
^ i'm here. I am feening for SL. my left side is extremely thin and has been that way for the past 8 months. i just started using MTG and massaging that side every night. but one good thing is that my breakage has decreased. a friend of mine told me that my hair is getting a little longer. i think it has but I still have a way to go before SL. right now my main goal is to thicken up the left side.

i really cant wait until I get to SL. my hair would be so much easier to style in the morning. i've been thinking about adding vitamins to my regimen, im getting desperate:lol:
I wish my friends would tell me they noticed my length. I'm 9 wks post, stuggling to test-drive a 12 wk stretch, and my friend says stuff like, "Girl, when are you gonna perm??" and "Your hair must grow really slow" :mad:...Now granted she's Polish (and therefore white), but she knows how to braid/weave and stuff so it's rather discouraging. However, my co-worker mentioned that my hair looked so "thick and healthy" and she just wished she could stick her hands in it, lol (and it was in a bun so I dunno what that was all a/b :lol:) so perhaps when stretching I hang out w/one group of friends and when I relax hang w/the other group :look:...

All that to say, I am so close to SL I can sniff it, and it smells like chocolate cake, yummy :p

I'm hoping I've got something worth smiling about when I update the fotki in 2-3 wks...
artemis_e. said:
All that to say, I am so close to SL I can sniff it, and it smells like chocolate cake, yummy :p

I'm hoping I've got something worth smiling about when I update the fotki in 2-3 wks...

meeeee tooooooo! touch up on Saturday at 14 weeks post!
gymfreak336 said:
Just wonder because I have been doing a search and destroy split end search for the last hour. I washed and deep conditioned last night by my rollerset didn't comb out right:( I don't know if I am using rollers that are too big. I just want a cut curly set to hopefully hide some of my newgrowth right now. :ohwell: Needless to say it will be cliped up until I can figure it out. So how is all thing hair with you all?? Any good progress going on, hopefully no major set backs:)

Well, I "think" I joined this challenge but I have to leave. I recently decided to go back natural so I cut my below ear length hair down to the new growth (1/4 inch). So now I'm in the twa grow out challenge! (LOL). But good luck to all of you! Grow ladies grow!!!
SNyeema said:
Well, I "think" I joined this challenge but I have to leave. I recently decided to go back natural so I cut my below ear length hair down to the new growth (1/4 inch). So now I'm in the twa grow out challenge! (LOL). But good luck to all of you! Grow ladies grow!!!

Wow, congrats :D That's fabulous!!
Not sure, actually :look:

I think most of us want to be SL by the end of summer or beginning of may it was set around there. I'd have to check the original thread...Or it might be December...

Good Question :confused:
Ladies, I have been really bad for the past two weeks. I haven't been working out, taking my vitamins, drinking water, bagging or covering my hair at night. I even took my hair out of a protective style for a job interview. I am going to get back on it tomorrow. I plan to co-wash every day.

I'm gonna hold out till my next update in October. I want to be full SL by then (but no later than Dec). I'll even trim a little to even it out if need be :look:

Where my wananbe SL chicks at? :D
artemis_e. said:

I'm gonna hold out till my next update in October. I want to be full SL by then (but no later than Dec). I'll even trim a little to even it out if need be :look:

Where my wananbe SL chicks at? :D

Whats up chica?? I should be there by the end of the year. I have been struggling with some weird breakage but I think it is because of some underprocessed parts I have been dealing with. I am going to deep condition tonight and keep deep conditioning every 4 days for another 2-3 weeks. I did use a red rinse which gave me beautiful color but I think it dried me out just a little. I had a little dusting today some my ends are still looking good. I do however have been noticing those pieces of hair that are bent in the middle. I forgot the scientific name for them but it is a kind of split end. I can't figure out why i have them??:perplexed :ohwell: Any suggestions:confused: