I am not my hair!

I love that song and video! India Aire really seems to have come out of her shell in that music video. And the song really touches on what us black women go through with our hair.
I haven't seen the video but I LOVE that song!! I plan on getting it when it's released. A guy a Best Buy's said it'll be released on the 27th of this month. I hope he wasn't lying. :look:
I love the song too. I like all the different styles she has on the video, it shows how hair can really change your appeareance, and I feel blessed after coming to this board that I have so many options.:)
It's a very nice song, but I don't agree with her 100%.

My hair is a huge part of who I am, just as my other physical characteristics are. I have unique qualities about my inner AND outter being that I love and that I'm proud of, and I don't see anything wrong with that.

For example: the same way a person would chop off all of their hair because they've gone through some sort of change in their life...they're a new or different person inside and they're allowing it to show outside. Both are connected.

ETA: So in a way, YES - I am my hair...however i decide to wear it.
I like what Browndilocks said. I love the video, especially the one with Akon, and I love India to pieces. I would like people to focus on my spirit and who I am on the inside but I see nothing wrong with including the rest of the package as well because that is part of who I am, it's how I express myself and my creativity. But, I love when she asks, "Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?" Powerful stuff, lol India is a beautiful and deep sister.
My therapy song !!!!!:D I love that song!!! it makes me so much better when i think about my hair and the damage i have done it and how long it will take to fix it:)
:yay:My absolute FAVORITE song.. i have it on a burnt cd.. on my mp3 player.. and as a ringtone on my phone!!! All of my friends who say i'm OBSESSED with hair say that it should be my favorite song.. I'm forever singing it or quoting it when people make RIDCULOUS or BIASED statements!!!
When she says she is not her hair I think she is saying that you can not judge her soul and personality on her hair alone, her hair is not only what she is all about.