I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer!


Well-Known Member

I joined a site catered to black women and asian men. The site claims to encourage interaction between black women and asian men. Well, I joined and it seemed like a fun site. Lots of interaction, good people on there.

A few days ago, I went on the site and the creator(AM) of the site posted a thread about why people left , etc. It included some information about his past. In 1995, the creator was convicted for murdering a 13 year old black girl. He claims that he was acccused of "assisting" to a murder. Well, In his post he also added an article of a former member of the site.

the article written by the moderator who left!!!

The washington Times Article with details of the crime.

I also discovered the crime done was extremely gruesome and heartless. He and his friend was 15 at the time. They(Creator and his friend) lured the 13 year old girl in the woods where they beat her, stabbed her 42 times and crushed her skull with a porcelain sink.

On top of that!!! the moderator in the post above left also because of the fact some of the members (AM) where seeing some members(BW) who are underage. Many members( AM & BW) complained and it seems nothing was done about it.

I closed and deleted my account and tried to warn other about it. It just doesnt sit well with me. Especially knowing how there is a large amount of BW on that site...I would say at least 80 to 90% of the members are BW).

I was a member of the site for a about 1 month or 2. Not very long.:nono:

Ladies, If you or any one who know is visiting or a member of the site Please let them know of this information!!!!

* Since I feel its important I will try to looking up any threads in here where people where either looking to go on that site or joining or likely to join and PM them the link to this post!!! I don't care how long it take!!!
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Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

How horrifying! Did the site creator (the convicted murderer) create the date/connection website immediately upon his release from prison... or before his release?

His 'Jail Mail" page says that his expected release date was October 2010. [http://www.jailmail.net/vsovannmd.htm ]

If he created the site before release, that is a worrisome aspect of Internet access for felons. If afterwards, then... he was in a big hurry!
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

what in the world..... thats awful. Wow. I never even knew about the site but thanks for posting just in case I need to pass this information forward.

How is he not in jail still?? That was an extremely angry crime.
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

How horrifying! Did the site creator (the convicted murderer) create the date/connection website immediately upon his release from prison... or before his release?

His 'Jail Mail" page says that his expected release date was October 2010. [http://www.jailmail.net/vsovannmd.htm ]

If he created the site before release, that is a worrisome aspect of Internet access for felons. If afterwards, then... he was in a big hurry!

I think the site was created in 2011. I remember trying to join it in Janurary.
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

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Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

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Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

Um...wow this is horrible. But this is why I say THOROUGHLY research any dating site before going rogue.

Forbes and AOL wrote an article about scam artists stealing people's identity and other crimes on sites like Match.com and LOVE @ AOL. This "unite" site you're talking about seems to be a scam in its entirety, but in the world of online dating in general, you have to play it safe.

@BlackHairDiva I would put this in the "Online Dating Safety" sticky thread if you haven't already, as well as the off topic board, etc.

This was not a dating site but more like a community site...type of thing. They even got gatherings where members do outings.:nono: On the front page it shows that a person of any age can join its a community site!!!
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

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Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

This is rather disturbing, but knowledge is power in any case. Thanks for the heads up OP.
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

I have never heard of this site, but thanks for the heads up OP! :)
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

The internet...where ANYBODY can do ANYTHING on here. :nono:
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

WOW! That is some crazy sheet................

I joined a site catered to black women and asian men. The site claims to encourage interaction between black women and asian men. Well, I joined and it seemed like a fun site. Lots of interaction, good people on there.

A few days ago, I went on the site and the creator(AM) of the site posted a thread about why people left , etc. It included some information about his past. In 1995, the creator was convicted for murdering a 13 year old black girl. He claims that he was acccused of "assisting" to a murder. Well, In his post he also added an article of a former member of the site.

the article written by the moderator who left!!!

The washington Times Article with details of the crime.

I also discovered the crime done was extremely gruesome and heartless. He and his friend was 15 at the time. They(Creator and his friend) lured the 13 year old girl in the woods where they beat her, stabbed her 42 times and crushed her skull with a porcelain sink.

On top of that!!! the moderator in the post above left also because of the fact some of the members (AM) where seeing some members(BW) who are underage. Many members( AM & BW) complained and it seems nothing was done about it.

I closed and deleted my account and tried to warn other about it. It just doesnt sit well with me. Especially knowing how there is a large amount of BW on that site...I would say at least 80 to 90% of the members are BW).

I was a member of the site for a about 1 month or 2. Not very long.:nono:

Ladies, If you or any one who know is visiting or a member of the site Please let them know of this information!!!!

* Since I feel its important I will try to looking up any threads in here where people where either looking to go on that site or joining or likely to join and PM them the link to this post!!! I don't care how long it take!!!

I'm late on this post but I was a member of the site that the owner spun off from. I'm friends with the girl who started dcambw. The owner of bwamu joined and was causing alot of trouble. He had just come out of jail and he was very manipulative. He would sleep with women he met on the site and tell everyone. My friend had to shut the site down because of all the drama and she also realized the men on there weren't serious. That's when Vinod(that's his name) started bwamu. He actually started it shortly before my friend closed hers down. He has these parties at his house sometimes. I went to one and I left 15 minutes later because it felt so wierd. The men on those sites are losers and outcast. A lot of them see black women as an experiment and would never take a black woman home to their parents. I left because I didn't get a good vibe from the men on there. A lot of the guys there are really creepy.
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

I'm late on this post but I was a member of the site that the owner spun off from. I'm friends with the girl who started dcambw. The owner of bwamu joined and was causing alot of trouble. He had just come out of jail and he was very manipulative. He would sleep with women he met on the site and tell everyone. My friend had to shut the site down because of all the drama and she also realized the men on there weren't serious. That's when Vinod(that's his name) started bwamu. He actually started it shortly before my friend closed hers down. He has these parties at his house sometimes. I went to one and I left 15 minutes later because it felt so wierd. The men on those sites are losers and outcast. A lot of them see black women as an experiment and would never take a black woman home to their parents. I left because I didn't get a good vibe from the men on there. A lot of the guys there are really creepy.

Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

I'm sorry this happened but if you're still looking to meet cool guys have you tried the phone chatlines? I meet my fiance on a line called quest personals its free for women you chat with the guy you like and only exchange info or numbers if you want
It's pretty cool maybe google the number for your area.
I'm sorry this happened but if you're still looking to meet cool guys have you tried the phone chatlines? I meet my fiance on a line called quest personals its free for women you chat with the guy you like and only exchange info or numbers if you want
It's pretty cool maybe google the number for your area.

I'm giving the online thing a rest for now
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

I'm late on this post but I was a member of the site that the owner spun off from. I'm friends with the girl who started dcambw. The owner of bwamu joined and was causing alot of trouble. He had just come out of jail and he was very manipulative. He would sleep with women he met on the site and tell everyone. My friend had to shut the site down because of all the drama and she also realized the men on there weren't serious. That's when Vinod(that's his name) started bwamu. He actually started it shortly before my friend closed hers down. He has these parties at his house sometimes. I went to one and I left 15 minutes later because it felt so wierd. The men on those sites are losers and outcast. A lot of them see black women as an experiment and would never take a black woman home to their parents. I left because I didn't get a good vibe from the men on there. A lot of the guys there are really creepy.

WOW!!!! I heard about the parties, but what feels odd is that many of these girls are young real young! As in 16 to 18. They have no clue what they are into. I also had a weird vibe, I couldn't help but wonder how the site was promoted when it came to the men. Was promoted one way to men and another way to the women. that is what doesn't sit well with me. A few months, 2months, I got an email from V asking me to join. I didn't answer it. Then, I got another email from him (V) like 1 or 2 weeks later saying that somehow my profile got erased and that I should go the site to reopen the account. Ignored both emails. Believe it or not among those guys I meet one that is a CEO of of company. I was not feeling it at all. I suspect some members on there are gang member or former gang members. There is one skinny guy with glasses always talking like he is a gangsta.Cursing and everything.
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WOW!!!! I heard about the parties, but what feels odd is that many of these girls are young real young! As in 16 to 18. They have no clue what they are into. I also had a weird vibe, I couldn't help but wonder how the site was promoted when it came to the men. Was promoted one way to men and another way to the women. that is what doesn't sit well with me. A few months, 2months, I got an email from V asking me to join. I didn't answer it. Then, I got another email from him (V) like 1 or 2 weeks later saying that somehow my profile got erased and that I should go the site to reopen the account. Ignored both emails. Believe it or not among those guys I meet one that is a CEO of of company. I was not feeling it at all. I suspect some members on there are gang member or former gang members. There is one skinny guy with glasses always talking like he is a gangsta.Cursing and everything.

He has sent me those e-mails too and I just ignore. I heard that some of the men there have criminal records. I have a thing for Asian guys but that was not what I signed up for. I left because I was mad that young, beautiful, and college attending women were throwing themselves at men who did not see their worth. It left a bad taste in my mouth and caused me to look at Asians differently.
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

And notice how that site was made of 70% black women? *shakes head*
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

Thank you Thank you OP for posting this information!!! I had no idea. I used to be a member of the bwam site for a short period but left due to the creepy like guys pictured from V's parties and the fact that it seemed like 50 black women to one asian man. After reading this my stomach dropped. And it sickens me that he has a fb page and STILL has the bwam site running (with paid members -which i really don't understand that reasoning...i mean what are you paying for? to talk to like what? four asian men!!). And that my sisters is sad.

Thank you again
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

Thank you Thank you OP for posting this information!!! I had no idea. I used to be a member of the bwam site for a short period but left due to the creepy like guys pictured from V's parties and the fact that it seemed like 50 black women to one asian man. After reading this my stomach dropped. And it sickens me that he has a fb page and STILL has the bwam site running (with paid members -which i really don't understand that reasoning...i mean what are you paying for? to talk to like what? four asian men!!). And that my sisters is sad.

Thank you again

Thanks, I hope and pray that the site ends. I remember going in the chat room and there where a bunch of these men on video and all of them where cursing like sailors. One of them came across as very violent. Forgot what is name was. Again I question how the site was promoted on asian sites or in foreign asian languages. :nono: I get sick to my stomach just thinking about this.
Thanks, I hope and pray that the site ends. I remember going in the chat room and there where a bunch of these men on video and all of them where cursing like sailors. One of them came across as very violent. Forgot what is name was. Again I question how the site was promoted on asian sites or in foreign asian languages. :nono: I get sick to my stomach just thinking about this.

Lol! Intricate, j Cooper, and Tyler seemed like cool guys(even though kind of weird, but the rest...I went by the names of joy and lala. I don't think you knew me
Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

Is this the creator?


He is featured on the beyondblackwhite.com site. I wonder if the Author Christelyn Karazin is aware of this! :shocked:

No its not. Its this guy . [http://www.jailmail.net/vsovannmd.htm ]

I wish that I could tell the author about the site so she is aware of what is going. Never mind , I did some research and emailed the author of the site.
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Re: I discovered that a site created for asian men/BW created by a convicted murderer

Lol! Intricate, j Cooper, and Tyler seemed like cool guys(even though kind of weird, but the rest...I went by the names of joy and lala. I don't think you knew me

yes I spoke to you before. I was simply nina or nina007.