Finally Engaged!!!!! WOO HOO!!!

Awww, congrats!

How did you two meet?

Spiffy - we met online on OKCupid actually. Here's something REALLY interesting - we each had a friend who joined the site a little while after they found out we met each other online. BOTH of them also go engaged this year!!!
Congrats Dear Heart!!!! How did he pop the question?

He actually proposed at home right before our anniversary dinner. He insisted that I had to be home by a "certain time." I knew something was up, but I decided not to ask any questions and just agreed. He pretended like he was going into the kitchen to put a few things away, and then he materialized right in front of me while I was watching TV with a ring and a bottle of champagne with this adorable puppy dog look in his eyes. He said he debated whether or not he should propose at home, but he figured it was the right place because he knows that the apartment holds a special place in my heart - it's the first place that's ever truly felt like home since I was a little girl.

He then took me to an amazing restaurant and then we went for a late stroll around the city to enjoy the Christmas lights. It felt like the night just breezed on by, like I was floating on air.
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Yay! I remember you and your stories from a few years back. So happy to see you found the one! Could we see the ring? Pretty please??? Lol.

I knew at least one of ya'll was going to ask. Haha! Here it is!!! Please excuse the resolution - my camera phone is crap. Also, don't get on to much about any ashiness you might see in the photo. It was cold out that night and I hadn't had a chance to moisturize before we left for dinner!!! :lachen:


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OP I am so happy for you.

I remember the heartache you shared a couple years ago regarding a relationship you had with a frog (no I don't have elephant memory, but I remembered because we share a similar childhood history).

You so deserve this! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much! And WOW, you DO have a great memory!

But that frog and another frog led me to this prince. It was because of both of those relationships that I had my "last straw" when it came to men and relationships that were not going to go anywhere. I made up my mind that I was out to find a husband. Those guys also played an important role because they opened me up to different types of men - both of them were vastly different from other types of guys I had dated before and yet, I found myself very attracted to them. Had I met my future husband just 1 or 2 years earlier, I may have passed on him and over stupid things, too - two years younger, lived further away than I'd like, worked in a more "creative" field that I didn't really understand at the time. It truly would've been the worst mistake that I've made in my life.
Spiffy - we met online on OKCupid actually. Here's something REALLY interesting - we each had a friend who joined the site a little while after they found out we met each other online. BOTH of them also go engaged this year!!!

Yay for OkCupid! My best friend met her husband there and I was a bridesmaid for her wedding in April!
Spiffy - we met online on OKCupid actually. Here's something REALLY interesting - we each had a friend who joined the site a little while after they found out we met each other online. BOTH of them also go engaged this year!!!

Haha, you two sprinkled your love dust on them! :lol:
I remember some of your dating/relationship experiences from years ago. It's so good to hear that you found and settled with a great guy. Congrats!