I am convinced Haitian women have a hair secret....

So could you elaborate on this more, and what happens when you quit using it? Some people have complained of hair loss, is this true? Some have said it dried out hair at the roots? Is this true? bonjour
i have heard these stories as well... but no one i personally knew has had any hair loss.. so i dont know... i guess it plays into the whole .. what works for one person may not work well for the other... its worth a try? it wont hurt you too much im sure...

as far as drying out the hair at the roots. the minoval does just feel like dry water (if that makes sense) on your scalp. my roots absorb it in two seconds. n i strongly dislike using it after a fresh press.. but it will make my roots curly.. whch is why i havent used it as much since my transition...

im thinking about getting a sew in for the summer.. u know, like every 6 weeks.. then let my hair breathe for a week. then put a sew in in for another 6 weeks n so fourth.. n while i have the sew in... put minoval in my hair (roots) every morning and see if it retains growth.

i duno if ive helped at all, but i personally know nothing but positive things about minoval.

They're doing it everynight. You have to moisterize first (your scalp and then your hair). The braids lock-in moisture and that promotes growth. It also stops your hair from shedding and thus protecting your ends.

And yes, your hair is wavy.

I need to meet the Haitian women ya'll know. Cause the few Haitians that I have met and/or know, do not have hair that I would wish to have. No, I'm not talking about texture, I am discussing health.
You know what? You aint never lie , I was just up in Brooklyn last week and as I was walking around I saw several healthy haired and long haired ladies. What is the ny secret that is the question?

Could it be long healthy heads full of LACE FRONTS? I mean, I'm just saying, the lace front game has been stepped up to near perfection lately.
I just returned from Yole salon on Grand Ave/Baldwin, Long Island NY and my experience was not good. If u are a shedder with new growth, like I am, I wouldn't recommend them. Because i arrived there on a non-busy day and time, I didnt have to wait at all-POSITIVE. The wash-woman shampooed, put my Aphogee in, and put me under the dryer-POSITIVE. After that, down hill! She then puts conditioner in, which I thougt was shampoo and a little bit of what seemed like some liquidy non-conditioner stuff-NEGATIVE. So I asked her to put some conditioner in, and she said i did-okkkkk...The two other emplooyees there that spoke english asked her in creole and she said she did. I sat in the stylist chair and she proceeded to rake my hair from forehead to nape with, I KID U NOT, an old raggedy wide toothed blow dryer brush? that had EXACTLY....10 bent and broken tooths? on it!!!! I whipped my head around to see WHAT THE H-LL was she combing my hair with!! I looked at her like, are u serious!!! She said I combing your hair out. I said no, just comb out each section that you are about to roll. With a reluctant look and sigh, she began to STILL rake my hair with.....I KID U NOT!!! the smallest toothed comb made!!!! You've seem them. Those cheap, thin-thin black combs that would snap in two. I NEVER, EVER thought of purchasing those types of combs in stores. Mind u, she seen how much of my shedding hair came out in the 5 tooth brush, but this genius decides to pick up this "lemon tree" comb. I yelled, for a bigger, wider toothed comb. She said i don't have one, and then deceided to top it off by saying, DO U WANT TO COMB IT? Ladiessss, YOU DON'T KNOW!!! I was 1 second from hurtin something!!! I told her that she needs to detangle from the bottom on up. I could HEAR my new growth ripping in my scalp. She rips from my new growth on down, saying u need a touch up. I seen the other stylist comb the relaxer waaaay past the new growth on the customer hair. Touch up? HERE?!! NO, I DONT THINK SO!!! Those old ladies and there old lady customers?-YOU CAN KEEP EM!!! Prices good, parking bad. THAT was my second experience with them. My first was my mistake by going in on a day of the week when it was crowded with.....old ladies. After signing in and watching while the 3 employees SLOWEY eat, stretch out in the stylest chair, and gossip, I decided to get up and find another salon. BUT not before THAT stylst jumps up to ask why before i walk out. The good prices would not make me return there. WE ladies here arent professional hair stylst, so why dont THEY know AA hair care basics?-new growth touch up only; detangle from ends on up; deep condition after aphogee; presentable working tools. I guess i pay for what i get.
^^^^ wow. you dont say.....i dont live in nyc but i have heard plenty of dominican horror stories. i've had all good experiences but you never know.
Hi , When it comes to haitian ...I can say for myself since im haitian I think the diet helps a lot because most haitian eat a lot of rice and beans together andd the beans aka frijoles, pois are a $hitload of protein.

IMHO if you dont see a lot of haitian woman around with long hair it could be because of hair practices. On the other hand , the diet itself is almost a 10 when it comes to incorporating food that has a lot of protein.

Other than that, one thing that has been discussed several posts already is that a lot of haitian when they care for their daughters hair they use l'huile mascréti and braid the hair at night. very simple , low maintenance or they use a very light grease called moelle de boeuf ( beef bone marrow).

I dont think that growth is related to the salons ...sure there are dominicans salons that do hair really well. However IMO it does not correlate with hair growth ( whats coming out of your scalp) but it still CAN reflect on the lenght you retain.


i think its the dominican salons. theyre on every corner.
Hi , When it comes to haitian ...I can say for myself since im haitian I think the diet helps a lot because most haitian eat a lot of rice and beans together andd the beans aka frijoles, pois are a $hitload of protein.

IMHO if you dont see a lot of haitian woman around with long hair it could be because of hair practices. On the other hand , the diet itself is almost a 10 when it comes to incorporating food that has a lot of protein.

Other than that, one thing that has been discussed several posts already is that a lot of haitian when they care for their daughters hair they use l'huile mascréti and braid the hair at night. very simple , low maintenance or they use a very light grease called moelle de boeuf ( beef bone marrow).

I dont think that growth is related to the salons ...sure there are dominicans salons that do hair really well. However IMO it does not correlate with hair growth ( whats coming out of your scalp) but it still CAN reflect on the lenght you retain.

yea, i heard about the diet thing and it made me decide to start eating better and i also want to start working out again.
i only said the dominican salons because back when i wrote that dominican salons were hot on this forum and ladies were saying they were big in NY. that was months ago and i now know it aint the dominican salons :lachen:.
i do believe it the diet and oil(although i have never used it). i use to use JBCO and my hair was so thick back then....i think i need to buy another bottle.
Hi , When it comes to haitian ...I can say for myself since im haitian I think the diet helps a lot because most haitian eat a lot of rice and beans together andd the beans aka frijoles, pois are a $hitload of protein.

IMHO if you dont see a lot of haitian woman around with long hair it could be because of hair practices. On the other hand , the diet itself is almost a 10 when it comes to incorporating food that has a lot of protein.

Other than that, one thing that has been discussed several posts already is that a lot of haitian when they care for their daughters hair they use l'huile mascréti and braid the hair at night. very simple , low maintenance or they use a very light grease called moelle de boeuf ( beef bone marrow).

I dont think that growth is related to the salons ...sure there are dominicans salons that do hair really well. However IMO it does not correlate with hair growth ( whats coming out of your scalp) but it still CAN reflect on the lenght you retain.


You makin me laugh with the moelle de boeff and mascreti references....It just brings me way back to when my mom use to do my hair!

I agree.....with the diet and the knowledge of how to care for your hair.....There are some Haitian that unfortunately, haircare is not on the top of there list of things they need to do.....its more like Food and Shelter......so I remember reading someones comment on here about how they never seen a Haitian with long or healthy hair......I think its about who you know and where you live....anyway, I'm rambling

Just wanted to say Sak pase Casarela!!!!:yep:

yeah cause most of the ones around my way...their hair is broken off and damaged. but that goes for a lot of black women period around here. if you perm your hair, you have to learn how to maintain it! and most of them don't.
I just returned from Yole salon on Grand Ave/Baldwin, Long Island NY and my experience was not good. If u are a shedder with new growth, like I am, I wouldn't recommend them. Because i arrived there on a non-busy day and time, I didnt have to wait at all-POSITIVE. The wash-woman shampooed, put my Aphogee in, and put me under the dryer-POSITIVE. After that, down hill! She then puts conditioner in, which I thougt was shampoo and a little bit of what seemed like some liquidy non-conditioner stuff-NEGATIVE. So I asked her to put some conditioner in, and she said i did-okkkkk...The two other emplooyees there that spoke english asked her in creole and she said she did. I sat in the stylist chair and she proceeded to rake my hair from forehead to nape with, I KID U NOT, an old raggedy wide toothed blow dryer brush? that had EXACTLY....10 bent and broken tooths? on it!!!! I whipped my head around to see WHAT THE H-LL was she combing my hair with!! I looked at her like, are u serious!!! She said I combing your hair out. I said no, just comb out each section that you are about to roll. With a reluctant look and sigh, she began to STILL rake my hair with.....I KID U NOT!!! the smallest toothed comb made!!!! You've seem them. Those cheap, thin-thin black combs that would snap in two. I NEVER, EVER thought of purchasing those types of combs in stores. Mind u, she seen how much of my shedding hair came out in the 5 tooth brush, but this genius decides to pick up this "lemon tree" comb. I yelled, for a bigger, wider toothed comb. She said i don't have one, and then deceided to top it off by saying, DO U WANT TO COMB IT? Ladiessss, YOU DON'T KNOW!!! I was 1 second from hurtin something!!! I told her that she needs to detangle from the bottom on up. I could HEAR my new growth ripping in my scalp. She rips from my new growth on down, saying u need a touch up. I seen the other stylist comb the relaxer waaaay past the new growth on the customer hair. Touch up? HERE?!! NO, I DONT THINK SO!!! Those old ladies and there old lady customers?-YOU CAN KEEP EM!!! Prices good, parking bad. THAT was my second experience with them. My first was my mistake by going in on a day of the week when it was crowded with.....old ladies. After signing in and watching while the 3 employees SLOWEY eat, stretch out in the stylest chair, and gossip, I decided to get up and find another salon. BUT not before THAT stylst jumps up to ask why before i walk out. The good prices would not make me return there. WE ladies here arent professional hair stylst, so why dont THEY know AA hair care basics?-new growth touch up only; detangle from ends on up; deep condition after aphogee; presentable working tools. I guess i pay for what i get.

I have personally NEVER gone to a Haitian hair stylist in my adult life I don' think they know how to style hair......But maybe in differnt areas ( Brkln) you will find some that work well....but I think most stylist that do AA hair are rough on the hair......I remember going to a AA salon....highendish and I was watchin what they did

it was Blow dry, curling irons the works......they werent setting peoples hair so I think it depend...really depends when it comes to salons

I like my Dominicans....even if they "don't like us"

yeah cause most of the ones around my way...their hair is broken off and damaged. but that goes for a lot of black women period around here. if you perm your hair, you have to learn how to maintain it! and most of them don't.

yes, I think many black women mistreat their hair....I think we could all agree there

I use to blowdry my hair from wet to dry...end up with straw like ends and just a mess....

Before I learned how to rollerset my own hair, it was a MESS!!! broken ends and all....its how you do what you do IMHO
wait...this one haitian man F***** up my hair something terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like oh hell no! and the woman swore he could do hair. the woman was nice though, she hooked up mom's hair.

but i was transitioning and i guess he just didn't know how to deal with my thick hair lol
When I first saw this thread I asked my friend who is Haitian if she had a hair secret, she said no that she struggles with her hair just like anyone else. But she did say that Haitian mother's do not relax their daughter's hair until they are waaaaay older. I guess this allows them to gain length and overall hair health .
I bet JBCO is good too! But that L'huile mascreti just stanks not like MTG however I still hate the potent smell!!!!
yea, i heard about the diet thing and it made me decide to start eating better and i also want to start working out again.
i only said the dominican salons because back when i wrote that dominican salons were hot on this forum and ladies were saying they were big in NY. that was months ago and i now know it aint the dominican salons :lachen:.
i do believe it the diet and oil(although i have never used it). i use to use JBCO and my hair was so thick back then....i think i need to buy another bottle.
um what about those of us whose hair is in twists and braided styles anyway, protective styles and their/our hair is still not going
When my hair was WL as a child, my grandmother used to use a combination of l'huile mascréti and cocoa butter (YES, REALLY). I'm convinced that all worked, but the smell of l'huile mascréti is wayyy too much for me these days.

I'm also gonna agree about relaxing hair later in life. I got my first relaxer at 13.
Me too, I got a perm when I was around 13 and had a nice bald spot at the back of my head when I was 13 and 1/2.
Interesting thread ladies keep going but let us be mindful that a "Mixed background" has nothing to do with why some one has long hair. There are so many positive examples of 4b hair that with good technique grow fabulously long hair. :yep:


Haven't read the entire thread but...
Could it also be that people from Haiti, Caribean areas, and Brazil and such that so many Afro-Ameri women look at, have a tendency not to use so many products or use more natural products and/or not so relaxer minded as the US women are? Think about it, all come from Africa, some of us from the same areas but different but ancestors end up in different countries and just as "mixed" as each other. AAmer. are mixed blacks (we seem to forget) But yet we claim that those who live in other regions have some kind of secret...lol! This is something to ponder on. Are we that much different? or is it simply our technique...the women of the slave era had thicker, longer healthier hair than us today:spinning:....think on it.
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Some one else posted about caribbean ppl diets. I TOTALLY agree. My mom was making carrot juice, sour sop juice, mango juice, cucumber juice it her hair was long. Not because of it but it wasnt a hindrance.I think I want a juicer for my birthday. Eating non processed foods also help I try not to put that stuff in my body.
OH yes, not to forget all the natural juices and unprocessed foods, yam, banana, cho cho, dasheen, cassava etc ... instead of rice and bleached flour