I am convinced Haitian women have a hair secret....

MissBiss said:
My stylist is Taj, the owner of HairyTaj. He and his staff are bilingual in case your friends don't speak French.

(The hard water could explain why I shed so much; hadn't thought of that.)
Thanks so much for this information. He is much more reasonable than the rates I was qouted about other salons. I also like the fact that he uses Avlon products. I have been relaxing with Affirm for years and it has never failed me.
Okay so whats the name of the Mexican Miracle vitamin. I see everyone asking about it, and no one answering. I know this thread is about haitian hair growth secrets, but hell, i want know any and all hair growth secrets. So will one of you lovely ladies pulease tell me the name of this vitamin?!?

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Bumping for more info about moelle de boeuf.

I plan on buying a jar and want to know if I should get Ketty or Betty Hutton
LeNghtyDreAms said:
bumping, still waiting for news on that Mexican vitamin.

Poohbear said:
I know, I have been waiting for weeks not eating, not sleeping thinking about this miracle vitamin that will grow my hair in days HA!HA!HA!
Does anyone know how much the Minoval is supposed to boost the hair growth on a monthly basis. Also what are the ingredients for anyone that has it?
From Haiti to Mexico to France...Back to Mexico! Whats the name of that Mexican vitamin? And where on earth can I purchase it? Sorry to keep repeating this question but since it's been mentioned Ive been really interested in this vitamin.

jancan7 said:
I know, I have been waiting for weeks not eating, not sleeping thinking about this miracle vitamin that will grow my hair in days HA!HA!HA!

I have been looking for this vitamin but I never found it on my own, I have IM'd several people. I'm off the chase, it's one of those things where you have to have a direct source who knows where to get it and my source is long gone.

I'm sticking to what I know works for me and what i can find, lhuile masqueti ( I mix it with Amla or castor oil because it's sooo thick)and moelle de bouef when I can get it, and it supplements the rest of my regime.
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Hey, I haven't read all the pages but this thread is SO funny! You girls are going crazy. I am too. I'm Haitian by the way. I can tell you there is no secret. Everything we did was just our way of taking care of our hair, everything was 100% NATURAL! the food, water all the time, cuz there's no access to all these other types of drinks, pasteurized cow milk, lots of protein and veggies.
The products were l'huile maquisti and at my house, we didnt really use Minoval, not on the kids, although my aunts did use them once in a while. One of my aunts used it for a while now since she cut her hair up to her ear a bit before the new year, and now it's shoulder length, so maybe it does work. They even advertise it in Haitian movies, showing a girl with long hair putting it in her hair every night, it's so funny. Maybe it DOES work. At my house in Haiti, my mother and aunts used to use aloe on their hair, and avocadoes, and we ate a lot of those too. They would also mix up a whole bunch of products that I guess worked.
See, I was kinda dumb when it came to hair. My sister and I had long hair, when natural, then relaxed, but since we moved to the US about 4.5 years ago, it all went downhill from there. My sister's hair when from almost brastrap to just hitting her shoulders, and while my hair is between shoulderblades, it's gone off some pretty bad roads at time. Anyway, when I was younger, I thought that once u put a perm in, ur hair would never grow again, that when it got NAPPY, it didnt mean that it was new growth, but just that the relaxed roots got NAPPY. I found out the truth not long ago, lol, i'm only 16 by the way and I need to go to bed to go to school tomorrow, but anyway
we have this oil at home that my mom made and I used to use it as a pre-poo treatment and she would tell me to stop using it because it made my hair nappy too fast. I stopped using it although we still have it, but i'm GUESSING that it made it GROW! Then there's the Hair Success thing, she told me to stop using, again i guess it was GROWING! not getting nappy. When I came to this website, I decided 'oh i guess i shouldnt do a THING to my hair to let it grow" but i have so many things at home that MAYBE used to help. I have like four or five jars of the Minoval hair grease but no one uses them, we have the Minoval oil, no one uses it, we have the L'huile Maquisti, we use it for massages or soreness and stuff like that, but not on the hair, we have DOO GRO, we dont use...

Honestly, the hair regimen is good and all, but maybe i need to take a trip back to my old hair things and start using all the greasy/smelling stuff again and see how it works for a month. This April, i'm trying to do so many things to my hair to see if it would grow faster that it's RIDICULOUS

So right now, i'm going to bed and i'll check back again tomorrow when i get home from school. Goodnight! I wanna add more tomorrow about this hair thing.
CarLiTa...Thanks for posting!!! Where can you get Minoval oil??? How often did your aunt apply this to her hair and how often did she wash her hair??? Thanks in advance!!!

CarLiTa said:
Hey, I haven't read all the pages but this thread is SO funny! You girls are going crazy. I am too. I'm Haitian by the way. I can tell you there is no secret. Everything we did was just our way of taking care of our hair, everything was 100% NATURAL! the food, water all the time, cuz there's no access to all these other types of drinks, pasteurized cow milk, lots of protein and veggies.
The products were l'huile maquisti and at my house, we didnt really use Minoval, not on the kids, although my aunts did use them once in a while. One of my aunts used it for a while now since she cut her hair up to her ear a bit before the new year, and now it's shoulder length, so maybe it does work. They even advertise it in Haitian movies, showing a girl with long hair putting it in her hair every night, it's so funny. Maybe it DOES work. At my house in Haiti, my mother and aunts used to use aloe on their hair, and avocadoes, and we ate a lot of those too. They would also mix up a whole bunch of products that I guess worked.
See, I was kinda dumb when it came to hair. My sister and I had long hair, when natural, then relaxed, but since we moved to the US about 4.5 years ago, it all went downhill from there. My sister's hair when from almost brastrap to just hitting her shoulders, and while my hair is between shoulderblades, it's gone off some pretty bad roads at time. Anyway, when I was younger, I thought that once u put a perm in, ur hair would never grow again, that when it got NAPPY, it didnt mean that it was new growth, but just that the relaxed roots got NAPPY. I found out the truth not long ago, lol, i'm only 16 by the way and I need to go to bed to go to school tomorrow, but anyway
we have this oil at home that my mom made and I used to use it as a pre-poo treatment and she would tell me to stop using it because it made my hair nappy too fast. I stopped using it although we still have it, but i'm GUESSING that it made it GROW! Then there's the Hair Success thing, she told me to stop using, again i guess it was GROWING! not getting nappy. When I came to this website, I decided 'oh i guess i shouldnt do a THING to my hair to let it grow" but i have so many things at home that MAYBE used to help. I have like four or five jars of the Minoval hair grease but no one uses them, we have the Minoval oil, no one uses it, we have the L'huile Maquisti, we use it for massages or soreness and stuff like that, but not on the hair, we have DOO GRO, we dont use...

Honestly, the hair regimen is good and all, but maybe i need to take a trip back to my old hair things and start using all the greasy/smelling stuff again and see how it works for a month. This April, i'm trying to do so many things to my hair to see if it would grow faster that it's RIDICULOUS

So right now, i'm going to bed and i'll check back again tomorrow when i get home from school. Goodnight! I wanna add more tomorrow about this hair thing.
Lucia said:
I've been searching for that vitmin myself for 1 year now some Mexicans know about most don't . A girl was supposed to get it from a family member and give some to me but he didn't any. I know it exists b/c her hair had broken off to neck length and now its tailbone she has 3bc hair. Ill keep searching though.
No luck on the vitamin, she moved away a while a go and since then I haven't found any Mexicans that knew about any vitamin. I guess only some people are in the know. so I've stopped looking for this vitamin cause I can't find a source.