hung out with the ex


Well-Known Member
:cry: why did i hang out with my ex this weekend? i really thought i was over we hung out wacthed movies and everything....and now im sitting here crying over him ...i realized we could never just be i have to cut off contact with him :cry: this hurts so much and it doesnt help im pmsing ...this is new for me because i have always stayed friends or in contact with my ex's ....but i cant do it all with this last one like i did with the others
You probably feel a lot stronger about this one than any of the others you dated. I would suggest you just cool out on contacting him for awhile. It could be weeks or even months but it may be for the best. Great luck to you!
You probably feel a lot stronger about this one than any of the others you dated. I would suggest you just cool out on contacting him for awhile. It could be weeks or even months but it may be for the best. Great luck to you!

yea we broke up in november...didnt talk for several months...started talking again last month...i guess the feelings never left like i thought they did....i could tell he still has feelings for me too but i guess not strong enough ...:ohwell:
girl this is the very reason y i dont 'hang out' with exes cause i dont let pple in very easily so when i have a relationship with someone my feelings will be running pretty deep so breakups are difficult so i have to stop contact or else it will be very detrimental to me..i have plenty of friends i dont need my ex to be my friend as well
Awww Andre...I know that must be tough. Girl, you gotta cut 'em off. That "friends" business is tricky to say the least. Sometimes, it's like a month turns into hours when you see that person again. :ohwell:

But at least the curiosity is gone. Take care of you now.
Girl go get your man back!

Why did you all split up? Who got back in contact with who for the weekend date?
Girl go get your man back!

Why did you all split up? Who got back in contact with who for the weekend date?

basically we werent handling our business like we should have been because we were enjoying each other too much/didnt want to get too serious/we had some communication/trust issues that both of us were to scared to deal with...were both pretty young though :ohwell:

well i called him up because a mutual friend of ours was visiting from out of we could all go out it was fun...maybe too much
I know how you feel. There was a guy i used to date and we talked on the phone last week. I hadn't spoken to him on the phone since august and after I hung up the phone from him, I felt so sad. it was like all the feelings came back.

I agree with cocoaluv. Limit your contact with him.
I know how you feel. There was a guy i used to date and we talked on the phone last week. I hadn't spoken to him on the phone since august and after I hung up the phone from him, I felt so sad. it was like all the feelings came back.

I agree with cocoaluv. Limit your contact with him.

:cry: still crying over this guy and some other stuff not even the crying hormones are wacked out
((((hugs))) I am going through this right now too. There's this one ex where no matter how long I stay away from him, the feelings just come rushing back... even tho he's no good for me. :ohwell:

The only solution is to cut contact for good. Find a hobby, make some new friends, talk to your family, anything to distract yourself from him. It is hard though.
you don't even know the half of it. In my situation to think I could be with a man for 3 years and some change, miscarriage (99% due to the fact that he did nothing but terrorize me my whole pregnancy), and getting his ex pregnant (and swearing it wasn't his child) and then some- I've known him since he was a stupid kid so I don't think anyone knows about this disappointment better than I.

Its rough but I think all three of us will make it through. He's my only boyfriend ever in life so its TWICE as hard. And the baby? Makes it even harder for me but I guess I have to push through somehow and you will too. Before you ever THINK of going back to him (if thats what truly in your heart) discern whether you really had any serious, serious problems. Be realistic with yourself- if he cheated on you 5+ times, getting back with him probably won't do anything but ruin your life, unimaginably. On the other hand, if it was something small that can be worked through, then go back to him, grab onto him and never look back.

And i've made it more times than I have fingers and toes and the obvious answer was staring me in the face. I truly do, with all my heart, believe he's my soulmate and the only one for me but if thats meant to be then he'll come back someday (maybe not if i'm not meant to be with him in this lifetime) and things will be better. But please be realistic with yourself- don't trick yourself into believing its not going to work if what he did was all in all a dealbreaker.

Only you can make that decision for yourself.
And before you open that can of worms be sure that this is what you want- its a hell of a lot harder once you REALLY start loving him and you have to cut it off because its breaking the both of you to pieces.

If you ever need a friendly ear, i'm here for you!