I Am So Nervous....


Well-Known Member
So I get married this Friday. My rings arrived today and FH officially did the proposal and everything, and now I'm a big ball of nerves!! Before today, I was super excited, maybe a little nervous, but nothing like this. Is this normal? I don't have doubts, I'm just nervous. It feels like I'm about to take a college exam or something right before graduation day :whyme:Thanks for letting me vent lol
So I get married this Friday. My rings arrived today and FH officially did the proposal and everything, and now I'm a big ball of nerves!! Before today, I was super excited, maybe a little nervous, but nothing like this. Is this normal? I don't have doubts, I'm just nervous. It feels like I'm about to take a college exam or something right before graduation day :whyme:Thanks for letting me vent lol
Yes!I was soo nervous, I constantly felt like i was going to throw up lol