Hypothetical Situation


New Member
What would you do in this scenario:

You are 'seeing' a guy. This guy has a gf, but you have met up on several occassions...on each occassion you have been intimate, but have never slept with thr guy.

Girlfriend then finds out about the 2 of you, then leaves bf.

What would you do? You like the guy, and are willing to accept that he is not of the best character (he is a cheat), but you want a serious relationship with him. Would you make the move to take it further? Would you wait a while, give him time to get over the heartbreak?

Dahell....if you're looking for a 'f' buddy....have a great time but a serious relationship...don't think so. Leave that man alone.

What would you do in this scenario:

You are 'seeing' a guy. This guy has a gf, but you have met up on several occassions...on each occassion you have been intimate, but have never slept with thr guy.

Girlfriend then finds out about the 2 of you, then leaves bf.

What would you do? You like the guy, and are willing to accept that he is not of the best character (he is a cheat), but you want a serious relationship with him. Would you make the move to take it further? Would you wait a while, give him time to get over the heartbreak?

What would you do in this scenario:

You are 'seeing' a guy. This guy has a gf, but you have met up on several occassions...on each occassion you have been intimate, but have never slept with thr guy.

Girlfriend then finds out about the 2 of you, then leaves bf.

What would you do? You like the guy, and are willing to accept that he is not of the best character (he is a cheat), but you want a serious relationship with him. Would you make the move to take it further? Would you wait a while, give him time to get over the heartbreak?


I would not deal with him. Think about it. If he dabbled outside of his relationship with his former girlfriend, then what makes you think that he wouldn't do the same to you. The karmic repercussions are already too much to deal with. NEXT!!
Well, you've already seen how shady he is, and he knows that you don't mind sharing. :rolleyes:

Do you really think he'll just be with you? Well, I guess he will...until the next woman who he feels like kissing, touching and being "intimate" with comes along. Then it will be your turn to leave.
:ohwell: This sounds like a spinoff of your other thread. If it is, you are letting dude go. Don't worry bout the garbage/headache she has inherited.
Why would you even take that as an opportunity on your part to take those advances?Had gf not found out he would still be treating you the same, as a jumpoff.Now I would just think he means "I'm a loser.my gf dumped me because I'm a loser and a cheat.I'm going to be with you now.For now anyway"I.don't.think.so.
This "hypothetical situation" happens all the time.Its sickening.
What would you do in this scenario:

You are 'seeing' a guy. This guy has a gf, but you have met up on several occassions...on each occassion you have been intimate, but have never slept with thr guy.

Girlfriend then finds out about the 2 of you, then leaves bf.

What would you do? You like the guy, and are willing to accept that he is not of the best character (he is a cheat), but you want a serious relationship with him. Would you make the move to take it further? Would you wait a while, give him time to get over the heartbreak?


Why are you willing to accept a cheat?! And what on earth makes you think that you could secure a serious relationship with a man that started with him cheating on his GF with you?

Here's the thing - women think that a man cheats on a woman because of the qualities that SHE possesses (and his current gf lacks). I hate to sound negative, but him cheating with you isn't a reflection of who you are as a person and the qualities YOU possess but more about who HE is as a person and the qualities he LACKS.

But to answer you question - putting myself in the situation, I'd make my intentions known. "I want to take this to the next level" but I'd also make it clear that he needs to make a clean break from his current situation BEFORE that can happen. :ohwell:
Took the words right out of my head & put em in writing.

Run. Now.

As Dr. Phil would say: "What someone will do with you, they'll do TO you."

Do you really think he will not do the same to you? PS: there are some STDs that can me transmitted by simple skin to skin contact so intimacy - sex does not = no exposure. Think about that the next time you're with him. Plus, I doubt he is heartbroken.

Both of you have demonstrated to each other your inability to be monogamous/trustworthy/faithful and your willingness to be deceitful and engage in a situation that resulted in an "innocent" person being hurt.

BTW, um, how did the GF find out???? A little birdie?

PS I know whereof I speak, learn from one who has been there. Don't do it. Run. Do some introspection to learn why you were willing to be his non-sexual side piece and find a man who will not do to you what he did to her.

(Sorry: I KNOW I'm sounding as "harsh" as another poster that I call she-who-will-not-be-named who does "tough love" type posts. I am telling you from personal experience. The choice is ultimately yours)

Disclaimer: I am not the cheater, I was the innocent gf. My guy cheated on me.

I found out, saw messages on his phone that indicated he may have been unfaithful, then he confessed.
Dahell....if you're looking for a 'f' buddy....have a great time but a serious relationship...don't think so. Leave that man alone.

I couldn't even get it out fast enough!!! You already know to keep steppping. Come on now.

Didn't see your post OP, glad you dropped that zero and sorry that you had to go through this foolishness.
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Sounds good for a booty call and nothing more. BTW what makes your goodies so good that he wouldn't do the same to you?