I finally spilled the beans...


New Member
Yesterday, I told one of my co-workers that I care about another co-worker and have been caring about him for a while. This boy does anything for me without hesitation, for example he picks me up and takes me anywhere I want to go, he picks me up from college and takes me back home and takes me back to college despite the high gas prices, he is just a great person all around. I am happy to have gained an interest in him over the years.


You ever been in one of those good friendships where you are scared to take it further than what it is with fear of ruining the pureity of the friendship? I feel safe just caring about him and he feels the same. I don't want to ruin what we have, but I know that my feelings for him are as strong as a relaxer! :lachen: But have you ladies been in this predicament where you are feeling a close friend and fear taking it further? What have you done in this type of situation? I think it is best I leave it where it is.
Yesterday, I told one of my co-workers that I care about another co-worker and have been caring about him for a while. This boy does anything for me without hesitation, for example he picks me up and takes me anywhere I want to go, he picks me up from college and takes me back home and takes me back to college despite the high gas prices, he is just a great person all around. I am happy to have gained an interest in him over the years.


You ever been in one of those good friendships where you are scared to take it further than what it is with fear of ruining the pureity of the friendship? I feel safe just caring about him and he feels the same. I don't want to ruin what we have, but I know that my feelings for him are as strong as a relaxer! :lachen: But have you ladies been in this predicament where you are feeling a close friend and fear taking it further? What have you done in this type of situation? I think it is best I leave it where it is.

We starting dating, broke up because we didn't want to ruin our friendship, dated other people :lachen:, got back together, moved in together and now we're having a kid. :look:
oh, man.! congrats on everyone's success you are making me feel that maybe this can work. I just wish I had the guts to tell him everything. I will take it slowly though and just fall into it unexpected or so.

gosh, i am falling hard spent time with him today to help him study for the ASVAB and he let me borrow his Wii and took me to mcdonalds ... minus the high caloric intake of the mcdonalds it was a cool day.
I was starting to have feelings for a friend once and I gave him all kinds of hints everything from being graphic to smacking him on his booty often. I guess he really wasn't interested because he didn't make any moves so I just played it off like everything I did was just a big joke. I never told him my feelings upfront and I'm glad I didn't.

I would just say drop hints and sort of feel out the situation to see if he feels the same.