I cut 8-10" of my hair today!!!


you are so versatile & brave...(smile)

versatile - you & your curls look good long or short
brave - actually picking up shears and cutting by yourself...wow! i get nervous doing a simple dusting LOL.

i like your cut alot as i've always liked asymmetrical bobs and yours is pretty :yep:.
Congratz on the chop! You're still as beautiful as before. I really enjoyed veiwing your pics, you and your daughter have some seriously GORGEOUS hair! It's truly wonderful for me to see a 4a natural in all her glory. That's some great inspiration!
Your hair looks great! The last pic really hurt me ***sniff, sniff*** with all those luscious twists just lying there lifeless but the cut looks good.
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! Your new cut looks very nice, and I'm sure it will grow back to where it was. We can all use some change every now and then :)
Wow, can you send me your hair so I can myself a weave. Girl you are too bold and fierce for words. More power to you. I'm so stuck on wanting long hair, I don't think I could do it, especially if my hair was anywhere as nice as yours.

I'll pm you my address and will be glad to pay for postage! Tee hee hee. But in all seriousness, your hur looks nearly as gorgeous as you are.
Thanks for all the love ladies, I really appreciate it!!:bighug:
I was really ready for a change, like I mentioned before every 3 or 4 years I want my hair short, it consumes me, so I'll take the scissors and cut. I have already received so many compliments by random folks today. I got up and washed it this morning (no detangling at all :lachen:), and within a 1/2 hr. I did my little fingercurls which will last me a week. It feels great!

My husband told me to donate my hair to Locks of Love, but the hair has to be washed first (I didn't do it), and I believe it has to be in one braid or ponytail, so I saved 3 twists, and threw the rest in the garbage.

@Kweenameena, I cowash my daughter's hair 2x a month. I detangle in the shower which takes about 1/2hr to 45mins., then I will braid it and let it airdry naturally, she'll wear it natural the first week, then I will lightly flatiron it the 2nd week (the photos in my album are of lightly flatironed hair), then week 3 I do it all over again. I don't brush her hair through everyday, I will brush the edges, and by the end of the week it's frizzy enough for me to do it over. Everywhere I go people are like :blush: Oh my God her hair is so long!!!!:blush:.

Again, thanks for the positive responses, I'm still going to be on the boards, hoping to add my 2 cents to help someone else out whenever possible.:yep:. You ladies are the best!!!!!
WOW! I am loving your hair. Short or long, it looks AMAZING! The shine, health....girl, you got it all!

Excellent cut!
I WILL NOT co-sign on this. :nono:

I am very VERY upset with you young lady.:mad:

You coulda least pm'd me the leftovers. I'm tellin. :cry:

*Clutching my pearls*

You did what? :blush:

*Takes a few moments to recover*

The end result is so pretty and I am jealous that you can do such a neat cut all by yourself.

I loved every picture of your hair in your album. I'm still shaking a bit at the thought of cutting so much hair just because and in one sitting!

*Grabs some smelling salts to keep handy*
Wow, I'm now able to close my mouth at the shock of you cutting all your gorgeous hair off! Like it was said before, you are a gorgeous woman with beautiful hair - both long and short. I really admire your cutting skills and your hair looks wonderful.
I was ready for a change, and although I wanted to grow my hair WL, I couldn't deal with the amount of time I was spending on my hair....so I cut it myself today. Will I grow it back? Right now I believe that I won't grow it as long as I had it, but I probably will grow it out a few more inches, just enough to be able to do something different. The only thing I'll miss is my ponypuff, but right now I'm pretty happy and I'm going to enjoy my new style. Pics are in my album.

:cry2::cry3::nono: Why?
Right now it's about 4-6" around, this is how I used to wear it before I started growing it out, that way I'm about to do a wng and my fingercurls.

First of all you and your daughters hair is RIDICULOUS....(in a good way:grin:)

OMG, that is crazy, I love it. And the cut is gorgeous on you, I'm not sure of your age, but comparison to long vs short I think the short makes you look younger....very cute/sexy
I was ready for a change, and although I wanted to grow my hair WL, I couldn't deal with the amount of time I was spending on my hair....so I cut it myself today. Will I grow it back? Right now I believe that I won't grow it as long as I had it, but I probably will grow it out a few more inches, just enough to be able to do something different. The only thing I'll miss is my ponypuff, but right now I'm pretty happy and I'm going to enjoy my new style. Pics are in my album.
I know what you mean about the bolded. When I got to BSL last year, I decided to maintain it there as my life got more hectic and busier. It still managed to grow to an inch past BSL, but I've been aggressively trimming trying to keep it there. Now, I think I want to grow it out again at least to get the front of my hair (which used to be bangs) from APL to BSL. Then, I'll just maintain it.

Right now, I already put off washing it cuz it takes too much time out of my day. So growing it out more will be counterintuitive.

Anyway, you hair is still beautiful!!!!
Honeycomb...I applaud you on the courage to make such a drastic change. Your hair looks beautiful!!! You most definitely have skills!!! :) The cut is to die for!!! Thank you for sharing.
First of all you and your daughters hair is RIDICULOUS....(in a good way:grin:)

OMG, that is crazy, I love it. And the cut is gorgeous on you, I'm not sure of your age, but comparison to long vs short I think the short makes you look younger....very cute/sexy

Thank you!! I'm 44 and I've always thought I looked better and felt sexier with short hair, it's hard to explain, but I never felt that way when my hair was longer.
I know what you mean about the bolded. When I got to BSL last year, I decided to maintain it there as my life got more hectic and busier. It still managed to grow to an inch past BSL, but I've been aggressively trimming trying to keep it there. Now, I think I want to grow it out again at least to get the front of my hair (which used to be bangs) from APL to BSL. Then, I'll just maintain it.

Right now, I already put off washing it cuz it takes too much time out of my day. So growing it out more will be counterintuitive.

Anyway, you hair is still beautiful!!!!

See, that was me, I was going longer and longer without washing because i dreaded the time it I was investing in washing it, I wasn't enjoying my hair as much, now I know I will!!
Honeycomb...I applaud you on the courage to make such a drastic change. Your hair looks beautiful!!! You most definitely have skills!!! :) The cut is to die for!!! Thank you for sharing.

Thank you, I've never been afraid to cut my hair, and I always was afraid of going to the beauty shop and having them butcher it, when I cut it, I am in control and I do a little at a time until I achieve the look I want.