I cut 8-10" of my hair today!!!

I love your attitude about hair and you look beautiful both ways. Are you a personal trainer? You look very fit in your photos.
I love your attitude about hair and you look beautiful both ways. Are you a personal trainer? You look very fit in your photos.

:nono::nono: I try to take care of myself with exercise and eating right, but no I'm not a personal trainer, thanks for the compliment though, you're my new best friend :grin:.
This is the dreaded fear of mine with my hair. ITA with you! I hope I can still feel pretty with longer hair, but I have had and will always have this feeling about shorter hair. It is in the attitude and how you authentically feel. Just being true to you! It seems you have done that!:yep:

Truer words have never been spoken.
It's....... it's very pretty. All my..... I mean your hair. You look very pretty.

Too funny!!:lachen::lachen:
I haven't read all the posts but I just wanted to add my own ..YOU GO GIRL!!

Some of us are so obsessed with hair and length that it gets crazy sometimes.

No knock on anyone, I have been growing my hair out too and I'm now APL but that sounds a lot easier than it is to take care of and keep healthy especially when you have my hair type (4B) I recently decided to either cut all my hair off , I mean cut it to the scalp beyond a BC or have it locked but when I told some of my friends you would have thought I said I was gonna Murder someone ...for real!! One friend even said she wouldn't call me anymore until it grew back (hopefully she was kidding :ohwell:)

I still haven't cut yet because I was mostly frustrated with the dryness and in the meantime I've found something that has relieved that.

However, it's still on my radar. Hair does grows back.

Enjoy your haircut !!
I haven't read all the posts but I just wanted to add my own ..YOU GO GIRL!!

Some of us are so obsessed with hair and length that it gets crazy sometimes.

No knock on anyone, I have been growing my hair out too and I'm now APL but that sounds a lot easier than it is to take care of and keep healthy especially when you have my hair type (4B) I recently decided to either cut all my hair off , I mean cut it to the scalp beyond a BC or have it locked but when I told some of my friends you would have thought I said I was gonna Murder someone ...for real!! One friend even said she wouldn't call me anymore until it grew back (hopefully she was kidding :ohwell:)

I still haven't cut yet because I was mostly frustrated with the dryness and in the meantime I've found something that has relieved that.

However, it's still on my radar. Hair does grows back.

Enjoy your haircut !!

Thanks girl, you do you!!! The only people I told I was going to do it to get their approval is my husband and daughters, once they were okay with it, that's all the encouragement I needed, although, I probably would have done it anyway with or without their approval, they've seen me baldheaded before, so it was no big deal.
I was ready for a change, and although I wanted to grow my hair WL, I couldn't deal with the amount of time I was spending on my hair....so I cut it myself today. Will I grow it back? Right now I believe that I won't grow it as long as I had it, but I probably will grow it out a few more inches, just enough to be able to do something different. The only thing I'll miss is my ponypuff, but right now I'm pretty happy and I'm going to enjoy my new style. Pics are in my album.

Honey Comb!!!!!

Lawd -Lawd I just realized that this was you!:thud::thud::thud:

It is So lovely! But! I love your hair - all of it!

Congrats you look great!
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your hair is gorg! you know it will grow back. you are pretty and all your hairstyles look awesome. i can see why you would miss the puff but really..... still beautiful.
I know it looks shocking, and you're right change is good. My hair feels so much better, it was beginning not to feel that great as it got longer, I was too tired to take really good care of it like I should. Besides, I have a daughter with butt-length hair and between the two of us, I was burned-out from so much hair.

i dont blame you! go 'head and rock the cut!
You know I love your hair! Your hair was beautiful long and it's equally as beautiful short. I love the cut!