I found this lovely message in my inbox...


Well-Known Member
I've been messaging this guy back and forth on POF. His profile made me:rolleyes: . We are in the similar programs in the same school, but I'm always up for making new friends, contacts, networks, or whatever.

He sent this to my inbox:
Right now I'm just taking electives. I'm thinking about doing Ed administration, we'll see. I pretty much look for the same thing in women, but since I've been here in MS it's been very tough finding that, especially intelligent women. I think this is probably because all of the smart young women leave MS and that creates a massive "brain drain" in this state. When I lived in DC, there were so many educated african americans that dating wasn't really an issue. Now I find myself having to lower my standards and settle for women I would have never considered dating before, but as they say "when in rome......". I get excited when I see intelligent african american women here because it is so exteremely rare here.
I bet it's a different story for black women here looking for black men. What are you experiences with that here?
:perplexed Umm negro please. Just wanted to share.
Well he may have across a bit condescending but what if he's right? For him anyways. But if you already can't stand him then it's over before it began
I didn't go IN because his profile alone put him in the "never going to get the draws" category but like I stated, we're in the same department at school. I responded:

I date all types of men, black, white, yellow or green. Some have the attibutes I want, some don't. I quickly rid myself of the undesirables. Most of the time though, even if I don't make a love connection, most end up friends, a new contact, reference, etc.

I'm sorry you're having such trouble dating but I know quite a few intelligent, accomplished women in and from MS. The majority of my classmates and friends are degreed. Some moved away, most didn't. Maybe not as many in DC, probably because MS is smaller, but they're here. Sure you have your undesirables but what location doesn't? Where are you looking?

FYI: your luck may change if you reframe from making statements like the ones in this message. Just a suggestion ;-)
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I can see how that might come off as incredibly pretentious, but it also seems like he's being genuine in recounting his experience. If his reference point is DC, well, there's just a really unusually high concentration of certain types of "go getters" that is not present other places. So he could have unreasonable expectations.

I've often had conversations with men where they will complain about this, that or the other about the women they've been meeting lately. It's always something different. The most recent one complained that all the women are "player girls." Anyway, you said you've been chatting back and forth and that his profile made you :rolleyes: so maybe he is arrogant. If it were me, though, I'd probably take in a little more info before completely dismissing him.
Oh yes, the classic 'let me insult your entire people/state/school/race/culture/etc...but then be like "but yous differ'nt...I likes you!" ' gtfoh. WHYYYY do people think this is appropriate/a compliment? And (IME) people usually do it when they tryna mack! :spin: Like hellooo!! That's not a compliment arsehole!

And what did he mean by BW having a different experience with BM? Is he implying that MS is overun with stupid BW and intelligent BM? *guffaws out of thread*
Here is his profile:
play guitar, read, exercize, etc.
My goal to to become a university president
I'm unique in the fact that you will not find another black man that is working on a PhD, has a stable job with no kids and little debt. Also not overweight or obese. I'm very intelligent and very few woman can hang with me on a conversation without feeling ignorant. If you think you can hang let me know and when the time is right you will get to see a pic (Most women are shocked to see my 411 and fall out when I post the pic, they don't believe I can look that good, so I always get girls that aren't very attractive and I get tired of having to let them down, so I won't post a pic until I get a chance to know her first). I'm not bragging, just telling the truth, but I am a really cool down to earth person if you get to know me. Did I also mention I have no kids and that I'm christian:)
what. a. pr*ck.

play guitar, read, exercize, etc.
My goal to to become a university president
I'm unique in the fact that you will not find another black man that is working on a PhD, has a stable job with no kids and little debt. Also not overweight or obese. I'm very intelligent and very few woman can hang with me on a conversation without feeling ignorant. If you think you can hang let me know and when the time is right you will get to see a pic (Most women are shocked to see my 411 and fall out when I post the pic, they don't believe I can look that good, so I always get girls that aren't very attractive and I get tired of having to let them down, so I won't post a pic until I get a chance to know her first). I'm not bragging, just telling the truth, but I am a really cool down to earth person if you get to know me. Did I also mention I have no kids and that I'm christian

I can see how that might come off as incredibly pretentious, but it also seems like he's being genuine in recounting his experience. If his reference point is DC, well, there's just a really unusually high concentration of certain types of "go getters" that is not present other places. So he could have unreasonable expectations.

I've often had conversations with men where they will complain about this, that or the other about the women they've been meeting lately. It's always something different. The most recent one complained that all the women are "player girls." Anyway, you said you've been chatting back and forth and that his profile made you :rolleyes: so maybe he is arrogant. If it were me, though, I'd probably take in a little more info before completely dismissing him.
I've had my fill of highly educated, socially retarded men. Being educated and accomplished is something to be proud of. However, you're supposed to educate yourself, get a decent job, and be a contributing member of society.
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I've had my fill of highly educated, socially retarded men. Being educated and accomplished is something to be proud of. However, you're supposed to educate yourself, get a decent job, and be a contributing member of society.

That's perfectly fair. His profile would have turned me off immediately...much more so than the message. He appears to think that he's God's gift to women. I'm also :perplexed at the misspelling of exercise.
I've had my fill of highly educated, socially retarded men. Being educated and accomplished is something to be proud of. However, you're supposed to educate yourself, get a decent job, and be a contributing member of society.

That's my belief: It's a given! I'm not going to reward you for doing what you're supposed to do:lachen:
I wouldn't be angry at all by his statement. At least he didn't say, "There are no intelligent African AMerican women in MS, so im going to only date white women." Now, that would be different. At least he has not given up on black women as a whole.
I wouldn't be angry at all by his statement. At least he didn't say, "There are no intelligent African AMerican women in MS, so im going to only date white women." Now, that would be different. At least he has not given up on black women as a whole.

Nothing against you OP, but this is sad.

How low has the bar fallen when we get satisfied/happy about "at least".

"At least he hasn't been to prison"
"At least he only has one kid/has no kids before marrying"
"At least he has a job"
"At least he dates black women"

At least at least at least.

I'm sick of "at least"
OP, this dude is a cocky bastid given his profile:nono:, i bet his peen is little or doesn't work properly:look:

FYI: Ladies I am from the south and live in NYC, In this bastid's defense, me and my educated friends found difficulty finding intelligent, well spoken men that were willing to try things that were new or different. I find in general even if folks are educated down south or the midwest they do tend to be more ignorant/close minded cause religion is everything (never mind that eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, and excercise is in Gods plans for you, too:rolleyes:).In addition to not wanting a man with kids, no pants hanging off their behinds, no cornrows,not gay/dl/ or bi the pickings got real slim. I went home to VA (Richmond) for the holidays and :nono: at the way men carried themselves down there and it seems to have gotten worse since I have left. The women looked and acted no better, for the most part ( I've never seen so many jacked heads of hair, sloppy appearances, and morbidly obese women under the age of 30). My chances in NYC are slighty better in some ways but at the same time, there are more arseholes per sq ft. Don't be insulted or touchy ladies with larger cities come more things to do culturally and tons of activities to get involved in other than working, sleeping, eating, and church/bible study. Maybe this is what Mr. Man meant....but his profile was a turnoff and he wouldn't have gotten any sort of response from me:nono:
OP, this dude is a cocky bastid given his profile:nono:, i bet his peen is little or doesn't work properly:look:

FYI: Ladies I am from the south and live in NYC, In this bastid's defense, me and my educated friends found difficulty finding intelligent, well spoken men that were willing to try things that were new or different. I find in general even if folks are educated down south or the midwest they do tend to be more ignorant/close minded cause religion is everything (never mind that eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, and excercise is in Gods plans for you, too:rolleyes:).In addition to not wanting a man with kids, no pants hanging off their behinds, no cornrows,not gay/dl/ or bi the pickings got real slim. I went home to VA (Richmond) for the holidays and :nono: at the way men carried themselves down there and it seems to have gotten worse since I have left. The women looked and acted no better, for the most part ( I've never seen so many jacked heads of hair, sloppy appearances, and morbidly obese women under the age of 30). My chances in NYC are slighty better in some ways but at the same time, there are more arseholes per sq ft. Don't be insulted or touchy ladies with larger cities come more things to do culturally and tons of activities to get involved in other than working, sleeping, eating, and church/bible study. Maybe this is what Mr. Man meant....but his profile was a turnoff and he wouldn't have gotten any sort of response from me:nono:
ITA. And if he had said this, I would have been fine:yep:.

lol, glad I could make you laugh :yep:

Were you romantically interested in him?
:lol:No I wasn't. I was just being nice (and procrastinating:look:). I have a S.O. but we have differing views about marriage that I foresee being a problem in the future so I'm exploring other options.
:rofl: That profile :rofl:

Seriously, if even half of this was true, this is NOT the profile you would post and you sure wouldn't send some asinine message about not being able to fine a quality woman and having to slum it. Trust...most of this is some online fiction writing.
I think it's laughable that he's trying to convince anyone that he's so intelligent, yet his profile thing is full of spelling and grammatical errors. Um, okay dude. You're not as smart as you think if you can't even properly communicate on an online profile. :ohwell:

The first message of his you posted didn't bother me much at all. Mostly because I've heard women (even women here on LHCF) say the same thing about the population of black men in any given area of the country. Why fault the guy for being honest? I'm sure it is a very different dating scene in the deep south than in D.C. :shrug: Maybe all the smarts sistas can see his ego from a mile away and have been avoiding him :lol:
His profile is very off-putting, to say the least. And then that obnoxious message? OP, keep him around for sh!ts and giggles.
Here is his profile:

"Did I also mention I have no kids and that I'm TOOL
:rofl: That profile :rofl:

Seriously, if even half of this was true, this is NOT the profile you would post and you sure wouldn't send some asinine message about not being able to fine a quality woman and having to slum it. Trust...most of this is some online fiction writing.

Okay!:lol::lol: I doubt he's even officially in a program! Our school lets you take courses prior to applying for the program. I think that's what he's doing because he could not answer when I asked which educational program he's in. You pick you major underneath the umbrella of Ed Leadership but Ed Leadership itself is NOT a major.

I think it's laughable that he's trying to convince anyone that he's so intelligent, yet his profile thing is full of spelling and grammatical errors. Um, okay dude. You're not as smart as you think if you can't even properly communicate on an online profile. :ohwell:

The first message of his you posted didn't bother me much at all. Mostly because I've heard women (even women here on LHCF) say the same thing about the population of black men in any given area of the country. Why fault the guy for being honest? I'm sure it is a very different dating scene in the deep south than in D.C. :shrug: Maybe all the smarts sistas can see his ego from a mile away and have been avoiding him :lol:
:lol::lol::lol: We like em humble here. We're nice but you will get your @ss handed to you quick being arrogant.
His profile is very off-putting, to say the least. And then that obnoxious message? OP, keep him around for sh!ts and giggles.

Yes, Imma have to see his pitcha.:lol:
Oh yes, the classic 'let me insult your entire people/state/school/race/culture/etc...but then be like "but yous differ'nt...I likes you!" ' gtfoh. WHYYYY do people think this is appropriate/a compliment? And (IME) people usually do it when they tryna mack! :spin: Like hellooo!! That's not a compliment arsehole!

And what did he mean by BW having a different experience with BM? Is he implying that MS is overun with stupid BW and intelligent BM? *guffaws out of thread*

This guy says insulting women works! :blush:
YouTube - How to Meet Women (hidden cam)

He even secretly tapes a woman responding well to his insults!