I am starving (I really needed to vent)

Sorry you're feeling this way ThickHair. I can sooo relate. :( Although it doesn't solve anything, a good breakdown cry can be very therapeutic. At least it has been for me. I hope you feel better soon.
I guess it is a Thursday thing, because today I am about to burst. My stomach hurts and I have been in the bathroom all day and on the verge of tears. I shed a few while I was working. Thank goodness I do not speak with the public today or I would be through. I was going to put in leave and go home, but that wouldn't solve my problem.

I was so frustrated last night I worked out for 2 hours straight and now I have no energy. I want to go home but that would be a bad thing for me, just time to sit and think. Zumba isn't until 5:45p and I am off at 3:30p. A friend has been hinting at happy hour, but I would be in no shape to drive if I went.

I am internally screaming again. I am just jittering and just completely off balance today. I need to pray, pray and then pray some more. I believe in my heart better days are coming so I have to keep myself together. I am allowing myself to have little mini breakdowns because if I hold it in, I know one day I am going to have a major melt down and it won't be pretty. I will not do it at work, but you best believe, on my way home from work today I am going to have to pull over, I think today is going to be it. Meltdown city.

I am venting more than anything. :cry: :cry: :cry:

ThickHair, I'm so sorry you're feeling down. This has been me for months, but even more so over the past week. Everyday is a struggle to keep it together, and some days I'm just not successful.

I wish I had something profound to say, but just know you're not alone.


As you can see, you're NOT alone. Some of us have echoed your feelings so you must know that there is nothing wrong with you. You're entitled to feel any way you want. Please continue to take care of yourself. The gym is a great way to de-stress. It sounds like you're in a rut. Try not to be alone too much because it can really isolate you (trust....I know it all too well).

I completely relate to your post and the things I find that help me the most: working out, taking care of myself even when I don't want to; focusing on my goals; engaging people so that I don't feel so alone; treating myself to something special. Nothing wrong with crying either, you have to let it out!

One more thing: keep journaling. That helps me too.

Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.
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I just wanted to come in and say that I totally understand. Especially with it being a week before Aunt Flo comes to town.
Today I was considering the ex who has been telling me he wants to marry me. I was having all sorts of lovey dovey feelings about him.
But I know that after the first drop falls.....I'll be back to being annoyed with him:look::lol::nono:

It's tough and I wish I had some advice to give or something.

But quite frankly, I even get tired of hearing others say "it'll happen, don't focus on finding a man, your time will come, it's all in God's time, take a break from dating, take time to learn about yourself, don't ever approach a man".

But then those same folks say "you gotta put yourself out there, it's nothing wrong with approaching men, you have to look for a man like you'd look for a job, there's nothing wrong with dating until you find the one".

Craziness happened about 2 weeks ago. I am ok, not over joyed or anything.

The last week has been pretty good. I volunteer at the local community center and we had an awesome turn out for "Ladies Night" out last Friday for Mother's day. We had well over 50 ladies and they paid $10 each. My mom and I collected the money it ran from 6p-10p, the ladies didn't want to leave. A "Senior" Prom is scheduled for 6/24 and I plan to assist with that also. It is going to be hard because the Saturday before I am going to my local Panhellic picnic. I might take off the following Monday. The "Seniors" at my church love the prom because they get to dress up and show off. :)

I decided I am going to go ahead and start P90x on June 1st. My 6 week bootcamp will be finishing up. I will be finishing up right when an aquantiance of mine is having her 20th wedding anniversary party. I will be hotter by then. She said her husband has a few single retired Navy buddies coming. I told her "Holla at cha girl".

I am just trying to keep it together. Every day is a battle, but we all know, that battle isn't mine....................
I (purposely) haven't been in this part of the forum for a while and I haven't read all the responses in this thread, but I just wanted to say you're not alone and I can also somewhat relate to how you're feeling. I can relate pretty well actually....to the point where I can't even go into too much detail or I'll probably end up experiencing some emotions myself I've been trying to work through/get over/avoid for monthsssss now...

Anyways, here's to hoping you do at least find some solace in knowing that there 'are' others that can relate....sometimes its frustrating to me, when I feel like I don't have friends who 'can' actually relate to what I'm going through.
Today is really bad.......just emotional and it hit me.....save for my children, I have absolutely no emotional connection with ANYBODY! Like one of those Russian kids that have grown up in orphanages in cribs, no human contact, affection, expressions of love NOTHING.....that's how I feel.
Hey ladies, I had an extended holiday this week. Fed holiday Monday and I took off Tuesday and Wednesday. I believe it did me a world of good. I was able to hit the gym in the AM. That is a whole nother world in the morning, and I like it.

I am still misty and I have good and bad days, I just keep on going is all.
Hey ladies, I had an extended holiday this week. Fed holiday Monday and I took off Tuesday and Wednesday. I believe it did me a world of good. I was able to hit the gym in the AM. That is a whole nother world in the morning, and I like it.

I am still misty and I have good and bad days, I just keep on going is all.

Hey ThickHair, I just wanted you to know I know exactly what you are going thru. If someone tells me to get on Match.com one more time..lawd. :whyme: Hang in there. I have my ok days and then there are the real bad days. It can get rough. I get it.
I so understand the sentiments in this thread. I am S.I.C.K of people asking me why I'm single. Or telling me 'I know you have your pick of men'. Or 'Pretty girl like you have men knocking down your door'.

When I first read this thread I literally had tears running down my face. Oddly it was kinda a good cry. Knowing that I was not alone relieved some of the anxiety I have felt. So thank you ThickHair for sharing.

It's not even completely about the sex, or lack of sex, since I'm celibate till I remarry. What bothers me a lot of times is like crlsweetie912 said up thread, I want a connection with someone. Talk, hold hands, know that someone finds me attractive. I want to build a bond with someone. I literally see no available men to do that with. I go to most things I'm invited to. I host a lot of things and invite different people so I can get to know them. This has expanded my circle of friends, but has not helped with finding someone.

Even so, I keep it moving. Have no choice really. :lol: Wherever I am I have one eye looking to see what I see. :lol: Even though the situation is sad, it's nice to know their are women who understand completely.
What bothers me a lot of times is like crlsweetie912 said up thread, I want a connection with someone. Talk, hold hands, know that someone finds me attractive. I want to build a bond with someone. I literally see no available men to do that with. I go to most things I'm invited to.
Even so, I keep it moving. Have no choice really. :lol: Wherever I am I have one eye looking to see what I see. :lol: Even though the situation is sad, it's nice to know their are women who understand completely.
I think we need to start an Aunt Flow venting thread because issues can be maginified x100 on or just before your period.
Just last week I felt devasted like you OP and was crying whilst putting on my make-up. Now I'm like, what the hell was all that about, my life is not THAT bad.
Today is really bad.......just emotional and it hit me.....save for my children, I have absolutely no emotional connection with ANYBODY! Like one of those Russian kids that have grown up in orphanages in cribs, no human contact, affection, expressions of love NOTHING.....that's how I feel.

This is exactly how I'm feeling, except I don't have any children to snap me back out of it. I feel so alone....
Hey ThickHair

You can have my boyfriend if you want him. I'm putting him up for sale, cheap! :lachen:

Seriously though, the grass is always greener on the other side and men are no ways perfect. Even the perfect ones.
Hey ThickHair

You can have my boyfriend if you want him. I'm putting him up for sale, cheap! :lachen:

Seriously though, the grass is always greener on the other side and men are no ways perfect. Even the perfect ones.
Oh, I know about the alleged grass that seems greener, that is why I am very hesitant and even though it pains me. When I am feeling this way it is best that I stay single because my judgement would be clouded.

So nah you can keep your boyfriend or dispose of him in the proper fashion.
Oh, I know about the alleged grass that seems greener, that is why I am very hesitant and even though it pains me. When I am feeling this way it is best that I stay single because my judgement would be clouded.

So nah you can keep your boyfriend or dispose of him in the proper fashion.

LOL! I see you still have your sense of humor:). Can't wait for when you meet mr. Right my dear. You know, three times the charm. You've had a husband and a fiance, and I pray the next guy will be "the one".
LOL! I see you still have your sense of humor:). Can't wait for when you meet mr. Right my dear. You know, three times the charm. You've had a husband and a fiance, and I pray the next guy will be "the one".
Thanks Hopeful, ya gots to laugh to keep from crying. LOL
Bumping for me.
The One turned out not to be the one.
I put my profile back online, this cute guy smiled at me and when I smiled back he blocked me LOL
I don't even have a back up dude around
My friend is in the same boat so the 2 of us together are just pitiful.
I've been indulging in butter pecan ice cream and coconut cake.
I'm sure I've gained 10 pounds.
My daughter has been asking me when she's going to get a little brother or sister.
The other day, this old man at the cash register started to have small talk with her while he was ringing me up....DD asks him if he knew of a husband for me. Talk about embarrassing.
I think we need to start an Aunt Flow venting thread because issues can be maginified x100 on or just before your period.
Just last week I felt devasted like you OP and was crying whilst putting on my make-up. Now I'm like, what the hell was all that about, my life is not THAT bad.

Let me tell you, last week I was thinking about a good friend of mine, and then I started crying wondering if he's gonna marry his current gf and forget about me. I remedied that with some mint chocolate chip ice cream... didn't realize it was 3 days before my period :nono:

I had no idea what that was about, cus now I'm good, lol.
I thought I wanted this but it made the whole situation far worse. Yes, I got the conversation, hand holding, cuddling but we both knew it would be nothing more. I just broke it off for the second time and I feel far worse than I felt before it all began.

^^I agree with this. Actually planning to break things off w/someone who is like this in my life now. I should be more focused on dating w/a purpose, not aimless dating. This is definitely worse. I would rather be alone.
Let me tell you, last week I was thinking about a good friend of mine, and then I started crying wondering if he's gonna marry his current gf and forget about me. I remedied that with some mint chocolate chip ice cream... didn't realize it was 3 days before my period :nono:

I had no idea what that was about, cus now I'm good, lol.


Girl....those hormones are something ELSE! They can play tricks with your mind and cause you to go nuts! :dizzy:

For some reason I ALWAYS have my "life assessment" analysis right around a week before my period. :look: I contemplate my past mistakes, my past old bf's, wonder why I'm still single, feel despair for how my life is turning out, start crying about "the one that got away", etc. It's CRAZY!! I feel like: "I should be much further along in life right about now!!" :cry4: :wallbash:

And then right when aunt flow hits or when she leaves I'm like, "Okay....I'm good!!" :grin: :giggle:

Those hormones are a trip! :nuts: I can't imagine being on a hormone trip 24/7 while pregnant! :dizzy: