What should I do ?

  • Should I keep triming until my hair fills in

    Votes: 40 40.8%
  • Should I do the big chop

    Votes: 58 59.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Girl, do the big chop and make your hair healthier! I had someone do a bc for me way back, and in 2 months, my hair was almost back to where it was before! It grew back faster than usual, cause cutting makes the hair grow faster; well for my hair it does.

And when I had to do my bc a couple years ago, I immediately braided it afterwards cause I don't like my hair short; I don't even wanna see it short...lol. Braiding gave my hair a break from the torture I was giving it.
I'm so sorry :( this is happening to you. I can relate 'cause I have the same growth pattern: my hair grows quicker/longer on the sides and slower/shorter at the crown.

It's taken a minute for my gap to fill in, and although others say they can't see it, I can. It's nerve wracking to think about it, but the best thing you can do is even out your hair and start babying your ends ASAP so this doesn't happen again.

Good luck to you! :)
Now that ive seen the pics, i say to maybe wait it out.... moisturize/protect the ends, maybe even braid for a while.... let it grow out, and perhaps it will even itself out? My hair has been significantly thin/uneven on one side on more than one occasion, for different reasons. But EACH time its evened itself out, and i never cut drastically. Just regular dustings/trims all over.



The first pic is the result of wrapping in the same direction for over 10 years. When i stopped doing this the thinner/shorter side eventually caught up with the other side on its own. The second picture is taken over a year later (I think?) and is a result of a bad haircut. If you look at my progress pictures in between, you will see that my hair had evened itself out, without any drastic cuts on my part.

In the end, i say go with what makes u most comfortable. :) If you decide to wait it out, you can always just wear gentle, protective styles so that noone can see the uneven hair during the growout process. That way u dont have to feel self-conscious.
no need for a big chop. as u can see in the middle of the hair u just need to even it out to that length and you will still be past shoulder length. i would just do a major trim lets say its seems like 3-4inches from a distance anything more than that seems drastic, just even it out to the middle length girl! than grow it out like you always did!!!:yep:

Sounds like good advise to me ..:yep:
i think you can just take a few inches off to make it less noticeable and do small trims after than when it evens up.
Q4HH I would do an inital trim but not a big chop and then commit to a couple months of protective styling (anything to keep my ends off my shoulders and protected). I would check my progress in a couple months.
I'm looking for some more opinions.

OK I had that same issue and chopped. I was sooo hesitant, did a minor trim in Jan 08, still unhappy, last month I went for the kill and just trimmed it all so there was no gap.

Combing is a breeze, detangling is a breeze, brushing is a breeze, my hair felt heavier, looked thinker and just started 'acting right' I lose less hairs from the snagging uneven ends and can detangle a lot easier in the shower. I really wish I'd done this sooner. Plus after the cut you'll be MORE focused and determined to grow it back.

Oh and I'd recommend trimming when wet after a relaxer as opposed to when dry. I was always an advocate of dry trimming. :nono: not anymore with the perfect hair scissors trimming when wet is much easier and looks better.


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