Robin Roberts takes the wig off: I Am Not My Hair

O-M-G!!!!! I cried while watching this! She looks SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL without the wig. :yep:She looks F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S!!! I love this!! Thanks so much for posting. SO inspirational.

Wow, it had this same effect on me too and truth be told, I wanted to leave a comment but I couldn't find anywhere on the site to do so...oh well:ohwell:. I immensely enjoyed watching the video so much so, I watched it twice. Thanks for posting. Robin really is gorgeous with her little pixie look. I Love it.
I love Robin! I teared up when she went down the runway without the wig earlier this year, and I teared up today when she was talking about her illness and her recovery. She's fantastic! And her taking that wig off finally lets you notice her face and how gorgeous she really is.
This is wonderful to see. I don't even know this lady, (I'm from the UK) but this reminds me to be thankful to God everyday that I am in good health. It also reminds me that you never know what will happen in the future so we must try and live as if everyday is our last. I had a breast cancer scare late last year and cancer has also affected friends of mine so this just made me:cry:.
I just wish her all the best in the future.
Awww. That was so beautiful. Of course, I cried. I saw the segment with Rosie a few weeks ago where she took the wig off & I thought she was stunningly beautiful without the wig then.

I loved that India Arie song and used to play it all the time after I watched my grandmother go through that.
thank you so much for posting this, it was so inspirational. I remember my mother's hair falling out and the wig she used to wear...once her hair started to grow back uniformily, she rocked the twa and i couldn't believe how beautiful her hair was and how wonderful she looked with a short do makes me want to bc this weekend, lol!
She looks fantastic!! God is good. ALL THE TIME.

I hope she keeps this look because she looks beautiful.
O-M-G!!!!! I cried while watching this! She looks SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL without the wig. :yep:She looks F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S!!! I love this!! Thanks so much for posting. SO inspirational.

I cried too. That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for posting this. She is very moving. I had a friend go through breast cancer last year. Another common friend shaved her head along with her. Defintely makes you not sweat the small stuff.
Watching this makes me feel so bad about being so obsessive compulsive about my hair. This video has really made me step back and see things in a different light. She is beautiful, inspirational, strong and definitely an encouragement to women, everywhere.
That was so touching. She really does look beautiful w/o the wig. It kind of makes me feel silly about my hair obsession. :ohwell:
That was so touching. She really does look beautiful w/o the wig. It kind of makes me feel silly about my hair obsession. :ohwell:

ITA...I changed my avi to remind me of this...It's OK to want to learn more about how to manage my hair and have it the best it can be (however I ultimately decide to wear it-rlaxed, texlaxed, natural, whatever) but you are right, obsessing about it seems very silly when there are ladies out there like Robin fighting for their lives where hair becomes just another part of the equation and NOT a definition of who they are...whew...liberating!:yep:
I saw the segment yesterday morning. It was sooo liberating and inspirational. It does make you take a step back. She is so beautiful inside and out.
I was wondering if any of you ladies happened to catch Robin Roberts, co-anchor of Good Morning America and post-chemo patient, officially stop wearing wigs on national t.v. ... specifically ABC/Good Morning America.

I thought that video clip was so powerful. Especially when she said: "I am not my hair". Now before hearing her say that, I just took those lyrics as any ole thing because I believe my hair is truly a part of who I am, but it helped me stop stressing over my hair for just a bit. BTW, she looks BEAUTIFUL...more so with a fade than that wig.

I have so many thoughts on the issue, especially how the big whigs @ ABC are feeling about a black woman rocking her natural hair...but I just wanted to share.

Check the clip out @ if I could just find out what this "hair fertilizer" is that she mentioned at the end of that clip... :look:

Oh my goodness, this clip almost had me crying at work!!! Her story is so touching and she is truly an inspiration to us all. GOD BLESS YOU ROBIN ROBERTS!!!
Wow! I'm speechless. What a remarkable woman. And she is so right...we are not our hair!

"Thank you Lord for Robin Roberts strength and encouraging words. Continue to bless her and use her to speak life into your people. Remind us that there is so much more to life that what is on the surface...In Jesus' name I pray. Amen." - Ivy

Count me as the second who agree and we know that where two or three agree in Jesus' name he is there in the midst of them and we can count it as done.

Thank you for the posting!