Shoulder Length Challenge Ladies, how is it going??

gymfreak336 said:
Whats up chica?? I should be there by the end of the year. I have been struggling with some weird breakage but I think it is because of some underprocessed parts I have been dealing with. I am going to deep condition tonight and keep deep conditioning every 4 days for another 2-3 weeks. I did use a red rinse which gave me beautiful color but I think it dried me out just a little. I had a little dusting today some my ends are still looking good. I do however have been noticing those pieces of hair that are bent in the middle. I forgot the scientific name for them but it is a kind of split end. I can't figure out why i have them??:perplexed :ohwell: Any suggestions:confused:

Howdy chica!

Yeah I think I know that term you're thinking of...The one with the picture of the hair strand that exploded :look: ...:confused:?? I know you moisturize as much as anyone here, so maybe a mild protein-y is in order? May need to restructure those strands and then keep it going w/the moisture. Maybe breakage guru Sistaslick can help you...cuz me no no :ohwell:

Me and my reckless self woulda been corrected those underprocessed parts, but I'm not gonna go there, cuz I got the :spank: last time :lol:

Anyways, good luck girlie!
I'll join this challenge.

I'm almost there, heck I don't know. Kind of frustrated. I've stopped the breakage, and my hair isn't so dry. But damn my hair is THICK. I just wish it'd grow in length and not out.

artemis_e. said:
Same here! Thickness is so easy to see, length--not so much :ohwell: ...

I just looked at your fotki!

You're about the same as me, the back is about SL, the rest, has gotten thicker, can definitely see that and it's catching up, but I had too many layers, so it's taking longer than I thought.

i guess, i'll get there when I get there, at least I'm doing something right!

I am just about at shoulder length. I ended a 27-week stretch last week and updated my fotki. I may be a little beyond that come december. :cool: This is fun because I am almost at the length I was before I got stupid and damaged it with Henna and overprocessing.
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seraphinelle said:
I just looked at your fotki!

You're about the same as me, the back is about SL, the rest, has gotten thicker, can definitely see that and it's catching up, but I had too many layers, so it's taking longer than I thought.

i guess, i'll get there when I get there, at least I'm doing something right!


Exactly ;)
Lusa said:
I am just about at shoulder length. I ended a 27-week stretch last week and updated my fotki. I may be a little beyond that come december. :cool: This is fun because I am almost at the length I was before I got stupid and damaged it with Henna and overprocessing.
27 weeks?That's amazing!
Your hair looks really good and healthy.
Don't worry Seraphinelle you'll get to full SL.

I claimed SL when just my back was there:look:
The back and sides will definately be shoulder length by the end of the year, but I am not to sure about the front. I swear it look like I have bangs. I guess I might have to stop wearing my hair pulled back all of the time.
Well when I looked at my pix from February till June, I've had good growth. It' hard to measure - but it seems I'm mid neck I HAVE to be shoulder (at least at the back) by December. I need at least 3inches and I'm on the HYH so that'll be good for me to keep my hands out...
artemis_e. said:
Howdy chica!

Yeah I think I know that term you're thinking of...The one with the picture of the hair strand that exploded :look: ...:confused:?? I know you moisturize as much as anyone here, so maybe a mild protein-y is in order? May need to restructure those strands and then keep it going w/the moisture. Maybe breakage guru Sistaslick can help you...cuz me no no :ohwell:

Me and my reckless self woulda been corrected those underprocessed parts, but I'm not gonna go there, cuz I got the :spank: last time :lol:

Anyways, good luck girlie!

Thanks for the advice. I pmed sistaslick yesterday and she gave me good advice. I had a consultation with a great stylist here today and she gave me some advice about what to do. I am tempted to get the last bit of it corrected once and for all. I am just trying to wait 2 more weeks then I can relax and be 4 weeks post for my sisters wedding. Then I can get a blow out before I get it styled.
I'd say that my sides finally made SL.


In the second pic you can tell how it thickened up.

That's my January pic
ella said:
I'd say that my sides finally made SL.


In the second pic you can tell how it thickened up.

That's my January pic

Go Ella Go!!

Your hair looks great, very thick and moist looking.:)
Here is my latest comparison shot. It looks like the back is at shoulder length but my sides have a little catching up to do. I should be there in December if all goes well. Lemme know fellow challenger!:grin:


  • june_2007_comp.jpg
    86.3 KB · Views: 25
Congrats Ella!!

Well when i do my twists on thursday, I'll be cutting off about an inch, so my ends don't look so strappy, since they're relaxed and I'm transitioning.
Aww! I guess I should have posted my pics here! I put them in the official thread...Oh well be right back...

ETA: Here's my progress so far...

October 2006

Nov 2006 haircut

July 2007
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What's up ladies??? :D

I'm waiting for my sides to catch up with the back before I post the "Am I there yet?" thread. I think I have a/b an inch or two left to go...

Anyone else? :look:
I am joining this challenge. My goal is to be collar bone no later than April (i'm about 3-4 inches away) I will be updating my fotki @ every touch up, which will be every 3-4 months.
****Edited because I should be in the APL Not shoulder length. My mistake. Ignore my message.:yep:

I didn't know there was such a challenge.:blush: Am I too late?? I hope not!

I'm doing good. My ng is coming in thick. I think I am very close to APL but not sure. I'm trying not to 'watch' my hair every day. If I did I would go My goal is to be APL by December. I am thinking I may reach that goal before then. I can feel it is getting longer when I take a shower and wash my hair..I can feel it's in a different place on my back:yep:. My husband is always saying it's getting VERY long if he catches me with it down...which is rare now because my NG is way too much...and I have major shrinkage at the roots so I keep it up in a protective style. I'm due for a retouch next week and I just can't wait!

No setbacks so far...I did experience a few tangles with my last wash and the wash prior to it. So I'm keeping an eye on that to see what product may be causing it. I usually never tangle after a DC but the last two times I have....

I will also update my Fotki for every touchup...and sometimes in between to show progress. My next update will be at the end of this month. I get a retouch every 8-10 weeks now..but would like to stretch up to week 12.
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Now that the weather is cooling down. I plan to wear protective styles. I plan to start taking vitamins today. I just need to make sure that I drink enough water. I am going to get serious about taking care of my hair (and myself). Yesterday, I put in some twist and I must say that they look totally awesome. Shrinkage is out of this world, but I know that when it shrinks like this that it is mooisturized. I had a few knots that I clipped out, but all in all my hair feels and looks great.
Hopefully I will be there by December. I have been drinking high protein smoothies with MSM powder in it, drinking my carrot juice and taking vitamins.
Not going to be no where near shoulder by December unfortunately:nono::nono:
I have layers so some of the layers are longer but i really don't see a change in my overall length. I will be taking pics at year end to see what progress i've made.
Not going to be no where near shoulder by December unfortunately:nono::nono:
I have layers so some of the layers are longer but i really don't see a change in my overall length. I will be taking pics at year end to see what progress i've made.

Your hair looks good in your avatar pic. I don't think I will be a full shoulder length either or I will be extremly close. I need to do a couple of trims. I still think that if you can get to shoulder length by lets say March, you could still hit apl by next december.