Robin Roberts takes the wig off: I Am Not My Hair

thanks for sharing! she's stunning and truly an inspiration! you gotta be one brave lady to reveal that on national tv. simply beautiful.
Thanks for posting b/c I didn't get to see yesterday's program so I missed this. I did see the segment when Robin got her hair shaved b/c of the chemo and she mentioned that she'd be wearing the wig. But I love the new look- she is seriously rocking that short cut and she looks very beautiful!

I wonder what they put in the water over at GMA b/c Diane is nearly 63 years old!:blush: She looks good. Shoot I work with women 10 years younger than Diane- who look like they could be her momma! Maybe being a former beauty queen helps.
This is powerful. It's powerful to me because it will help so many women look at themselves through a different mirror. Society has for so long 'TRIED' to define beauty. You must be a size 6, you must have long hair, high cheek bones, bleached teeth, etc...etc..

For so many women, we cannot face the day because we don't measure up to societies image of beauty. This piece will show those courageous women who have battled, who are battling and who will battle cancer, that hair is truly 'just another accessory'. Just as we change shoes, bags, clothes to redefine who we are for that moment - so does our hair style.

To be honest, I had a moment when I felt kind of discouraged because every where I turned there was a 'natural'. Some of which would make me feel as if I some how rejected my race because I was relaxed. I stepped back and looked at myself real hard and understood for the first time that whether long, short, relaxed or natural my hair style is just that - a style for that moment in time.

I agree with other posters...Robin has a beautiful texture and the cut frames her well. However, if she decides to throw the wig back on because that's how she feels that be it...if she decides to go with teenie weenie be's her choice. She has earned the right to be in that seat so whether a fade, locks, or long flowing straight or textured hair...her hair simply does not change what flows from within - outward.

Thanks for sharing :yep:
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This was simply beautiful. I think she looks absolutely gorgeous without the wig.

I'm so glad to see her sport her hair au naturelle!
Like so many of you, I cried when I watched that. I am so joyful that she has overcome and speaks VICTORY!

Her TWA is symbolic of her struggle and her insurmountable strength. She is not only BEAUTIFUL on the outside, her SPIRIT is BEAUTIFUL as well. It truly shines through.

OP, thank you so much for putting this in my Spirit today.
That was really awesome and touching. She's stunning with the short cut. You can tell she has a beautiful spirit.
:cry:I think just watching her and thinking more about the line "I am not my hair" may help me transition, the trims will not be as hard now. THANKS!
She sent chills through me. She is so beautiful. Robin do the dang thing.........
May she continue to help others as she goes through this journey:grin:
Wow!! OP thanks for sharing. When the segement ended and the camera was back on her and colleagues(holding her hands) with the wig off, I cried like a baby!!!! This is an incredible story and she looks flawless!!!

I am NOT my hair!!!!! Rock on Robin Roberts!!!
I was moved to tears after watching this segment. I am such a huge fan of hers and now even more so. Thanks for posting this it was really inspiring.
I love threads like these. it helps to remind us what truly is important.:angel: That woman is totally beautiful inside and out.