CARLIE!! How did u get ur hair to grow so fast?

I am really anxious to view your album. Congratuulations on a beautiful head of hair. Please pm me your password so that I can just look and lolok and learn. Bonjour
Natalied/Mahalialee: I don't really have any new pics. Just a few here and there so you're not missing anything. :lol: I'll send you a pm.

For now, I plan to transition for a year. I was going to chop it all off at the end of June but to keep the peace in my family, :lol: I decided to continue transitioning. (We don't really believe in cutting hair. :look: ) I don't mind anyway. It'll be interesting to see what lengths I can reach while transitioning.
Carlie, your hair is beautiful! I love the rich, shiny, deep black color of it, too! How many inches long is your hair?

May I please, have your pw, also? TIA! :-D
:eek: I can't believe I'm late in joining in on all the love for Carlie... :cry3: Sorry girl....
I too :love: have been an admirer of your lovely locks for some time now!!! You're one of my inspirations!!!:wave: :thumbsup:
Carlie, Im always in your album, your album ALWAYS inspirers me whenever I am in need for it. I just cant get over how FAST your hair grows. Your growth rate must be about an inch or more a month. What are you eating girl? Has it always grown that fast?

Can I also have the pword to your journal.

Your hair is gorgeous and good luck on your transition. Thanks for being so inspiring!!

I must say that your hair is definitely beautiful. My hair natural has grown also from shoulder length to bra strap within 1 year. Ah mositure, mositure, moisture. Keep that hair moist.
I just saw your pictures and the dates and my mouth dropped open!! Amazing results and gorgeous hair. Could you pm me your password as well. TIA. God bless you all.
Carlie has such fast growing hair, I tease her and say she must be part mermaid. Beautiful hair, and an even more beautiful person. You are always showing support and providing encouragement to all the ladies. So glad to see such an outpouring for you, too! Keep up the inspiration, Girl!
Carlie, I didn't know you were transitioning!!! :shocked: Congratulations on your decision!!! :clap:

Btw, I agree that Carlie has some amazing beautiful long hair!!! Her hair growth is an inspiration!!! :yep:

God bless you girl!!! :kiss:

U r my hair idol!!! :p Please pm your password to me so I can learn more about what u did to achieve such a beautiful head of hair. God has truly blessed u. ;)
Now Carlie, what you should do is come up with some secret potion and market it here :D

Absolutely beautiful, pls pm me your password
Carlie, Your hair is gorgeous and def an inspiration to newbies like myself. Kindly share your exact routine/regimen - products, vitamins etc - even though everyone's hair responds differently it is still interesting to see.
Pls pm me ur pw.