I am convinced Haitian women have a hair secret....

Maybe we all need to use castor oil more than we are using it. There are some great threads on castor oil and hair growth.
Jessy55 said:
By the way, Castor oil stinks to high heaven. My husband can't stand it so I have to dilute it when I use it. :-(

Yes, the one made in Haiti is excellent, but Lord KNOWS, I can't stand the smell!
Maybe the Hatian women's hair secret is: they have no secret. If they don't excessively style and put all kinds of products in their hair perhaps it works all the better for them. One of my closest friends is always on the latest faster-hair-growing-product bandwagon. She's got tons of that stuff and, although her hair looks nice, it doesn't seem to be benefitting from half the things she uses in it. Less is more, perhaps?
daviine said:
I'm wondering if Yole's is a franchise.....I know of at least one Yole's in Brooklyn and I think there is one in Queens. There is also one in Baldwin, and I think Westbury........ I definitely know that there is more than one.....
There is a Yole's here in Bridgeport, CT. I know of a Hatian young lady that goes there regularly.
Hello Ladies. I have been a member of the board for a short time, I was a "lurking" around here off and on in the past. I think there is no secret. For those of us that are not Haitan, our mothers did the same thing with us...if you will just think back. When I was growing up, my mother oiled my hair on a regular basis (with whatever kind of oil), put it in plats and tied up every night. We didn't eat out alot. We ate lots of protein and vegetables...lots of vegetables. We drank plenty of water on a daily basis and played all day long (exercise).

If you ladies will think back, I believe most of us had healthy hair growing up. The growing up regimen was: protected styles (plats, protects ends and helps the hair hold moisture), oil (grease), scarfs for protecting the hair while you sleep (although, for our mothers...they were doing this so that they would not have to fool with our hair in the mornings). We ate plenty of vegetables and protein and drank plenty of water. Played all day long.

I know if you think back you will remember.

The damage started when we reached puberty and wanted to do "our own hair". We ate more junk food and drank less water and were less active.

If we can get back to what use to work and add some new products that are healthy for our hair, maybe we can reach our goals. Maybe the secret is something we already know. Care for your scalp constantly, moisture and seal the ends, plat the hair at night and wrap with a satin scarf to protect.

We already know how to make hair grow...clean it, protection and moisture of the ends will add length.

I'm trying to get there...
Lucia said:
Did you ladies know that Mexicans have a "hair vitamin" that makes their hair grow like a weed.

All right...just call me "Gulliable".......what's the vitamin? Or did you throw that out there for bait.... :confused:
Hyey I'm Haitian and there's no secret.

However, When I was natural I usedt o braid my hair in plaits everynite, moisturize with castor oil and it grew... I had shoulder length natural hair in no time.

I think the only secret might be the castor oil- There's a big difference in the cator oil that a family member makes or buy from haiti and the one from the store. I've seen women make it in Haiti and they throw all sort of other stuff in the oil while making it- This is why I think it stinks more than the store bought one.
Lucia said:
in my family we eat avocados like it's the last avocado in the world.

:lol: :lol:
I used to get mad when every once in a while my mom would buy only a small one cause all the rest weren't good......then she'd give me one puny lil piece. A sister would be fuming

But it seems like I need to take a trip down to BK to get some castor oil. Doing the hot oil treatment with it really did make my hair nice. And I never even heard of the moelle de beouf.....you learn something new everyday :)
chanou said:
Hyey I'm Haitian and there's no secret.

However, When I was natural I usedt o braid my hair in plaits everynite, moisturize with castor oil and it grew... I had shoulder length natural hair in no time.

I think the only secret might be the castor oil- There's a big difference in the cator oil that a family member makes or buy from haiti and the one from the store. I've seen women make it in Haiti and they throw all sort of other stuff in the oil while making it- This is why I think it stinks more than the store bought one.
So do you know what the other stuff women might throw into the oil? My imagination is running wild here. :lol:
Ellis said:
She said she does nothing of the sort. How could her hair be 3 inches long last year and now it looks like it is about 15- 20 inches how is this possible...
Just makes me suspicious.

It does seem like she has stumbled across a secret that she isn't sharing with you. That's a lot of growth for just one year.
I'm haitian too and I don't think there's a secret.. but I do know that my hair was its longest right b4 i got a relaxer and started doing my own hair. When I first relaxed my hair, it was bs length. Then I decided I was grown (at 10 yrs old mind you) and cut the back of my hair, curling it with a hot curler EVERYDAY, and doing the tightest pony tails you ever saw b/c I thought it was cute.

Oh and the l'huile maskuite (sp?) is like the sh*t for haitians. Everyone who is haitian has used it sometime in their life or has heard relatives recommend it countless times.

I have never heard of the bone marrow b4,but maybe I did and just didn't know what they were talking about b/c it's just now I'm finding out what a lot of things mean in english.

daviine said:
I'm wondering if Yole's is a franchise.....I know of at least one Yole's in Brooklyn and I think there is one in Queens. There is also one in Baldwin, and I think Westbury........ I definitely know that there is more than one.....

Ur right.. I just posted on the other board that they are everywhere now... I live in westbury and that one sprouted up a couple of years ago.. The one in brooklyn is the newest one that opened up about 2 years ago i think.
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karla1908 said:
For those of us that are not Haitan, our mothers did the same thing with us...if you will just think back. When I was growing up, my mother oiled my hair on a regular basis (with whatever kind of oil), put it in plats and tied up every night. We didn't eat out alot. We ate lots of protein and vegetables...lots of vegetables. We drank plenty of water on a daily basis and played all day long (exercise).

This is true...my hair was "plaited" and "greased" every night. My mom only used castor oil when we had colds though {it was the kind from the store though}. My hair was healthy-for the most part-but never really long...but then again I started "combing" my own hair "early."
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ok, I did a search on black castor oil and found this site - BLACKHERBALS.COM it had some useful info I thought. you guy might want to look here :)
What's the difference in black castor oil and regular castor oil that you can find at a beauty supply store??? Is black castor oil suppose to enhance growth or something??? How would you guys compare this castor oil with Wild Growth Oil??? :confused:
blkmaryland said:
All right...just call me "Gulliable".......what's the vitamin? Or did you throw that out there for bait.... :confused:
I've been searching for that vitmin myself for 1 year now some Mexicans know about most don't . A girl was supposed to get it from a family member and give some to me but he didn't any. I know it exists b/c her hair had broken off to neck length and now its tailbone she has 3bc hair. Ill keep searching though.
blkmaryland said:
All right...just call me "Gulliable".......what's the vitamin? Or did you throw that out there for bait.... :confused:
I've been searching for that vitmin myself for 1 year now some Mexicans know about most don't . A girl was supposed to get it from a family member and give some to me but he didn't any. I know it exists b/c her hair had broken off to neck length and now its tailbone she has 3bc hair. Ill keep searching though. There's this new treatment called cre-c 18005635828 if you don't speak spanish get a friend to help you out. I going to check it out if its not too expensive then ill try it.
Lucia said:
I've been searching for that vitmin myself for 1 year now some Mexicans know about most don't . A girl was supposed to get it from a family member and give some to me but he didn't any. I know it exists b/c her hair had broken off to neck length and now its tailbone she has 3bc hair. Ill keep searching though. There's this new treatment called cre-c 18005635828 if you don't speak spanish get a friend to help you out. I going to check it out if its not too expensive then ill try it.

Lucia, is there a way u can find out what the vitamin was from the girl that was suppose to give it to you???
Ladies I think I discovered the secret. I saw one of my cousins yesterday and her hair grew like crazy, she had a Halle Berry cut and now it is like an ear length bob in less then 6 months i believe. I asked her what she was using and she was like this thing called Keralong Gamme and another product called cheveux pousse. I am not accurate with the names but I have a site she gave me to see the products. She said alot of Haitians are sweating these products and you would never know cause they don't share their secrets. I told her that was so true. Well here is the site but the only problem is that it is in french but some of the descriptions are in english. I see alot of interesting products for hair growth here so I will be giving some a try. So I think I discovered the secret and I am sharing so I hope you all enjoy the site. Here it is
