I didn't plan to start 2011 like this!! SHE CUT MY HAIR!!


New Member
This is a higher power's way of telling me that I will never get to BSL without weave. *blinks uncontrolably*

I let a white **** do my hair. She was supposed to simply roll it. She didn't know wtf she was doing though and I tried to guide her but she just got more confused so I just told her to flat iron it. She told me my ends needed to be trimmed. I told her I wanted to keep my length but yes trim an inch. THIS IS NOT A EFFIN INCH!


My progress picture for January 7, 2010

How long was my hair before you say?

This is my May 10, 2010 progress picture. YOU BE THE EFFIN JUDGE :cry: And now I don't give a darn about how thick the ish is. I only care about my hair length is gone!!! It's bad but the first thing I thought was.....I'm just another plain jane, average, shoulder length, black girl. :hardslap:. I haven't been shoulder length since I first joined this board. And yall just don't know how hard it was for me to get to APL. And I was supposed to be at BSL by Valentine's Day. Well past BSL by Valentine's Day. SHE CUT IT ALL OFF! :cry:

I'm so sorry, hun! Did you pay her? Did you tell her off? Anything?

I was in shock. I paid her $20 for a flat iron...looked at my hair and got the f*** up outta there and cried to my brother and best friend

This may progress pic is just making me more sad. My hair was a little longer than that just 3 hours ago. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Awhhhh boo boo!!!

Where the hair dresser at?!! Where that white **** at!!??

Tell me her shop address. We gon' ride or die on dat arse! I got a baseball bat and 2 grenades in my trunk. What cha wanna do!?
AWW DAMN. OH HELL. Thats way more than a inch. :(

.... scissor happy stylists knowns noo color, nor race nor creed. and they come in all shape and sizes. Cant trust no-one :(

*hugs* I'll be praying to the Hair Gods for speedy hair growth for you.

Your ends look nice though. :look:
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Oooweee!! She deserves a beat-down. I'll ride w/you boingboing and bring my own bat and strap!

SimpleKomplexity, I'm so sorry this happened to you.....All your hard work!!! Dayummm!!!
How can I make my hair come back as soon as friggin possible?!! I need frigggin vitamins and to be on top of this sulfur challenge ASAP
Go back with a before picture, talk to the manager, and get your money back. That's what I did when someone took me from full BSL to SL.
OH MY GOD IS SO DAMN SHOOOORT!! She so damn stupid!! Didn't she realize my hair is not all the same length. I had it in layers. Short on the side and long in the back. This ***** done made everything even! :cry: My ponytail like three inches long now!
How can I make my hair come back as soon as friggin possible?!! I need frigggin vitamins and to be on top of this sulfur challenge ASAP

To go from. APL to BSL. by Valentines Day. Don't want to bust your bubble. But only a weave/ or wig can give you that. Just focus getting it back to BSL. You got fresh new ends. This would be the perfect time to nurture your ends. So when your goes past BSL, you can go for a little trim.
To go from. APL to BSL. by Valentines Day. Don't want to bust your bubble. But only a weave/ or wig can give you that. Just focus getting it back to BSL. You got fresh new ends. This would be the perfect time to nurture your ends. So when your goes past BSL, you can go for a little trim.

I'ma calm down..... It is possible to get to APL by Valentine's Day....it really is..... *breathes* And I'ma get there too...or really close....

I'm finna go take a nap...some hair vitamins....and a big dose of prayer.
Well, I'm sorry this happened. I may be stoned for this but as a black stylist I must say that after reading all the mean stuff lots of ladies on this site write about black women in my profession I hope that this will serve as a lesson to others that a good stylist is a good stylist regardless of color.And a stylist can be awful regardless of color. Color is not synonymous with particular skills.

Again, I'm sorry that this happened to you SimpleKomplexity.
Sorry she did this to you. But if it's any consolation, your ends do look a lot better. :look: Nice and blunt. It will grow back--don't give up!
This is one more confirmation that I will never let a stylist with a cutting device near my head. Sorry OP. I hope you get your length back soon!!!!
When someone cut my hair like that before, I took 5000mcg(5mg) of biotin a day and I also used DooGro 3 x a week. I also made sure to keep my ends super oiled up at the time so that I would not need any trims. My hair grew back pretty quickly. I have the pics in my 2005 fotki album. Oh! don't forget to massage your scalp daily, it helps stimulate growth too.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Just remember you did it before and you can do it again. I understand how you feel though because I would be po'd! This is why I haven't let anyone next to my head with scissors.....
I am SO sorry this happened to you OP! I can just imagine how hurt, angry and frustrated you are because of this!

Take some time for yourself, cry, scream into a pillow, maybe even punch the pillow a few times if you need to. Then, when you're finished blowing off as much steam as you can, get back on that wagon and turn this lemon into lemonade! Get on top of your hair care regimen, and stay there! Your ends are blunt and healthy now, make sure to keep them that way by keeping them sealed and protected! You can't go back in time, but you can move on from this, wiser, stronger and with greater determination than ever before! Your hair WILL grow back and will be even better than it was the first time!
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I'ma calm down..... It is possible to get to APL by Valentine's Day....it really is..... *breathes* And I'ma get there too...or really close....

I'm finna go take a nap...some hair vitamins....and a big dose of prayer.

That's the right attitude. :hug2: It'll grow back nice and healthy.
I'm sorry this happened to you.

Kind of off topic, but out of curiosity, why did you go to her if she doesn't know how to do your type of hair?
I'm so sorry. I posted a similar tale last March so I know exactly how you feel. I'm still bitter at the stylist I shall forever call Bigfoot. I went back to my regular stylist who is wonderful. If I ever have to switch again I will be all up in the new stylist's grill, asking her to show me how much she's cutting off, and pieces of the hair so I can determine whether it is what I want. The one time I slipped and "trusted" Bigfoot she janked me! :fistshake:

I know you don't even wanna think about the next time, but when you're done grieving, come up with a strategy for how to prevent this in the future. And like others have mentioned, your ends are fresh and just baby them so you can retain every inch.
I'm so sorry. I posted a similar tale last March so I know exactly how you feel. I'm still bitter at the stylist I shall forever call Bigfoot. I went back to my regular stylist who is wonderful. If I ever have to switch again I will be all up in the new stylist's grill, asking her to show me how much she's cutting off, and pieces of the hair so I can determine whether it is what I want. The one time I slipped and "trusted" Bigfoot she janked me! :fistshake:

I know you don't even wanna think about the next time, but when you're done grieving, come up with a strategy for how to prevent this in the future. And like others have mentioned, your ends are fresh and just baby them so you can retain every inch.

I agree. Before we let anyone trim our hair, we must explain how important it is to us that they don't cut off too much. Even if they think we're odd, we have to make it clear that if they cut off too much they'll be sorry.

If they protest too much, tell them to forget it and that you will have someone else cut your hair instead.

If they insist after that, you may have to leave.

Why can't people remember, it's our head? We're the ones who have to walk around with the style.