I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :(

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I normally wouldn't bring many issues up on here for advice unless I really feel like I need other people's input, but this is something that I don't feel comfortable talking to my friends about. Please help with your honest advice. :sad:

When my FH's father died last year, he started becoming more religious and into Islam. I for one had no problem with this, because although I'm not Muslim (but a big portion of my family is), I think its always good for people to find themselves spiritually. I'm in the process of doing so.

However, about six months ago, FH started to grow a beard.

I hate beards. I hate facial hair unless its a mustache or some stubble. In fact, I hate when any man attempts to grow his hair, whether it be facial or on his head.

Seeing FH's hair before when he used to shave, I wasn't worried because I thought that it likely wasn't going to grow into anything, his hair is not of a thick texture or anything of the sort.

This beard has grown into what looks like my FH has glued pubic hairs to his face. Its thin, wispy, and curls up into knots and just looks dirty :nono:. When I started seeing this, I sensed my attraction level to him slowly dwindling down, and now it's at the point where I don't see myself physically attracted to him at all the way that I was before.

The other day, he told me that he wants to grow this beard to see how long he can get it, and all I could do was think to myself how bad this is going to look. Especially imagining my wedding next year and all of the things that I thought of.

The thing is that no one likes it on him. His mother and his sister get on his case about it all the time, my mom has mentioned, even my father when he saw him the last time said "Mannn, the recession is affecting barber shop prices, huh?" and his sister told him that he looked like a goat.

On the one hand, when I think about this, I feel like it comes across as being shallow, and I feel horrible that I'm losing attraction to someone who is a great fiancee and person and has been wonderful to me. But, on the flipside, I just can't shake the feelings that I get because I've just never been one to like beards or facial hair or growth of hair on men at ALL and that just doesn't change.

...What would you do in this situation?
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

I would tell him.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

i woud be honest with him in a gentle way and explain that you find beards unattractive.

or lie and say it scratches your face when you kiss him and you want to be more intimate with him. ask him if he wouldn't mind cutting it off.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

I would tell him to cut it.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Future Husband.

Okay, I was wacking my brain trying to figure it out.

I would have never figured out DF, if it wasn't for that ONE fiance word she listed towards the end.:look::lachen:
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Tell him.
Run a Denman brush through it while he's asleep?
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Thanks for the responses thus far ladies, for the ones who said that they would tell him, would you feel any different or slightly, uncomfortable, about approaching the subject because of the religious undertones?
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

I would let him know also. I think too much facial hair is unattractive (I like clean cut men) so I can feel where you are coming from. Ask him how would he feel if you made some drastic change like cut all of your hair off and went bald could he adjust.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Tell him.
Run a Denman brush through it while he's asleep?

LOL I tried to convince him to let me shape it up for him, only happened once, I think he got the hint that I was trying to shave it off.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

The thing is that no one likes it on him. His mother and his sister get on his case about it all the time, my mom has mentioned, even my father when he saw him the last time said "Mannn, the recession is affecting barber shop prices, huh?" and his sister told him that he looked like a goat.

:lachen: I'm sorry but this made me chuckle.

Seriously, I think you need to have a talk with your FH and let him know how you feel. You're about to marry him so its best to keep the line of communication open and feel comfortable talking to him about anything. :)
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Thanks for the responses thus far ladies, for the ones who said that they would tell him, would you feel any different or slightly, uncomfortable, about approaching the subject because of the religious undertones?


Sexual attraction is what it is. Just because men with beard don't turn you on doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. Unless deep down, for you, there is some religious undertones.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Thanks for the responses thus far ladies, for the ones who said that they would tell him, would you feel any different or slightly, uncomfortable, about approaching the subject because of the religious undertones?

Yeah, seeing how that scraggly beard is the physical mnanifestation of his new religious beliefs, that would make it a little more uncomfortable for me to bring up.

I think this might hurt his feelings, but he still has to know how you feel. There are other ways for him to explore Islam. Or he can keep growing that beard...while you slowly drift away. :sad:
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :


Sexual attraction is what it is. Just because men with beard don't turn you on doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. Unless deep down, for you, there is some religious undertones.

Well that's it, for me there is no religious undertone. I just have never ever ever liked the growth of hair on men. When one of my exes said he was growing his hair to get dreadlocks I damn near died.

Yeah, seeing how that scraggly beard is the physical mnanifestation of his new religious beliefs, that would make it a little more uncomfortable for me to bring up.

I think this might hurt his feelings, but he still has to know how you feel. There are other ways for him to explore Islam. Or he can keep growing that beard...while you slowly drift away. :sad:

I agree with you. For me, I think the exploration of any religion can be done in numerous ways, but things that change the physical appearance in some way shape or form, is minor to me and doesn't (in my opinion) hold as much merit as the heart of the believer or his actions. I hope that makes sense.

My biggest concern is if he says no, and then I have to decide what to do from there. :nono:
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Your choices:

You can keep silent, and hope/pray that you will eventually be turned on by his new style.

You can speak up, and see if he takes your sexual feelings into consideration. That will tell you a lot about what kind of sexual and emotional life you two will have.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Be prepared for a contest, as you may very well already know a beard for a Muslim man is part of the Sunnah which is highly highly highly encouraged, and aesthetics takes a back seat to this. So I'd be careful how I broach the subject. Just based on my experience, I would never ask a Muslim man to cut his beard.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Be prepared for a contest, as you may very well already know a beard for a Muslim man is part of the Sunnah which is highly highly highly encouraged, and aesthetics takes a back seat to this. So I'd be careful how I broach the subject. Just based on my experience, I would never ask a Muslim man to cut his beard.

Yep, I know. Which is why I'm basically pissing boots about this situation and its racking my brain.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

I would just tell him that I find his beard unattractive.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

It could also be a phase, albeit a really long one. He could be doing it to prove that he's the man of the house now. I'd just tell him that I dont like facial hair. I get the feeling it could take a while to convince him even if you tell him a couple times.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Yep, I know. Which is why I'm basically pissing boots about this situation and its racking my brain.
I completely understand:yep:. I would still talk to him and lay it down on the table, maybe you call can compromise on the length or something, even tho they want to grow them as long as they can. You know its a sin to be up in the masjid babyfaced. One of my unlces cant grow facial hair and he is the black sheep up amongst the men.:lachen:
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Religion or not I would just tell him! :yep: He should have asked you what you thought about him growing a beard before he grew it. :yep:
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Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Put some nair on that thang while he sleeps.
:lachen:, o goodness, sorry..... wow, this is realllly a tough one since its a religious thing.... Thank goodness I like facial hair because my FH is also Muslim,, and I wish hed stop shaving so much :lol: ....... I realllly feel for you because obviously a great part of why youre with him is youre attraction to him and if his looks are becoming unnappealing...:nono:. All you can do is tell him in a gentle way and see what happens..... can you really marry someone who you arent attracted to if he insists on keeping the beard?
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Tell him you don't like it. If he doesn't cut it call off the wedding if it's something you can't live with on him for the rest of your life.
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

If he is truly following Islamic beliefs, then he will grow his beard no shorter than fist lenght.
The teachings say he NEEDS this beard:

"Thus, a Muslim who shaves or shortens his beard is like a hermaphrodite, his Imamate near prohibition, his evidence is not valid, he will not have the right to vote or being voted for. Shaving and shortening the beard is the action of non-believers."

"The Hadith categorically states that the beard should be lengthened and the moustache cut. This is related both in Bukhari and Muslim. Rasulullah – Peace be upon him – has sternly commanded this to his followers."

Wow. :perplexed Ummm, he wasn't following Islam when you met, then got engaged right? It's kind of crazy for him to spring all this new stuff on you and expect everything to be kosher. (I really don't mean that to be funny in any way, I just can't think of another way to say it).
Re: I can't believe I'm asking for advice on this... I'm losing attraction to my DF :

Are you sure that there's no way you can get used to it? If this is his choice then you are gonna have to make some choices too. If it just totally freaks you out and he's determined to keep it.... it's better to end an engagement than a marriage:look: