I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of details)


Well-Known Member
I've dated so many jerks the past 6 months, I really deserved a good night with a guy...(I'm going to refer to him as 'Caleb')

Caleb and I were friends in high school. I liked him when he wasn't interested in me and he liked me when when I was no longer interested... we stayed friends but lost touch when I left for college. Almost 4 years later we started having short conversations via facebook... exchanged numbers and occasionally had lengthy text message conversations.

After not hearing from him for a few months I heard a song that reminded me of him from back in high school. So I texted him about it and he was amused. After another long texting conversation he asked me to go to this billiards place with he and his friends. I went and it turned out to be a great night.

When I got out of my car, this boy... or should I now say 'man' has gotten even more attractive over the years! He gave me a huge hug and told me that I smell and look good. He introduced me to his friends and bought me a drink. Caleb and his friends are so good at pool!

When I played Caleb he was giving me lots of pointers and of course found a reason to touch my waist while helping me play. I was still awful lol but I still had fun. Especially when I had 5 striped balls left and Caleb just needed to get the 8 ball in. He bet me a drink that he could get all of my stripe balls in AND the 8 ball before I could get just the 8 ball in--he did, and it was hot. :lick:

Four drinks later I had a really good buzz and Caleb was extra flirty. He would pull me into his lap, rub my neck & back, and kiss my shoulders. I'm typically not into pda but it actually didn't bother me for once. And whenever I'd move somewhere else Caleb would eventually follow me or come over and ask me to join him. The place closed at 2am and the night didn't end there.

We went to his place and the strangest thing... the power was out! So we lit a few candles and sat outside on the deck to talk. It was such a romantic environment... We had a lot of deep conversations... we started reminiscing about high school and how we missed out on each other, things we hated about high school, how and why his last relationship ended (1 month ago), discussed racism and interracial dating (he is white), and how he loves his mother and his little brother who is half black...

By 3am, we moved inside. Held hands while sitting on the couch. He told me for about the 3rd time that night that he thinks I'm absolutely gorgeous :blush:. But I called him out by saying he was always a smooth talker, but he swore he wasn't just talking. He even said "I'll even pinky promise.." lol. He went on to say that he never has trouble getting girls and that he never has to try but with me he feels himself trying so hard... and then he stopped himself and said well, I'm not trying really hard but... I don't know, it's hard to explain---Um... say what?? :rolleyes:

We kissed a bit. I kept pulling away though. I didn't give him the opportunity to get into a heated make out session. And eventually I had to go. He walked me to the car and I gave him a short kiss goodbye after asking him to call me...He smiled and said "of course." He told me to call him if I get lost---and I did lol. When I called him we ended up talking on the phone all the way til I got home.

I told him how it was nice kissing someone who wasn't trying to get into my pants at the same time. He was shocked that I experience that all the time. He told me that if I wanted to, I could have driven back home in the morning... and that he would sleep on the couch and I could sleep in his bed. I was shocked by this. He told me to turn around so he could prove it to me because he would like to be able to see me in the morning... He also made a comment about how he can tell I don't just trust anyone... --I didn't realize I had my guard up that much.

When I made it home he asked me what my schedule was like so we could spend time together again. Then we got off the phone. I got home at 4am...

The next day, I got a text from him saying "Thanks for hanging out with us last night. Had fun." I texted him back saying "I had fun too. I'm glad you invited me." An hour later I asked him a question about the whole power outage situation... and he told me what he found out. But now TODAY... I haven't heard from him.

I don't get it! And it's driving me crazy because I keep thinking about how great last night was. I want to see him again.. real soon. I even thought about calling or texting him if I don't hear from him. Maybe that isn't a good idea. I don't know. Thoughts? I thought we really had something going on, especially since he seemed interested in seeing me again at the end of the night. SIGH.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

I don't know about this one- Bumping to get some input for you!
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Be patient. I think he will call. If not, he might have someone else. Did you ask him if he was dating someone now?

I wouldnt call him though...
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Eh, who knows.

Sometimes men aren't serious, sometimes they are.

One night doesn't really mean anything. It's consistency that does.

Plus y'all were drinking.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Eh, who knows.

Sometimes men aren't serious, sometimes they are.

One night doesn't really mean anything. It's consistency that does.

Plus y'all were drinking.


At the same time, I do think you will hear from him, if the night went as you said it did. But please, under no circumstance, should you reach out to him first. He may be trying to play it a bit cool- I mean this WAS just last night (I think?)....ok after re-reading, I think this was Tues night?. Try not to read too much into the fact that you haven't heard from him til this time tomorrow, at the earliest. Keep us updated.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

I would let him pursue you. I made that mistake before and kept calling the guy. Thje guy needs to chase you. Talk to your girls but don't call him first.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Be patient. I think he will call. If not, he might have someone else. Did you ask him if he was dating someone now?
ITA. At the same time, I would wait a couple days or so and do a courtesy call/text in the case that something happened to him, family emergency or whatever. If you text or leave a message and it's not returned then forget about it. I hope it works out for you.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

I would play it cool on this one for a little while and let him make the moves.
He seems to run hot and cold. At 1st you like him and he was not into you, then the tables reversed and you were not into him. You were friends but lost touch, only to regain touch and make a semi connection but then you don't hear from him for months.:nono: You text him and make the reconnection and now you are waiting for his call.

From what you and him both say, he has no problems getting girls and he just got out of a relationship. He was hugged up and kissing on you before you even made it back to his place. He may have been expecting more than you gave that night.

IMO, I think you have done enough as of right now. He says all of the right words and he may be playing into what you want to hear. If he is truly interested in you then let him prove it. Don't chill at his house until early morning because the good boy act may go away sooner or later. He only invited you out to play pool with his fellas and he already feels like he is trying too hard.:rolleyes:

I am not trying to be the debbie downer but let this man pursue and show interest in you. Don't text or call him. He may fade out like he has in the past. If a man is thinking about you, believe me, he will call or text.

Sorry for the long post.
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Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Eh, who knows.

Sometimes men aren't serious, sometimes they are.

One night doesn't really mean anything. It's consistency that does.

Plus y'all were drinking.

That's what I was thinking...

And I know I wouldn't call and if he waits too long to call me I wouldn't be as interested anymore and if he missed another several days I'd be done with him altogether... When men are interested they can't help it and hang around sniffing your tail like a doggy :lachen::lachen::lachen:

That's me.:spinning:
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

I would play it cool on this one for a little while and let him make the moves.
He seems to run hot and cold. At 1st you like him and he was not into you, then the tables reversed and you were not into him. You were friends but lost touch, only to regain touch and make a semi connection but then you don't hear from him for months.:nono: You text him and make the reconnection and now you are waiting for his call.

From what you and him both say, he has no problems getting girls and he just got out of a relationship. He was hugged up and kissing on you before you even made it back to his place. He may have been expecting more than you gave that night.

IMO, I think you have done enough as of right now. He says all of the right words and he may be playing into what you want to hear. If he is truly interested in you then let him prove it. Don't chill at his house until early morning because the good boy act may go away sooner or later. He only invited you out to play pool with his fellas and he already feels like he is trying too hard.:rolleyes:

I am not trying to be the debbie downer but let this man pursue and show interest in you. Don't text or call him. He may fade out like he has in the past. If a man is thinking about you, believe me, he will call or text.

Sorry for the long post.

THANKS! You opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've already fallen for the "good boy" act twice now :nono: This could have been it again, I don't know. But we'll see. This makes me glad I didn't do too much with him.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

I think you're going to find out just how smart you were not to sleep with him that night. :)
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

this guy is known to "like you" when you don't "like him." AKA - he responds to game, ergo, he is about games.

I would pass on this one, but that's just me.
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Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta


imo, the date was too long. got to leave them wanting more! you guys went out, had fun went back to his place, had a LOOONG conversation- made out a bit, you know, what's left but .... ? space that out next time! you had about 10 dates in one.

also, be concious about how you come across especially in front of a guy's friends (who unfortuantely usually have a lot to say about women). To them, it must have looked like you all were in the pool hall, you got a 'good buzz' - she had 4 drinks- let him kiss her neck, rub her back etc. and then their boy took her home.

do THEY know you all just talked? probably not. being extra ladylike in front of friends is not going to hurt.

and if I were you I wouldn't text him. ever. unless it's to revise an address or something non-conversational.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

If he's really interested he will call.

If not, hey at least you didnt sleep with him.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Eh, who knows.

Sometimes men aren't serious, sometimes they are.

One night doesn't really mean anything. It's consistency that does.

Plus y'all were drinking.

I agree, plus you were the one who contacted him first. Just wait for his next move... if there is one.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

THANKS! You opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've already fallen for the "good boy" act twice now :nono: This could have been it again, I don't know. But we'll see. This makes me glad I didn't do too much with him.

You're welcome. It's sometimes hard not to get caught up in the moment and fall for the "game" but listen to what men say and especially how they act. In most instances they will show you their true selves in a short period of time. As hard as it is, us women need to make men work to be with us and not deal with their half arsedness. lol This also does not mean being the angry/guarded woman, it just means showing your heart to someone who is worthy.

I hope this all makes sense. I'm not coming down on you either. So PLEASE do not take it that way. This is coming from a place where me and plenty of women I know have made that mistake in the past.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Seems like he just wanted to get in your panties and when u refused he moved on.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Seems like he just wanted to get in your panties and when u refused he moved on.

I agree,LOL the whole night he was "priming" you to get in your pants.:lachen::lachen:
And what was his explanation about his light being off.......he didn't pay the bill? Like others said,be glad you didn't do anything.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Seems like he just wanted to get in your panties and when u refused he moved on.

That's what I was thinking. I dated a guy like that a long time ago. I assumed he was playing the gentleman role... But he wasn't acting pressed because he had no problem getting it from someone else.

And try not to don't drink and date. Guys are ruthless and a situation like that can easily turn into something else if you are not 100% aware.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Great you didn't sleep with him! I would suggest you wait and see if he calls you. He seems nice but you need more than one date to be sure about that. There's something bugging me but I can't quite put my finger on it. One thing about men, if they are truly interested in going out with you and not only in having sex with you they will make the effort to call you often and see you. You won't have to do too much. It's only been a day though so I wouldn't worry too much but no, don't call or text anymore.
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Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Great advice on this thread! Another thing I noticed is that he said, "Thanks for hanging out with US" as opposed to "Thanks for hanging out with me".

I may be over analyzing but....

Anywhoo, just let him pursue. You will know the answer soon enough...

eta I don't like a guy being physical like that in front of others unless we are established.
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Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Any updates, op?

Haha. Okay so I bought The Rules book 2 days ago and I already broke one of the rules! I texted Caleb today even though I'm talking to another guy lol... I don't know... I just figured if send a brief text that gave him the ability to ignore the conversation or put forth the effort to keep the conversation going. If he ignores it, it's no big deal because I have another guy who has been talking to me on a regular basis.

And well... Caleb managed to start up another text conversation. All I said to him was "Hey... I hope your weekend is going well so far." He could have just said "thanks" but instead he told me how he's been... asked what I have been up to. He told me how he finished building the deck and made a comment how he should invite me back over so I can see it.

And I literally just got a text from the other guy asking if I'd like to go to dinner tonight. I already know what The Rules ladies would say, lol :grin:

OH and I almost forgot to say... I came close to telling him about how a couple of things he said rubbed me the wrong way... but I decided not to tell him that. I can't help but wonder if I should have said it.
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Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Haha. Okay so I bought The Rules book 2 days ago and I already broke one of the rules! I texted Caleb today even though I'm talking to another guy lol... I don't know... I just figured if send a brief text that gave him the ability to ignore the conversation or put forth the effort to keep the conversation going. If he ignores it, it's no big deal because I have another guy who has been talking to me on a regular basis.

And well... Caleb managed to start up another text conversation. All I said to him was "Hey... I hope your weekend is going well so far." He could have just said "thanks" but instead he told me how he's been... asked what I have been up to. He told me how he finished building the deck and made a comment how he should invite me back over so I can see it.

And I literally just got a text from the other guy asking if I'd like to go to dinner tonight. I already know what The Rules ladies would say, lol :grin:

OH and I almost forgot to say... I came close to telling him about how a couple of things he said rubbed me the wrong way... but I decided not to tell him that. I can't help but wonder if I should have said it.

Caleb didn't manage to start the convo up again, you did. Stop chasing this guy.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Caleb didn't manage to start the convo up again, you did. Stop chasing this guy.

That's STILL considered chasing? Oh well :wallbash: I guess I don't see it as chasing him since we have always been platonic friends before that one night.

Yeah well, I guess I'll just focus on this other guy instead. Which was always the plan.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

It's chasing b/c you are hoping/thinking that something more will come of it. Your motive when you contacted him was not just a friendly text. You threw a line to see if he'd bite.

I wouldn't mention those things he said. Pointless IMO.

Anyway, enjoy your dinner with new guy and let Caleb run game on another girl.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Haha. Okay so I bought The Rules book 2 days ago and I already broke one of the rules! I texted Caleb today even though I'm talking to another guy lol... I don't know... I just figured if send a brief text that gave him the ability to ignore the conversation or put forth the effort to keep the conversation going. If he ignores it, it's no big deal because I have another guy who has been talking to me on a regular basis.

And well... Caleb managed to start up another text conversation. All I said to him was "Hey... I hope your weekend is going well so far." He could have just said "thanks" but instead he told me how he's been... asked what I have been up to. He told me how he finished building the deck and made a comment how he should invite me back over so I can see it.

And I literally just got a text from the other guy asking if I'd like to go to dinner tonight. I already know what The Rules ladies would say, lol :grin:

OH and I almost forgot to say... I came close to telling him about how a couple of things he said rubbed me the wrong way... but I decided not to tell him that. I can't help but wonder if I should have said it.

You contacted him first again, and he wants to invite you over. He knows that you're interested in him and may be open to other things... at his place. Please write this guy off. He invited you over to his place, not out on a date where things are nice and safe.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

That's STILL considered chasing? Oh well :wallbash: I guess I don't see it as chasing him since we have always been platonic friends before that one night.

Yeah well, I guess I'll just focus on this other guy instead. Which was always the plan.

Have you even started reading the Rules book? If he's not calling you, he's not into you. He's not interested. He doesn't want to date you.
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Have you even started reading the Rules book? If he's not calling you, he's not into you. He's not interested. He doesn't want to date you.

So true...

Girl, if he's not calling just move on. Don't even waste your time on "caleb". :nono:
Re: I had a REALLY good night with him, but he still hasn't called (long/lots of deta

Have you even started reading the Rules book? If he's not calling you, he's not into you. He's not interested. He doesn't want to date you.

Whoaaa when MissJ gets harsh, it is time to take note!!