What should I do ?

  • Should I keep triming until my hair fills in

    Votes: 40 40.8%
  • Should I do the big chop

    Votes: 58 59.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

I have to start by saying that I haven't been good to my hair for the last year. I've had alot to overcome in the last year, stress, job change, health, etc. and this is how my hair has suffered. (See below) It was very hard to post this picture.
My instinct is telling me that a big chop to the shortest piece is inevitable. But I'm not afraid, because I know my hair will grow back. Sometimes you just have to start from scratch and I think my hair needs this(big chop I mean). I already know what I might do this weekend, but I want to hear from you guys. What is your opinion? Please leave your suggestions as well as a vote.

If I do the Big Chop, I may just start a challenge to regain my length.

I went to my hairdresser today and I showed her this picture. When she combed out my hair it wasn't as bad as the picture made it seem. She said that I didn't have to do the big trim. She took off 1.5 inches. Its not all even, but she says after 2 more perms it should be all evened out. I'll definitely post a picture in about 4 months so you can see my progress. Thank You guys for all your help and support.

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the shortes part from what i can see isnt THAT much shorter than the rest of your hair. i would BC and then start doing what you know is best and what has worked for you in the past
I'd say, trim a few times till you feel comfortable with your hair, and then do a big chop after one or two trims.
The reason i say this is because if you chop it all off, you cant really change your mind and have your hair back immediately. On the other hand, if you do gradual trims, you get the best of both worlds.

just my opinion. the beauty of it all is that, either way, your hair WILL grow back :yep:

all the best
the shortes part from what i can see isnt THAT much shorter than the rest of your hair. i would BC and then start doing what you know is best and what has worked for you in the past

I agree. I would even it out and start fresh.
Quest4healthyhair, I'm so sorry that you had a minor setback but I think that by doing the big chop, you will get better results in the long run. Why prolong the inevitable?
You have lovely hair and the shortest length is still past SL. So I would do a chop. It will grow back definately by end of 2008.
Firstly I'm so sorry that you are experiencing this setback in your hair journey and secondly, I have to agree with most of the ladies here - to go ahead and do a big chop. To me the damage is quite evident and possibly cannot be masked if you want to wear your hair down naturally. Thirdly, afterwards you will feel a whole lot better and confident that your hair will grow back thick, lustrous and healthy.

Now the only thing you want to do afterwards is to avoid further stress and if you can't avoid them then seek a way to easily manage them. Go to the spa, get a massage, a facial, anything to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Eat a little better and drink a few glasses more water, etc. and if you find that you can't get in healthy wholesome meals daily, then do the next best thing - take your vitamins and minerals.

Strangely so but SSS Tonic is amazing for stress. It's loaded in B-vitamins and minerals and iron and is a really great stress-reducing tonic, IMO. I keep one at home and another bottle is in my locker at work and whenever I'm feeling run down, I take a shot of it and in less than an hour, my energy kicks in and things doesn't seem so stressful until my next dosage is due, lol. HTH.
I'd also cut it to make it even. I've hung on to ends for too long and just been stressed out about hair that should have been cut off. I just cut 1.5 inches and I'm so happy that I did. I think you will not regret making it all even. Good luck.
I would do a trim and just stick with rollersets for the next few months. Don't wear your hair straight.

I agree with this post 100%!!

that's exactly what I did---and what I'm doing!

Being that I am texlaxed, I didn't want to let my relaxed tresses go, due to the length, even though my hair was uneven with some split ends.

I got several inches cut/trimmed right before Easter, and since then, I've been wearing rollersets.

OP, I'd cut it.
It'll grow back before you know it!!! :yep: Plus, I believe your hair would look so much better with fresh, even ends!!! Go for it!!
My hair broke off the same way a few years ago...I lost weight really fast and not the healthy way and my hair broke.....I chopped it off and wore braids about a year...My husband didn't even know I chopped it off...
I have to start by saying that I haven't been good to my hair for the last year. I've had alot to ovecome in the last year, stress, job change, health, etc. and this is how my hair has suffered. (See below)
My instinct is telling me that a big chop to the shortest piece is inevitable. But I'm not afraid, because I know my hair will grow back. Sometimes you just have to start from scratch and I think my hair needs this(big chop I mean). I already know what I might do this weekend, but I want to hear from you guys. What is your opinion?

If I do the Big Chop, I may just start a challenge to regain my length.

no need for a big chop. as u can see in the middle of the hair u just need to even it out to that length and you will still be past shoulder length. i would just do a major trim lets say its seems like 3-4inches from a distance anything more than that seems drastic, just even it out to the middle length girl! than grow it out like you always did!!!:yep:
I say chop it. I recently cut 2 inches of fried ends and it was actually a relief. I had been dusting monthly but I just wasn't getting the results that I wanted. My hair feels so much better now. It's better to start fresh then keep long ends that you can't do anything with.
Quest4healthyhair, I'm so sorry that you had a minor setback but I think that by doing the big chop, you will get better results in the long run. Why prolong the inevitable?

You have lovely hair and the shortest length is still past SL. So I would do a chop. It will grow back definately by end of 2008.

no need for a big chop. as u can see in the middle of the hair u just need to even it out to that length and you will still be past shoulder length. i would just do a major trim lets say its seems like 3-4inches from a distance anything more than that seems drastic, just even it out to the middle length girl! than grow it out like you always did!!!:yep:

Your hair is thick and shiny! :yep:

Just trim to the shortest length. You'll still be past SL and your hair will be heaalthier for it. Think all all the product you'll be saving for your healthy, even hair, that won't be wasted on the too-long ends. :yep: Y

ou know what to do, which is great and you know why it broke. Don't over look how important that is! Not knowing is almost as bad as the damage itself because you can't plan and move forward.

Take care of yourself and your hair! It's lovely! And will be post-trim as well!
I wouldn't cut it if I were you. That shorter hair just needs some more attention. My hair used to be like that, real bad but now its kinda catching up with the rest of my hair. You can tell a little bit in my pic. If you do cut it, I wouldn't cut it even I would just cut it so its barely noticeable, but dont cut off all your length. Don't worry. I would let it grow some more before I would cut it even. But its up to you. Good Luck.:ohwell:
If you are not ready for the big chop do first a trim and in few weeks you 'll do the BC .
Good luck .
For some reason the pic isnt showing up for me......?

Im sorry to hear about this setback though. *hugs* It happens to the best of us. :(

I will weight in with an opinion when i see the pic later (perhaps my browser from home will let me see it).
Hi Sweetie,

I hate that you are going through this. It's really hard. I have been there. The decision is really a very personal one.

Do you want to constantly live with the reminder of your hair issues and just trim little by little or do you want to go ahead and take charge and start fresh and new.

I do think that starting fresh and new will help you feel better about yourself and you won't feel as if people are always staring at your hair.

I would say cut if even. You have a proven track record of being able to grow hair so you know it will grow back. It's no use holding on to the damaged look for the sake of length. I hope I am not being too harsh but this is my opinion. I will support whater you decide though. Good Luck to you and happy hair growing.

I have to start by saying that I haven't been good to my hair for the last year. I've had alot to ovecome in the last year, stress, job change, health, etc. and this is how my hair has suffered. (See below)
My instinct is telling me that a big chop to the shortest piece is inevitable. But I'm not afraid, because I know my hair will grow back. Sometimes you just have to start from scratch and I think my hair needs this(big chop I mean). I already know what I might do this weekend, but I want to hear from you guys. What is your opinion?

If I do the Big Chop, I may just start a challenge to regain my length.

I completely understand because I'm going through the same thing myself. From the picture, it looks like the shortest hair you have is about shoulder length. Is that true? If so, doing the Big Chop would be good. If your shortest hair is much shorter than that, I'd suggest waiting and trimming for now.
It depends on how your wear your hair on a regular basis. If you're a protective styler, then I'd probably do a couple of small trims. If your more of a lo-mani person .. with rollersets or braid/twistouts .. then do a big chop. I voted small trims though.:yep:
I am sorry that this happened. I recently went through a big chop but the feeling of blunt ends is so wonderful, and you really have to tell yourself that health is more important than length. Its also very frustrating to try to hide damaged ends.

I would not cut it up to your shoulders though, I think that would be to drastic.
I am sorry that this happened. I recently went through a big chop but the feeling of blunt ends is so wonderful, and you really have to tell yourself that health is more important than length. Its also very frustrating to try to hide damaged ends.

I would not cut it up to your shoulders though, I think that would be to drastic.

That was my mantra for the longest time, but I've gotten away from it. I think I need to get back on track with that P.O.V.
I'm not an advocate for completely even hair, but in your case, I would chop until it's not as noticeable. And going forward you know what to do. Your hair will probably thrive with the new cut, and it will surely look fabulous.

Good luck!
I hate the words Big Chop! If you do one, then put some braids/ twists in immediately to ease the pain.
I had the same problem and I did not put scissors to my hair. I put some extensions in, used growth aids and that section grew in soo fast with a good regi.
I vote gradually trip and wear curly styles to masks that.