I didn't plan to start 2011 like this!! SHE CUT MY HAIR!!

I am so sorry that happened to you. I am so scared to go the the hairdresser to get my hair relaxed and I need a relaxer 13 wks post is coming up soon. This is pushing me to be a DIYer. I am suppose to go the hairdresser in Jan and if I go I can foresee this happening to me. The man was pressuring me to trim my hair and I keep telling him no,
I had placate him and told him in Jan he can trim it. I know I can't allow him to trim because he will go ahead and cut it all off too and I foresee me being back to SL. I am APL now. I think the message from God is beware - don't let anybody cut your hair or you may have regrets.

This is a wake up call for me, I am going to say *** to the hairdresser and their scissor happy ways and them pressuring you to cut.

In the spring you may be APL, no? Baby those ends. Good luck and keep strong.
HHG & J!
I'm sorry girly. *huggies* I wouldn't just left though if she didn't know what she was doing.

Oops, I mean I would have just left. I do my own hair.
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I am sooo mad for you!!! I know how you feel! I had my BKT nightmare a little more than a year ago. Dont worry get you a wig , some sulfur and MT and take vitamins! It will be back in no time.
A setback is a set up for a comeback. Cliche as it may be it's the truth. Now you can make it to BSL with healthy ends.
Oh darn, I hate to read posts like this. I am so sorry! I would be livid & wouldn't have paid her a dime.

Just a little advice, don't let an unwanted haircut mess with your self esteem. You can feel & be fabulous with any length of hair.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would be so pissed because she didn't do what you asked her to do. It will grow back in no time. You grew it once, you can do it again.

Word to the wise: If you are with a stylist who can't seem to understand your instructions and you have to guide her/him, never let them point scissors in the direction of your head. You live and you learn.

I don't trust anyone but my momma to cut my hair.
I'm feelin a little better guys (no I'm not but I will) :waves:. It's just hair....it will grow back

This made me lol! I know exactly how you feel girlie. I agree with the others, it'll grow back in no time and this is the perfect time to baby your hair. It's going to grow back beautifully. :yep:
Im so sorry to see this! I went through the exact same thing last month..I know nothing can be said that would really console you, but I definitely know how it feels...Put your plan into action, start deep conditioning, protective styling, etc....Get your inch per month!

Sent from my Sprint HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App
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Why are such stupid people allowed to have scissors?! WHY?! I have been in that same spot TWICE since 2008. And I'm gun shy about letting anyone touch my hair again. But I will tell you this.

Blunt ends are very pretty for some reason. Your hair bounces more, your curls pop, and you hair seems smoother for some reason.

While growing it back, baby your ends and use lots of growth aids. This will ensure that your hair grows back evenly and needs less trimming.

Learn to trim your own hair.

People have gone from SL to BSL in a year. It takes some really hard work, but don't let this keep you from your goals.

I hate scissor happy stylist.....
I feel bad for you and all, but you didn't have to call her a white *****. I mean, that is offensive, and I'm not even white. Would you like someone calling you a black *****?? I understand that hair is important and all, but I think you are putting more worth on your hair than you should. It's as if you feel like you are literally NOTHING unless your hair is long. I can understand being upset, but it is not the end of the world. Please find something else positive to look forward to. Your hair looks much healthier now imo...
I feel bad for you and all, but you didn't have to call her a white *****. I mean, that is offensive, and I'm not even white. Would you like someone calling you a black *****??

Not to be a smart-a but she used 4 asterisks, is that the c word? Which funny enough I don't fine it offensive.

I really think that OP deserves to be upset. She asked for something to be done, and it was done wrong and not quickly remedied.
Aww my heart breaks for you. I have cried real tears due to stylists cutting my hair. That's why I cut my own hair and only go to the salon 1x a year.

Listen you were almost at BSL so that means that you CAN do this again. Join a challenge and have others cheer you on. You can do this girlfriend.
I am sorry this happened to you. It just so happened that I read this while I nervously visited a white stylist who was new to me on a whim. She turned out to be FABULOUS. I had zero expectations that she would be able to style my hair BUT she took her time and did an expect coloring which was the service I needed. On top of that, she was willing to listen to my suggestions about how to style my hair (she rollerset it, well tried) then ran a flat iron over my roots to completely straighten my natural hair. But lastly, she showed me how much she planned to trim off the ends to make it look good. When I say all she took off was 1/4" all the way around, that was it. I was sooo pleased.

I am sorry that you found a stylist that was incompetent. Like an earlier poster commented, incompetence isn't limited by race or gender.
thats why i stand firm when i say "don't give stylists all your trust" ... watch them like a hawk cause only YOU know what YOU want from YOUR hair best. Hate this had to happen to you, just get back to your regimen and go at it full force.

side note: your hairs looks good, nice blunt ends
sorry about this. :( it's best to focus on a strategy for length retention. tell yourself you'll recover by the summer and NOT get a trim by a stylist. dust and search and destroy for the rest of the year.
Not to be a smart-a but she used 4 asterisks, is that the c word? Which funny enough I don't fine it offensive.

I really think that OP deserves to be upset. She asked for something to be done, and it was done wrong and not quickly remedied.

I never said she shouldn't be mad, but calling someone a white whatever is not called for. She didn't even have to throw the race in there. The race stuff wasn't necessary... And I would be equally offended if someone called me a c*** as well. :blush:
I feel bad for you and all, but you didn't have to call her a white *****. I mean, that is offensive, and I'm not even white. Would you like someone calling you a black *****?? I understand that hair is important and all, but I think you are putting more worth on your hair than you should. It's as if you feel like you are literally NOTHING unless your hair is long. I can understand being upset, but it is not the end of the world. Please find something else positive to look forward to. Your hair looks much healthier now imo...
I'm sayin....:nono:

Sorry this happened to you though, OP.
Sorry that she cut so much but your hair does look 1,000 times better. Im very anal about ends :lol: Ive been here for almost 8 years and JUST now reaching BSL because of all the trims and haircuts i got. having thick healthy ends along with the length was more important to me regardless of how long it look to get to the point Im at.
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Even though I'm from NY and I will join in on the beat down, but we have to think logically, just sue her, naw don't do that. Alright just get every growth aid that's on the broads, ( MN/MTG/MT/OCT) and go hard for the next three months, drink water everyday and get the vitamins (GNC/Hairfinity) and what ever else you use. I am very sorry that this happen to you! But if you really think about it she kinda helped you out, because look, your hair is very thick now, your ends are healthy as ever and when it grows out it will be even healthier. (I always try to take the good out of a bad situation.) See I was mad that she did this to you at first, until I realized that number 1. She may have cut your hair, but she don't know that you have massive knowledge on hair growth, 2. We will always be here to help you. 3. Even if your hair don't grow 1 full inch a month, the fact is, that it WILL grow, regardless what happens. 4. She don't know, that she was messing with a LHCF sister, and that YOU CAN'T be broken, because of what she did. Being a sister you already know that we go through stuff (B.S) and it does nothing but, make us STRONGER. Hell yeah it might sting a little or maybe a lot, but you let out ur cries or screams and you pick ur self up and dust ur self off, cause look, at the end of the day you can't change it today or right now, so learn from the situation, Just Do ur OWN HAir from now on, don't put ur crown and glory in the next man's hands. Do ur own dusting from now on that's all. You gon be alright shorty, you gon be ight.
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girl make you some sulfur mix....i brought bt and when its through i'll be making my own....i've been using it a month and see lots of growth....i won't be doing a length check until march or april though. i'm so sorry this happened but it will grow back quickly!
Awww, sorry that happened to you! I know you don't wanna hear this but it's hair and it will grow back. You got to APL before and you will do it again. Then bsl will be around the cornerand before you know it you will reach your ultimate hair goal. *HUGS*
I really feel your pain and I'm sorry this had to happen to you. Keep up your great hair practices and you'll be BSL this year still!
OH MY GOD IS SO DAMN SHOOOORT!! She so damn stupid!! Didn't she realize my hair is not all the same length. I had it in layers. Short on the side and long in the back. This ***** done made everything even! :cry: My ponytail like three inches long now!

I'm so sorry you had a run-in with this shear welding shedevil. This is my fear with having a hairdresser trim my hair. It's been done to me before too, going from BSL to SL. I have layers and I just know if they give me a trim the temptation will be to great to also even it out. Which in itself is another job besides trimming. She did something you didn't ask her to do, going above and beyond your requests. You should get your money back and write a letter to the shop owner, manager and her.

Since I've had this done to me before (several times actually, including having my hair bone straight relaxed, which wasn't asked for), I understand how you feel and I know it will grow back and then some. You will grow your hair back, keep telling yourself that. Pamper your hair and protect those ends and you will reap the benefits. Hugs.
I'm sorry this happened to you, but some women really need to learn how to speak up and keep a close eye on what their hair dresser is doing. Especially when it comes to cuts and trims. I no longer relax my hair so I don't have to worry about this any more but when I did my stylist was the best about this she would always show me and even give me a mirror to look.

But your hair look great otherwise girl. Very healthy. Your will be BSL before you know it with bomb ends!!!

Side Note: Sisscor happy stylists who don't know what the heck they are doing come in all shades.