Haitian Hair Growth Grease /Wonder Oil

Yep Moelle de Boeuf folks love that too! You can def. find it in Montreal, Canada but I haven't found it here well....hmmm maybe at that haitian spot I got my Palma Christie from.

I heard of Moelle de boeuf but never actually used it.
Shoot I got some l'huile mascreti upstairs under the sink, Im about to go use some and when I go to haiti this summer im going to make sure I come back with lots of bottles. Yay! I never knew it made hair grow like that, I knew it was good for everything but I guess I never thought about using it for my hair.:drunk:

I wish I knew where to get some. I read here that in NY they have some people that sell them. I wonder if they are still selling them.
I wish I knew where to get some. I read here that in NY they have some people that sell them. I wonder if they are still selling them.

NYC? OR NY STATE ? Because if you live in NYC, YOU CAN DEFINITELY FIND SOME, go to where the haitian shops are and ask around , I wish I lived there to let you know where to go exactly. But Im sure someone can help:yawn:
Do not use Minoval (minoxidil) unless you plan to use it forever. Your hair will fall out most def if you stop.[/quote]

How true is this??? Have you seen someone hair fall out:blush:...I have a little bottle siting on my nightstand waiting to be use until i saw this post:perplexed...

I would like to know this too. Did this happen to you or someone you know and did the hair loss come from this or from their hair care habits or a combination of both, in your opinion. I have heard from some that this did not happen in their case. So it is good to ask direct questions, that's the way I am, anyway. bonjour
it's Haitian castor oil. The ones that I used were always 100% homemade and unrefined. That stuff is soooo thick and sticky. I'm trying to get my grandmother to bring me some from haiti when she come this wednesday.

Darn if I knew about this thread before I would have asked to have grandma hook me up if she had PayPal I would have send her the money.
I remember those time whenI was young and sick my mom would butter me from head to toe with L'huile Mascreti ...IT STUNKKKKS...but I dotn recall what it would do to my hair. I just remember that traumatizing smell.
Yes, you can use it as a hot oil. I'm not sure if you can use it as an oil rinse, but you can definitely rinse it off with shampoo.
I got my bottle from the BSS for 3.99, 4oz.

Label: Oil of Palma Christi, 100% Natural unrefined, pure dark castor oil.

It's too sticky for me to use alone, so I mix with Emergencia (dom con) for deep conditioning, and it's slip city!!!! :love2:

The Emergencia hides the smell.

I love the results, shiny and bouncy!!
I am Haitian , and as a child my mom would use this oil on us as kids. I recently ordered the Jamaican oil (one of the ladies on the site recommended) and it was exactly the same stuff that my mom used on me as a child, but hair growth not sure.:nono:
Can I use black castor oil as a hot oil treament?????

Will it rinse well?
It is rather sticky, so I am not sure
I mixed mine with a conditioner and sat under the dryer so I can be assured that it rinses out
Leaves my hair much softer than if I used the conditioner alone to deep condition
I have bottles of it. And Also of the Jamaican black castor oil. No it does not do well as an oil rinse. Its great for Deepr conditioning. But will not rinse out at all. I have tried it I ended up with sticky greasy hair.
Yes!! This stuff works wonders. I'm gonna find out where to get it. I know Haitian ppl that use it and they claim it does work as well.
I would like to know this too. Did this happen to you or someone you know and did the hair loss come from this or from their hair care habits or a combination of both, in your opinion. I have heard from some that this did not happen in their case. So it is good to ask direct questions, that's the way I am, anyway. bonjour
This product is a DHT blocker. So when you stop using it the follicle is unable to get the proper nutrition to thrive- if DHT is the culprit of the hair loss. This is why hair loss is a side effect of discontinuing the product. Some ppl experience the hair loss and others don't, just like it will make some peoples hair regrow and not others. On the packaging it should say that the regrown hair will be lost when you stop using the product (it does on Rogaine).
Its Haitian castor oil. It is funky. My mom used it on my hair when i was younger, mixed with blue magic or dax. It was good for thickening and growing hair. Other recommended uses are for joint pain and backaches. My grandpa used it once on a insect bite..Just for info's sake...

My mom used minoval for a couple of months and her hair went from APL to BSL in a couple months.

I used it after I BC'd in 2005 and my hair thickened so much. i had to stop using it. I'm gonna get back into it this summer when I go home.

I dont know where you can get it from though...sorry!

What happened when she stopped using it? What happened when you stopped using it? Did you retain the length you gained from it? thanks for reply!
To anyone who uses or has used Minoval....do you use the Minoval pomade AND drops or just one or the other. When I used it in the past, I had only used the drops, so I'm not sure if that pomade is necessary or not?