How well do you get to know the family?


New Member
There's one guy I particularly like. I'm physically attracted to him, and I'm attracted to his bank figures. I still need to get to know his personality a bit more... but everythings perfect so far.

I managed to get hold of his address, and his mums details. It's very important for me to date the family before I date the man. I went to his mothers house, and pretended to be a sales woman. I complimented her, and got into a conversation. She brought me tea, and things were going perfect. Next thing I know the door bell rang, and he came in.. he freaked out and called me crazy. He then proceeded to pick me up and throw me out the house.

I'm sure he didn't mean it, and he's just not used to a strong woman like me. Anyhuu I've managed to get hold of his fathers adress (his parents are separated) and I plan to do the same. I have a list of his close relatives, and sometime next week, I'll do the same with his siblings. Once, I'm happy with his family.. I'll let him know he passed, and then me and him can go on our romantic date.

How well do you get to know the family?
There's one guy I particularly like. I'm physically attracted to him, and I'm attracted to his bank figures. I still need to get to know his personality a bit more... but everythings perfect so far.

I managed to get hold of his address, and his mums details. It's very important for me to date the family before I date the man. I went to his mothers house, and pretended to be a sales woman. I complimented her, and got into a conversation. She brought me tea, and things were going perfect. Next thing I know the door bell rang, and he came in.. he freaked out and called me crazy. He then proceeded to pick me up and throw me out the house.

I'm sure he didn't mean it, and he's just not used to a strong woman like me. Anyhuu I've managed to get hold of his fathers adress (his parents are separated) and I plan to do the same. I have a list of his close relatives, and sometime next week, I'll do the same with his siblings. Once, I'm happy with his family.. I'll let him know he passed, and then me and him can go on our romantic date.

How well do you get to know the family?

Are you serious?:blush: Please tell me you're joking. I'll get stoned for what I'm about to say but I think you're playing a dangerous game. I understand wanted to know know more about him but you really went to the extreme.:nono: Do you honestly think he's going to want to deal with you after you posed as a sales woman to get inside his mother's home? If that isn't bad enough, you're planning on doing this to the rest of his family. Don't worry about letting him know if he "passed". He probably thinks you're psycho and won't want to have anything to do with you.
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between this, a pre-dating interview only the FBI could design and the witness protection program ( in the other thread), you need to stop sharing such jewels with LHCF and ask Hollywood to make a motion picture based on your life. :lachen:

on the real, thanks for the laughs. of course, you will probably have to provide movie executives with valid proof that such instances have actually occurred which *may* or may not be difficult to do. :look:
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Ok, ok ok I'll answer the question.:rolleyes:

For me, it's not about the's about him. I say this, because if that weren't the case, my parents would've never married/stayed together.
My grandmother is overbearing, "speaks her mind" and is demeaning to others. But her son (my dad) is super sweet and kind, and my Mom had no idea what his Mother was like based on his personality...but it all came down to the couple loving each other, not the crazy relatives.:look:
If a guy was interested in me, I'd want to get to know his family and build a strong relationship with them, but in the grand scheme...If his relatives were wacko but HE loved me to pieces:grin: I'd still keep him, because WE matter more than THEM. :yep:

...hope this makes sense!
'Scuse me???? You're conducting a study or something right. I know, I know, you are a graduate student and this is research for your thesis?????? :crazy:

eta: I dont believe your posts anymore.
If you are serious, this guy will want nothing to do with you. After all he threw you out. If this is serious you are a friggin psycho.

Since you are so bold, call and ask him out on a date, tell him to bring his momma and nem. Um, sure I believe this story and I am bangin Idris Elba er' night.
Didn't the lady on Fatal Attraction do something similar to the wife?
Anywhoo I would call you a "certified crazy nut."

Are we being punked because surely this is joke....:perplexed
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Ok, so now that I know what kind of thread starter you are, I'll be sure to click on your threads :lachen::lachen:
Ok, ok ok I'll answer the question.:rolleyes:

For me, it's not about the's about him. I say this, because if that weren't the case, my parents would've never married/stayed together.
My grandmother is overbearing, "speaks her mind" and is demeaning to others. But her son (my dad) is super sweet and kind, and my Mom had no idea what his Mother was like based on his personality...but it all came down to the couple loving each other, not the crazy relatives.:look:
If a guy was interested in me, I'd want to get to know his family and build a strong relationship with them, but in the grand scheme...If his relatives were wacko but HE loved me to pieces:grin: I'd still keep him, because WE matter more than THEM. :yep:

...hope this makes sense!

You're the only one who ever answers my question. Thank you, that means a lot to me.

between this, a pre-dating interview only the FBI could design and the witness protection program ( in the other thread), you need to stop sharing such jewels with LHCF and ask Hollywood to make a motion picture based on your life. :lachen:

on the real, thanks for the laughs. of course, you will probably have to provide movie executives with valid proof that such instances have actually occurred which *may* or may not be difficult to do. :look:

'Scuse me???? You're conducting a study or something right. I know, I know, you are a graduate student and this is research for your thesis?????? :crazy:


Ok, so now that I know what kind of thread starter you are, I'll be sure to click on your threads :lachen::lachen:

@ Platinum, :rolleyes: please don't tell me you believe that story :lachen:


You're the only one who ever answers my question. Thank you, that means a lot to me.

We all got dissed except kittikat24.

Chocolatelove, why did you even post when all you wanted was a confirmation of what you did or are going to do anyway?? You really could have kept all of that to yourself because you did not want honest input. KWIM

That is if everyone chooses to believe this story.
LHCF keeps me in stitches!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I love you gals!

[Seriously, OP, you didn't go by that lady's house to spy on her, right? RIGHT?] :sekret:
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She climbin in yo windows and snatching yo family up, tryin to meet them. So you need to hide yur mom, hide yur dad....and hide yo sister cuz she meetin erybody up in here.