Cutting Hair by The Moon Phase


Well-Known Member
Got my hair cut by a very persisted stylist so after 30mins of going back and forth I gave in I am 90% natural some damage hair I know, and I have not trusted anyone to cut in 3 yeArs long story short I had 16 inches of relaxed hair without taking care of both textures I am now 6 front 4 sides 2 inches in the crown down to my nape. My question is I got my hair cut on feb 10 not on the moon phase day to grow does this mean it won't grow? Or grow as fast I know this sounds stupid will all important issues going on in the world but please help and thanks she washed,DC w heat,bd, cut off the ends even it out right side was longer than lef then flat iron. Will my hair grow ?
Hx I was relaxed for 30 years going natural has been an experience still can't style it when she flat ironed my hair I loved it because it was thicker