I feel uncomfortable now...


Well-Known Member
I took photos of my hair progress on my cell phone and happened to be going through them while I was at work. A male co-worker came out of nowhere and saw the photo of me in my avatar and was intrigued. It's hard to explain why one has a half-naked photo of themselves (even though nothing was exposed) and their hair. I felt so embarassed...and he started to look at me differently, as in "Ooh, I didn't know phynestone looked like that underneath all those clothes" and ugh! I will never take hair photos on my camera phone again! I really think he wanted to say something else, but decided against it. He's nice-looking, but I don't want to date someone who's going to start looking at me like a juicy t-bone steak everytime I see him. Thank God I don't see him often.
dont sweat it........the pic isnt even that big. you could have had a tankie under too...btw nice progress pic