How "unsexy" Do You Look At Night?

My usually sleepwear is a sports bra and girl boxers or some other comfy panty and a scarf. SO doesn't care.

At my unsexiest when I'm coming down with a cold I might have a chunk of tissue jammed up my nose and he still will try and come after me.
It weird, I've seen men complain about their SOs looking unsexy for bed but the general consensus is that they don't care. Do any of you think they do but just don't say anything about it?

I don't think it stops them from wanting some. But no one man wants to see his girl/wife looking raggedy going to bed night after night after night. I wouldn't wear anything with holes in it or looks terrible. I usually wear a fitted tee or a wife beater and panties. I would like to start getting little cutesy sets to wear once in a while. If I didn't have to tie my hair up, I wouldn't do that all the time either.
scarf, tights and a tee shirt, or nude, or just a tee-shirt w/ nothing underneath. no sexy at all. But SO doesn't care. Or at least he never said he did.
I've had on a mumu and got attacked :lol:...SO pays it no mind, he knows unless it's that time of month I have nothing on underneath anyway, so whatever I have on he gladly throws it off.
My SO is white and the first time he saw me with my bonnet on, he just stared and said, "WTH do you have on your head? You look like the cafeteria lady." :lol: But I still look good to him.
I had an ex that had this reaction when i sprung it on him

lol my ex loved my satin bonnet. he thought it was so cute. he would go find it for me and say "don't forget to put your hat on" :grin:

then the reaction above when he got used to it.

Then we broke up and he kept it under his pillow. :perplexed

But yeah I sleep naked and have satin pillow cases.
MY SO says he can't stand to see a woman looking throwed off coming to bed. He believes there is nothing more unattractive than a female not trying to at least look desirable. I explained to him if he wants to see long hair then THIS is what I have to do to keep it all working. I told him that my hair will be wrapped up once the throws of passion are over. I sleep nude per his request and now I love it.
Funny thread. It varies for me. Some nights it is a long t-shirt with nothing underneath. Other nights it is a tank and some boxers. And every now and again it's a cute night gown or nude. The one consistant thing I wear to bed is my satin bonnet or scarf (sometimes with huge bumpy flexirods underneath. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING stops that man for going for the gold.
Usually I am not projecting sexiness in the winter but that has not affected our sex life. I actually have sleepers :giggle: I still remember the look on dh face when he saw me in one for the first time, priceless :lol: Part of me thinks it enhances it just so he can get me out of the baby or grandma pj's :lol: