I didn't plan to start 2011 like this!! SHE CUT MY HAIR!!

I was in shock. I paid her $20 for a flat iron...looked at my hair and got the f*** up outta there and cried to my brother and best friend

This may progress pic is just making me more sad. My hair was a little longer than that just 3 hours ago. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I've been there before :yep:
I don't know how many cuts i've gotten from black and white stylists where they jacked me the *** up... this one white lady thought it would be a GREAT idea to razor cut my ends (on 3b/3c hair)- but wait, there's more... this **** went ahead and was supposed to shape my curls... instead she ended up giving me a T-Boz (yess... from TLC) where my curls were SHORT and BOBBED in the back and long in the front.. took me a lifetime to grow out...the black stylists usually had more experience BUT would cut off like 4 or 5 inches instead of the dusting they claimed to be giving me.. I always would end up in tears either right in the chair or when I left. :nono:

the best advice I can give is load up on the growth aids (baggy method), step up the protective styles, wrap hair with silk nightly and dc often/keep hair moisturized... also, NEVER let ANYONE ELSE touch your hair... either a **** is jealous or just doesn't know how to do their job well when it comes to hair stylists... I learned this about 6-7 years ago... also, please, please don't let anyone you know mess with your hair.. a woman put chemicals in my hair almost a year ago trying to be malicious (long story) and my hair fell out in clumps and I had to shave my head practically bald. And that was from WL hair... trust me, I know your pain..
This is a higher power's way of telling me that I will never get to BSL without weave. *blinks uncontrolably*
I wouldn't say all that. I will say that it behooves you and anyone else who is serious about retaining length to learn how to trim your own hair. Also don't be afraid to speak up when something seems "off".

I know you want to be able to trust your stylist to give you exactly the service you asked for but you can't when scissors are involved.:nono:

The next time you see a stylist, don't let them near your head with scissors or make them give you a mirror so you can monitor what they are doing while they do it.

Many of us have been where you are right now. We got burned before we learned.

Mandatory positive: Your ends do look nice.
I feel bad for you and all, but you didn't have to call her a white *****. I mean, that is offensive, and I'm not even white. Would you like someone calling you a black *****?? I understand that hair is important and all, but I think you are putting more worth on your hair than you should. It's as if you feel like you are literally NOTHING unless your hair is long. I can understand being upset, but it is not the end of the world. Please find something else positive to look forward to. Your hair looks much healthier now imo...

B I S H not B I T C H they just exed it out. And even though it may have the same meaning to you, it does not to me.

It's not the fact that I am nothing unless I have long hair. It is that long hair has become my trademark. I am SimpleKomplexity with the long hair. SimpleKomplexity with the pretty hair. It's just another way for me to stand out from a group of people, and I've come to like it. Now it has been taken away. And it's MINE. So YES I'ma sound upset. It's not the end of the world. I'm Deep conditioning now and going out later. I was just shocked.

Yes my hair looks good now I know, but I hate blunt ends. My hair doesn't even grow like that. I don't care how much I baby it, I will always have my V and I'm happy with that.
Im sorry that has happened to you SK. Its happened to many of us and like someone here already said, sometimes you have to get burned before you learn.

I think a good general rule for all of us here is to NEVER let someone cut your hair when its your FIRST time in their chair. they dont know ish about your hair and hair goals. they just know they will be paid either way in the end. next time, only let a stylist you abosolutely TRUST cut your hair after you have established a good relationship with them and have gone to them for a good amount of time. My stylist knows my hair, my hair goals and when I will allow her to cut. She had to earn my trust to cut my hair and Im super duper thankful that she was willing to earn the trust to put scissors next to my hair. I hope the last few sentences dont sound lame but its true, make your stylist earn your hairs trust...before you have to get wild in the salon!
Awwwww!!!! I empathize totally with you, I would be mad af if a SHS cut off all my progress like that... this is why I wanna learn to self-trim ASAP
I know that she was wrong for not doing what you asked but your hair looks really healthy and nice now that its even. Don't fret Kris its going to grow back stronger and even more beautiful.
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So sorry this happened to you and you have every right to be angry, b-word and all. I don't want to say a bunch of "setback/comeback" stuff that isn't going to make you feel better right now. My hair grows about as fast as molasses traveling uphill, so the fact that you have achieved a length that will probably take me 10 years achieve means you'll be even more of an inspiration to me once you get back to your old length and beyond.
I just experienced the samething last month and I was your length prior and now I am about your length now. Only thing was I was surprised with it 2 wks later. I seen it and stopped breathing, I almost killed myself out of shock.

But if it goes down it goes down...I'll put some money on yours and BoingBoing's books so yall can keep up with yall hair in the joint LOL

Its not funny at all, I cried my eyes out also.....bad thing is that is was my hair stylist friend that did it to me.
smh she cut off ur whole tail. i'm tired of stylists thinking that everything has to be blunt and even. she should've trimmed each length separately, not hacked straight across at the shortest length. thats not a trim, its a hair cut.

there is nothing wrong with a tail! ♥
to be honest you only had a few strands touching your brastrap so she didnt "cut it all off"...your hair looks much healthier and thicker now and i'm sure you will be a thick, healthy APL in no time
Aw I am sorry. Look on the bright side your ends and trim look great. At least you have a wonderful starting point to getting to bsl.

girl calm down. it will take even longer to go from bald patch to apl so please. :lol: just find some cute no heat styles, and enjoy ur hair every step of the way. it will get there eventually. ♥
Sorry that it happened. I'd be mad as hell too and may have to punch somebody.
Good shall come out of it though. You'll see. You're hair will come back thicker and longer. It will. Continue to eat well and drink gallons of pure water.
B I S H not B I T C H they just exed it out. And even though it may have the same meaning to you, it does not to me.

It's not the fact that I am nothing unless I have long hair. It is that long hair has become my trademark. I am SimpleKomplexity with the long hair. SimpleKomplexity with the pretty hair. It's just another way for me to stand out from a group of people, and I've come to like it. Now it has been taken away. And it's MINE. So YES I'ma sound upset. It's not the end of the world. I'm Deep conditioning now and going out later. I was just shocked.

Yes my hair looks good now I know, but I hate blunt ends. My hair doesn't even grow like that. I don't care how much I baby it, I will always have my V and I'm happy with that.

i prefer that natural taper V over blunt also. i guess all stylists assume everyone likes blunt cuts. not i. ♥
I've ran into TWO SHS during my hair journey -- the first one was a white girl at Hair Cuttery, and the second was my regular stylist who had trimmed my hair at least 3 times before and KNEW what I wanted. The second time I had just gotten to BSB and was excited to see it straight for the first time since, and I didn't even see it before it got trimmed back to juuuuust touching APL. People tried to comfort me by telling me "at least your ends are blunt!" :grin: but it wasn't happening....I just wasn't happy AT ALL.

Two things got me through that: learning how to trim my own ends (yes, it took me not one but TWO bad trims to learn to do it) and tucking my hair away. I just couldn't look at my hair for about a month, so I got a sew-in and hid my hair under there. I was so shocked when I took it down to see that I did actually get an inch in a month for the first time ever, so I wet bunned for the next two months in an effort to get two more inches, and I got those too! (Not that I'd recommend wet bunning in January, but hey, some people do it.)

My point is simply you're gonna be upset for a few days, but that anger is going to turn into some really powerful motivation, and in a few months you'll be able to look back on this, curse her out in your head, and then smile because you got back to where you were with healthy ends to boot.
B I S H not B I T C H they just exed it out. And even though it may have the same meaning to you, it does not to me.

It's not the fact that I am nothing unless I have long hair. It is that long hair has become my trademark. I am SimpleKomplexity with the long hair. SimpleKomplexity with the pretty hair. It's just another way for me to stand out from a group of people, and I've come to like it. Now it has been taken away. And it's MINE. So YES I'ma sound upset. It's not the end of the world. I'm Deep conditioning now and going out later. I was just shocked.

Yes my hair looks good now I know, but I hate blunt ends. My hair doesn't even grow like that. I don't care how much I baby it, I will always have my V and I'm happy with that.

So I'm guessing you meant white **** as a compliment then?? At any rate it came across a bit unnecessary and racially offensive. But anywho...I digress
to be honest you only had a few strands touching your brastrap so she didnt "cut it all off"...your hair looks much healthier and thicker now and i'm sure you will be a thick, healthy APL in no time

I believe there is a significant difference in overall length in your before and after, and you have a right to your feelings. I understand that your ends look healthier, but I don't want to minimize your feelings. As I and several others have said before, you have a right to be angry and sad, but this too shall pass and like I said you already are one of my hair inspirations and will be even more so when (not if) you recover from this set back and achieve even greater lengths.

We spend so much effort here with cowashing and DCing and Pibbs-ing and steaming and PSing and wrapping and babying and dusting, etc. ad nauseum, and spending money on products and services that it IS a big deal to suffer such a loss, and to suddenly not have the long hair that you've invested so much time and money in IS a big deal. I am not trying to start something here but I'm not going to minimize Kris's feelings. I'm amazed at ladies like Kris who have been able to achieve that length because it seems impossible for me having been in this going on 2 years and STILL only at NL, but I'm going to keep trying because of ladies like you Kris.
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Sorry she did this to you. But if it's any consolation, your ends do look a lot better. :look: Nice and blunt. It will grow back--don't give up!

well, if this was my hair and i had to choose between the before and after pic. i would soooo pic the after pic. your hair looks super! i know you mad at the stylist so i know you not tryna hear this post:look:.

but hair grows back! and your not the average SL black girl cuz if you were your ends would be all effed up and your hair would be broken off and dry looking.... with maybe some nasty grease on ya edges.... FOR REAL. :rolleyes:
I believe there is a significant difference in overall length in your before and after, and you have a right to your feelings. I understand that your ends look healthier, but I don't want to minimize your feelings. As I and several others have said before, you have a right to be angry and sad, but this too shall pass and like I said you already are one of my hair inspirations and will be even more so when (not if) you recover from this set back and achieve even greater lengths.

We spend so much effort here with cowashing and DCing and Pibbs-ing and steaming and PSing and wrapping and babying and dusting, etc. ad nauseum, and spending money on products and services that it IS a big deal to suffer such a loss, and to suddenly not have the long hair that you've invested so much time and money in IS a big deal. I am not trying to start something here but I'm not going to minimize Kris's feelings. I'm amazed at ladies like Kris who have been able to achieve that length because it seems impossible for me having been in this going on 2 years and STILL only at NL, but I'm going to keep trying because of ladies like you Kris.
my intentions were not to minimize her feelings either. we are all here in this hair forum to achieve the same goal: healthy, beautiful hair. which is why her reaction to her after picture puzzles me:her after pic is obviously healthier looking than her before pic but she is so focused on the length itself. I was merely saying that she will get to APL in no time, and in the meantime her hair is healthier and thicker! Its not like she had midback hair and the stylist hacked it off to neck length! she will get these few inches back, maybe not by valentine's day but she will get it back!
This is a higher power's way of telling me that I will never get to BSL without weave. *blinks uncontrolably*

Words are powerful, Chica. Speak power-filled, positive words over your hair, not negative. You don't want to wear BSL weave, right? So don't claim it. I pray for a speedy recovery of your hair length in Jesus' Name. I've gone through this too many times to count, so I understand your hurt and frustration. Enjoy your unintended, fabulously coiffed hair in the meantime. It really looks great.
my intentions were not to minimize her feelings either. we are all here in this hair forum to achieve the same goal: healthy, beautiful hair. which is why her reaction to her after picture puzzles me:her after pic is obviously healthier looking than her before pic but she is so focused on the length itself. I was merely saying that she will get to APL in no time, and in the meantime her hair is healthier and thicker! Its not like she had midback hair and the stylist hacked it off to neck length! she will get these few inches back, maybe not by valentine's day but she will get it back!

I don't mean to be rude so I apologize if it comes off this way. But go cut your hair 4 inches and then talk to me. My hair was not damaged. It is uneven not damaged.

It looks better because it is all now one length. Most people's hair does not grow this way. It has to be cut to have those blunt ends. My hair personally grows in a V. Because of this I was waiting til I get 2 inches past BSL then I was going to chop those 2 inches off so it would be blunt. If I kept cutting and cutting to keep my hair all one length, I would never see length because that's not how my hair grows. That's unnecessary.

It may look better but there is a time and place for everything. When I think of haircare I think we have to go through a few ugly or less desirable periods to get the result we want. For me that involves not having blunt ends until I get the length I want. For others it means having a TWA until you get the BAA where you can do fun stuff to it like twist outs and thick wash and gos. EVERYONE on this board could stand to cut their ends a good 2 inches. It's the oldest hair on your hair. A nice cut will make your hair look fuller, healthier, and bouncier, but it may hinder your goals if you're tryna get to a particular length. And that is EXACTLY what this cut did to me. Hinder my goals which is to get to BSL and THEN to cut to get blunt ends. That's why I've only been clipping the ends (.5-1 inch) til I get to BSL. Do yall understand now?
well, if this was my hair and i had to choose between the before and after pic. i would soooo pic the after pic. your hair looks super! i know you mad at the stylist so i know you not tryna hear this post:look:.

but hair grows back! and your not the average SL black girl cuz if you were your ends would be all effed up and your hair would be broken off and dry looking.... with maybe some nasty grease on ya edges.... FOR REAL. :rolleyes:

LMAO I'm so glad you came back to the boards... Your hair is beautiful and you keep me laughing.

i prefer that natural taper V over blunt also. i guess all stylists assume everyone likes blunt cuts. not i. ♥

DANNNNG You're beautiful *looks at siggy*. Are those the pics I was buggin you about seeing on yahoo the other day? That twistout is amazing!! :kiss:

girl calm down. it will take even longer to go from bald patch to apl so please. :lol: just find some cute no heat styles, and enjoy ur hair every step of the way. it will get there eventually. ♥

LOL I'm not trippin no more. If you know me I've been through waaaaaaaaaaaay worse the past few months alone. This hair will be okay. I did a rollerset and went out today and since it's shorter...I went back to looking like a mushroom head :giggle:. It's all good though. It's super soft and moisturized since I played and pampered it all morning. I would tell you to look a my pics on fbook LOL but SOMEBODY is not on there :lol:. I'll show em to u lol

to be honest you only had a few strands touching your brastrap so she didnt "cut it all off"...your hair looks much healthier and thicker now and i'm sure you will be a thick, healthy APL in no time

:look: That pic is from May. It is not December It was longer than that. But I get your drift and you're right. It will grow back ;)

I just experienced the samething last month and I was your length prior and now I am about your length now. Only thing was I was surprised with it 2 wks later. I seen it and stopped breathing, I almost killed myself out of shock.

But if it goes down it goes down...I'll put some money on yours and BoingBoing's books so yall can keep up with yall hair in the joint LOL

Its not funny at all, I cried my eyes out also.....bad thing is that is was my hair stylist friend that did it to me.

I swear I stopped breathing! Twice. I was talking myself through it as I left the shop...and when I saw my reflection I almost fell down the steps. :blush:


LOL I didn't cry...but I did bout b!tch all day. And it was on my mind. It must have hurt deep cuz I talk about stuff I hate outloud when I'm really bothered. I went to the mall....and told the guy in the Sunglass shop (a friggin stranger) how I was so upset cuz this lady cut all my hair off. He was so cute and sympathetic. He was like let's lay hands on her in the name of Jesus :lachen:. He told me if I was his girl we would be up there RIGHT NOW! :lol:

But as a side note I'm cool with it now yall. Complaining won't bring it back lol. I have a million headbands I've been buying just because over the last few months. This gives me an excuse to wear them. I had on one today. You prolly can't see it since the pic is blurry.

This is my I'm gangster mad picture :lachen: Don't I look like Rick Ross? "I think I'm Big MEECH! Larry Hoover :giggle:"

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Sorry about your hair :hug3:

She did not have to cut off that much--she could have just neated it up a little taking off no more than 1/2"-1" in the back. My DD's hair was shaped like your hair before your cut, and I took off just a little to neaten the ends up and you could barely tell I even cut it, but the end result was that her ends looked so much better.
Sorry about your hair :hug3:

She did not have to cut off that much--she could have just neated it up a little taking off no more than 1/2"-1" in the back. My DD's hair was shaped like your hair before your cut, and I took off just a little to neaten the ends up and you could barely tell I even cut it, but the end result was that her ends looked so much better.

Where have you been?!!! I feel like I've like been another world somewhere. Your puff is soo much bigger than the last time I saw it! Your av is beautiful too!
I don't mean to be rude so I apologize if it comes off this way. But go cut your hair 4 inches and then talk to me. My hair was not damaged. It is uneven not damaged.

It looks better because it is all now one length. Most people's hair does not grow this way. It has to be cut to have those blunt ends. My hair personally grows in a V. Because of this I was waiting til I get 2 inches past BSL then I was going to chop those 2 inches off so it would be blunt. If I kept cutting and cutting to keep my hair all one length, I would never see length because that's not how my hair grows. That's unnecessary.

It may look better but there is a time and place for everything. When I think of haircare I think we have to go through a few ugly or less desirable periods to get the result we want. For me that involves not having blunt ends until I get the length I want. For others it means having a TWA until you get the BAA where you can do fun stuff to it like twist outs and thick wash and gos. EVERYONE on this board could stand to cut their ends a good 2 inches. It's the oldest hair on your hair. A nice cut will make your hair look fuller, healthier, and bouncier, but it may hinder your goals if you're tryna get to a particular length. And that is EXACTLY what this cut did to me. Hinder my goals which is to get to BSL and THEN to cut to get blunt ends. That's why I've only been clipping the ends (.5-1 inch) til I get to BSL. Do yall understand now?
HHJ. hope it all works out for ya :yep:
Awh OP I hope you feel better soon...getting your hair cut shorter than expected is NO FUN...but use it as motivation to stick to your reggie and go hard in 2011!