New And Exciting Opportunities For Dating For Bw

What?! I'm shocked that they weren't sued into the ground. :lol: Is that why they have that old man in the commercial, as branding that lends a home-y feel that sorta explains being old-school (or 'close-minded' if thats how you see it) in their restrictions?

That's so interesting. Hmmm. The long questionnaire leads me to think that they see themselves more as 'matchmakers' (ie, an old man who just happens to know two suitable young people) than a 'dating site' (where you're just fending for yourself, like a big virtual bar). Is that true?

If so, it might behoove you/ y'all/ whoever to invent some sort of imaginary back-story, maybe an old Southern black couple who enjoys hooking up distant kin to act as the face of the organization. :look: It certainly sounds better than "A group of young black women, disgusted by local dating choices, teamed up to... " :blah: :rolleyes:

Idk, just thinking aloud... cannot announce how tired we are and how we deserve blah blah blah. It will have to speak simply FOR how fabulous we are through it's words and design versus some manifesto. That's the way to do it.
Will this only be for those looking for ltr /marriage? I think a site like this could work more as a matchmaking service with a panel that approved the women and eligible suitors with an unspecified criteria known to the public.

It will make more work for those running the site but it will allow you guys to be selective. People will submit apps that include a bio, pics and a short questionnaire and either get accepted and allowed to set up a profile or get an email saying their app was not accepted at this time feel free to reapply in 6 months :look:

People like the idea of exclusivity so it could def work, getting suitors will be your hardest job. I have a great name for the site :sekret: and I just checked, it's not taken.
I like this idea.

With the whole selection process - I def like the idea of having some approval process, not too burdensome but would add validity and uphold the caliber of individuals on both sides. A lot of social sites already do this through in-person or over Skpye, Google Hangout: IvyConnect, ASmallWorld, etc. And as you approve people they can be allowed to suggest other like-minded friends. Exclusivity works.

Will this only be for those looking for ltr /marriage? I think a site like this could work more as a matchmaking service with a panel that approved the women and eligible suitors with an unspecified criteria known to the public.

It will make more work for those running the site but it will allow you guys to be selective. People will submit apps that include a bio, pics and a short questionnaire and either get accepted and allowed to set up a profile or get an email saying their app was not accepted at this time feel free to reapply in 6 months :look:

People like the idea of exclusivity so it could def work, getting suitors will be your hardest job. I have a great name for the site :sekret: and I just checked, it's not taken.
I am late reading this post, (originally I thought it was about 'dating tips' for I didn't enter) nonetheless, if there is any further communication I would like to find out more. I love the idea and have been looking to invest in a business venture for years if you have taken your discussions offline, which I completely understand... Reach out to me if this is something you plan to continue to pursue.
I am late reading this post, (originally I thought it was about 'dating tips' for I didn't enter) nonetheless, if there is any further communication I would like to find out more. I love the idea and have been looking to invest in a business venture for years if you have taken your discussions offline, which I completely understand... Reach out to me if this is something you plan to continue to pursue.

i am still pursuing it. right now i am still in the research phase i guess. with no contacts and basically no specialized knowledge of what it would take for something like this to succeed i havent even begun to figure out where to start yet. but maybe i should start reaching out to people.
so just out of nowhere this morning on my drive into work i had an idea about a new dating site for bw.

i know, nothing groundbreaking, right? whatever. but while this was occurring to me i was also reminded of a conversation i had with my coworker where she just randomly mentioned the site (that i had never heard of, and i consider myself very familiar with online dating sites) which is for indian people to find other indian people to marry. not so groundbreaking, lots of ethnicities have sites like this (jdate comes to mind).

but all out of nowhere it just started occurring to me that with the proper amount of oversight, a site specifically geared toward finding partners for eligible black women might have a market. i mean it would obviously have a market for women, but also one for attracting suitors.

if you follow my posts here you know that i am very very big on misrepresentation of black people in the media. it is my personal belief that rampant negative stereotypes are more than a little bit responsible for many of the different kinds of racism and sexism we have to deal with. so in addition to being a functional site for eligible women to find eligible partners, part of its goal would also be focused on redirecting and rebranding the image of black women.

we are the most highly educated group in this country, our entrepreneurial pursuits are groundbreaking, and we are damn fine and make (obviously loyal :giggle:) very committed and loving partners. we need the paradigm to shift, damnit.

so heres what i would propose:

a site for eligible AND ATTRACTIVE single black women. an eharmony for bw if you will.

sorry to say but i had a thought the other day. i was in the car or something and saw a bw who looked like, you know, the stereotype of a typical "hood" bw. i am not making a comment on whether or not she was legitimately attractive because i didnt even get a look at her face, but i thought... when people say they aren't attracted to bw, are they talking about real live black women, or some negative stereotype of what they think a bw is? so a key selling point would be quality control for attractiveness. i am in no way implying that you have to look (or be, or act, or think) any certain way in order to be considered desirable, but is this not what we discuss on this site all day long?

there would be a non-negotiable emphasis on the site being solely for attractive bw. of course, the criteria would be diverse and inclusive, but frankly, there will be no bbws. this is about image and perception. this is about branding. so the selling point is going to have to be, delicately, attractiveness. that could also work as an incentive!

another non-negotiable criterion would be high achieving. college degree at a minimum, but advertised, obviously, with the best of the best.

there will be no restrictions based on parenthood status, age, employment status, or location. or um... biracialness? :lol: black-identified will suffice. but the line is drawn there. no dolezals.

i would imagine a site like this would have no audience initially, so it would have to function in some other way in its early stages, not for a different goal, but just a precursor until it was able to function as a dating or matchingmaking service. but once it starts attracting men, the men will be verified by credential and employment. the minimum bar here will also be a college diploma, and maybe for additional membership benefits they could choose to verify their income if they wanted, or something.

i think with a really cute design, high quality site maneuvering, and a catchy name this is something that could take off. the funding could even be crowdsourced because hey, arent we the newest group to flaunt our disposable income?


Just do it and don't ask for too much approval. I am always coming up with ideas for businesses and I must say everytime I share my ideas with too many people I get opposition. I've learnt to share with a select few. Opposition is good because it pushes you to test if you are really serious about implementing your idea and it helps you to improve things but at the same time you don't need opposition to tell you what is in your heart. Constructive criticism is always helpful but anymore after that is blah blah for me. Good luck and just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many businesses people started from scratch no contacts nothing. You just have to have the dream. Look at the owner of CurlBox, people thought her idea was mad even crap but it didn't stop her. Look at her now.

Almond Eyes
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Just do it and don't ask for too much approval. I am always coming up with ideas for businesses and I must say everytime I share my ideas with too many people I get opposition. I've learnt to share with a select few. Opposition is good because it pushes you to test if you are really serious about implementing your idea and it helps you to improve things but at the same time you don't need opposition to tell you what is in your heart. Constructive criticism is always helpful but anymore after that is blah blah for me. Good luck and just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many businesses people started from scratch no contacts nothing. You just have to have the dream. Look at the owner of CurlBox, people thought her idea was mad even crap but it didn't stop her. Look at her now.

Almond Eyes
since i dont have the first clue where to start as far as actually coding a website/finding a person who would code it, i think what i can do for now is work on a mock up of the design and site functionality. to do that i will need to decide on a name, and the features that will be available. so that will take some time and effort and a lot of thought.

i can also work on constructing a business plan to specify the scope of the project, its features etc., and a general idea of the user experience. that's also something i would be able to look into as far as being able to do myself.

what i really really want is to actually see, on a computer, what this idea would actually look like. but this seems like a good place to start to get there.