I Double-dare YOU to take the 7 day V-challenge!

Since I already co wash and bun daily, I'm in! I'll be starting tomorrow :grin:
I'm going to do this in 2008. I want to develop the most effective and simple regimen. If Chicoro benefits from this, then I gotta try it.

This is one of my favorite threads even though I never posted in it before. This is the thread that turned me on to vaseline and baggying my ends. I went from raggedy split ends and dry dull hair to a more healthy head. I loved Leejure's and Adrienne's ends. The proof was in the pudding so to speak by looking at the results in their respective hair albums. I had never seen ends like theirs before and this was their secret. It definitely helped me!
I tried this last night and my ends feel so good. I trimmed my bad ends a month ago because they felt dry and plus i'm trying to grow out color, but I wish I would have seen this earlier too. (That trim set me back I'll find out on the 31st if I made APL)

But I'm going to keep it going because my goal is not to trim my hair next year and if I do no more than an inch (I cut a little less than 4 inches this year).

Retaining length is my goal for next year. (By any means necessary)

Six inches or more here I come.
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This is a wonderful thread!

I never posted in it before, but I have been employing this method for a while now and the difference in my ends is phenomenal. What a wonderful tip!

BTW, I use Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil Treatment or Hollywood Beauty Super Gro in lieu of Vaseline and they work equally well.
I'll give this a go too.

This thread is still going after over 4 years so it must be working for people!
I did this one a couple of time and then stopped. I think my hair liked it. :wallbash:

:auto: On my way back to the Vaseline coated ends.

I've been in a baggie for about 2 months now... I have NO CLUE how long my hair is, but if I do this challenge, I know I'll be hitting BSL early...

I'm so in, i won't even think twice about this one the only difference is it won't be a 7 day challenge for me it will becaome part of my daily hair care routine. Thanks Lee.
okay im on it. I know the 7 days is about up, will there be another one. Either way im starting today
I wonder how hard the vaseline would be to wash out .....anyone know???

For me, I think it takes time to wash out.

I use it strategically. If I know I am going to be wearing my hair loose in a straightened style, in the next week or so, I don't use anything heavy like vaseline or butters on my hair ends - the week BEFORE.

If you are using it every week, you can get it out and clean your hair for the next washing. When I am planning on wearing my hair out, no matter what I have used in my hair - be it water based or something greasy- I do conditioner washes everyday for 3-4 days before I get it straightened. I condition wash, and only put in barely enough product to keep my hair presentable. Then I wet and condition wash again. So for me, if I were going to wear my hair straightened regularly, I would not use the heavier sealants like vaseline. It would put too much stress on my hair in the form of too much manipulation. But, if you are wearing natural,protected styles over a long period of time, it might be a good option for you.
I'm acutally gonna try this on Sunday - my full wash/dc day. This is good for natural hair too? I guess it wouldn't matter.

Since I stopped using cones, I've been trying to find a way of keeping my hair ends moist and free from twisting on each other...wtihout cone based/gel prodcuts.

We'll see what happens.:yep:

*ETA - Is the vaseline used for sealing or as a mositurizer?
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Maybe I did something wrong...

I tried vaseline for 3 days and my hair was a HOT MESS! It was so dry with vaseline globbed over it didn't make good for braid out twists NADA...

Blah!...Maybe someone can re-educate me on this
Maybe I did something wrong...

I tried vaseline for 3 days and my hair was a HOT MESS! It was so dry with vaseline globbed over it didn't make good for braid out twists NADA...

Blah!...Maybe someone can re-educate me on this

Did you wear in a protective bun??? Just asking because it says bun only and I can imagine wearing my ends out with vaseline on it. Wearing my hair out makes it sooooo dry...
For me, I think it takes time to wash out.

I use it strategically. If I know I am going to be wearing my hair loose in a straightened style, in the next week or so, I don't use anything heavy like vaseline or butters on my hair ends - the week BEFORE.

If you are using it every week, you can get it out and clean your hair for the next washing. When I am planning on wearing my hair out, no matter what I have used in my hair - be it water based or something greasy- I do conditioner washes everyday for 3-4 days before I get it straightened. I condition wash, and only put in barely enough product to keep my hair presentable. Then I wet and condition wash again. So for me, if I were going to wear my hair straightened regularly, I would not use the heavier sealants like vaseline. It would put too much stress on my hair in the form of too much manipulation. But, if you are wearing natural,protected styles over a long period of time, it might be a good option for you.

thanks Chicoro, I may have to try this then...still contemplating
Wow. This is pretty much great- I have been looking for a solution for my dry ends. This comes along after I swore off petroleum as the devil, who knew?? I plan on getting a good trim to start out '09, and keeping my hair mostly in twists, do you think it would work for that type of style? I just might be off to get a jar of vaseline. . . or maybe take it old school and get the green Blue Magic lol!