
Well-Known Member

"I am not DTF," I clarified to a friend recently. "Well, I mean, I suppose I am DTF -- but I'm like a super picky DTF. I'm SPDTF."

Step 1: Make it clear in your dating profile that you are open to a purely hookup scenario.

Step 2: Be safe and also only meet people who you actually want to meet. Vet accordingly.

Step 3: When you do chat, bring up the sex thing in a coy but direct way.

My line that I just used successfully (and which I meant): "I have a lot of writing that needs to get done but part of me feels like hooking up might be a stress reliever." The response I got back from the dude: "Um? If I can be of service?" The next time me and this dude hooked up it was also a good callback. He arranged it very quickly with a text: "Any desire for a stress relief today?" Answer: "Yes, please."

Step 4: For your first get-together, meet at a bar or coffee shop near your place.

Suss out potential attraction in the next 30 minutes. If you're both game, you're not far from home.

Step 5: In your super-sped-up "date," make sure there is a basis of respect underneath -- for later.

I honestly think this is the main factor where people can go wrong. (Or where I've gone wrong, anyway.) Something casual can be so great and refreshing -- but ONLY if you feel good about it afterward.

Step 6: Set the fun casual sex mood with the right music and mood lighting.

Step 7: Be prepared to call out how this is awkward so that everything becomes a whole lot less awkward.

When you're at your place, say something like, "Want a glass of water?" Not, like, "What was your last relationship like?" Or, "Do you really think anyone who voted for Nader cost Gore the election in 2000?" It's easy to slip into more serious kinds of questions as they're a natural part of conversation, but for this scenario, keep it in the moment and superficial. "Is this candle okay?" "Do you want to take off your coat?" "I like your gingham shirt." Anything, but -- "Tell me about your hopes and dreams and do you think the world as we know it will even exist 20 years from now and what will that mean for our children's children anyway?" No. Talk about the dumb candle. "That candle sure is on fire, right?" [Removes a piece of clothing.]:lachen::lachen:

Step 8: Make a move if the other person doesn't.

Kiss! Slow and hesitant is sexy. But just do it. Just kiss him. Or let him kiss you. Are you attracted? Was the kiss okay? Unless the kiss is awful, I say give it a good one to two minutes to figure out what the attraction level is.

Step 9: There's no shame in calling it all off.

Step 10: If you are going to do the deed, obviously be prepared for safe sex and communicate the fun stuff.

Condoms. You gotta have 'em. Now, for the fun stuff part: I love psychological teasing and languid touch. Pretty much anything that is the opposite of frenzied jackhammering. Usually if there is a chemistry match, you don't need to say some of the basics as it becomes more like a dance, an ebb and flow, but don't be afraid to communicate what gets you off. Not too much, but just enough words to make it as great for both of you as possible.

Step 11: Speaking of words, less is more.

Step 12: Get in, get out.

Full article:
I don't feel there is any non awkward way to seek out another person JUST for sex.

Sent from my galaxy s4 using LHCF
Sounds like a way to get raped. You bring him to your place, start making out, then decide to call it off? Trouble with a capital T.
i feel like if you need instructions for this its probably not an experiment you should undertake.

also this advice in particular sucks. but i dont expect anything better from xojane.
so how do lhcf feel about having casual sex and is there anything you add or take away from this article
Me i a women of a certain age and i stans for grown folks taking full control of there own sexuality so if it works for you who am i to judge.

at first glance the only thing i would really change about this article is i would definitely have a partner/friend that knows where i was at all the time and i would not be bringing folks back to my apartment.
lhcf doesnt approve of casual sex. lhcf could not consider the viability of casual sex as an option for anyone but women with loose morals.

ironically there was a thread in the relationship forum recently where some posters (including myself) advocated for an exclusive sexual relationship as preferable to casual sex with multiple partners, and lhcf didnt like that either when normally it would never advocate for casual sex. so basically any sex life that deviates from boring and common is not acceptable.
i feel like if you need instructions for this its probably not an experiment you should undertake.

also this advice in particular sucks. but i dont expect anything better from xojane.

ohh i hate xojane articles but there titles always crack me up they be like....It happened to me..........(some stupid mess that would only happen to them and no one else in the world actually relates to it)
lhcf doesnt approve of casual sex. lhcf could not consider the viability of casual sex as an option for anyone but women with loose morals.

ironically there was a thread in the relationship forum recently where some posters (including myself) advocated for an exclusive sexual relationship as preferable to casual sex with multiple partners, and lhcf didnt like that either when normally it would never advocate for casual sex. so basically any sex life that deviates from boring and common is not acceptable.

i knew this would be the consensuses but i thought at least it would turn into a interesting discussion
i knew this would be the consensuses but i thought at least it would turn into a interesting discussion
This isn't my opinion. I'm just not the type of person who can carry it off. I much prefer the one night stand. That way you can make a clean break afterwards.

Sent from my galaxy s4 using LHCF
Sounds like a way to get raped. You bring him to your place, start making out, then decide to call it off? Trouble with a capital T.

yeah i dont like that part either i think you should be making out some where in a public--ish area if your going to do it like a dark swanky bar:grin:
This isn't my opinion. I'm just not the type of person who can carry it off. I much prefer the one night stand. That way you can make a clean break afterwards.

Sent from my galaxy s4 using LHCF

but this is the pre planned one night stand with the possibilities of a call back
i knew this would be the consensuses but i thought at least it would turn into a interesting discussion

yeah. my instructions for casual sex would focus more on the emotional and practical implications rather than literally how to make a move on a guy to get him to bone you (does anyone really need help with that?). in fact, their only point addressing how to do it (Step 1: Make it clear in your dating profile that you are open to a purely hookup scenario.) is irritatingly unhelpful. ugh, i hate xojane :mad: i would go so far as to say the person who wrote it has no idea what shes talking about :lol:
Sorry but this is pathetic - women plotting on how to get men to have sex with them with no commitment and only contact them when they want sex...mmkay...
yeah. my instructions for casual sex would focus more on the emotional and practical implications rather than literally how to make a move on a guy to get him to bone you (does anyone really need help with that?). in fact, their only point addressing how to do it (Step 1: Make it clear in your dating profile that you are open to a purely hookup scenario.) is irritatingly unhelpful. ugh, i hate xojane :mad: i would go so far as to say the person who wrote it has no idea what shes talking about :lol:

I agree about the emotional stuff, I think that is the biggest obstacle how to pull this off in a healthy, safe and mature way without drama
Sorry but this is pathetic - women plotting on how to get men to have sex with them with no commitment and only contact them when they want sex...mmkay...

now that i actually looked at the article, im not surprised. the person who wrote it is an ****** trainwreck and i wouldnt take advice from her on how to feed a dog.

e: she once wrote an article detailing how some guy turned her down so she went into the bathroom at work and (described in excruciating detail) explained how she shot a video of herself masturbating to send to him so he'd know what he was missing. shes popular over there because those women are idiots, but seriously, trainwreck.

she says mention that you only want to hook up. the truth is just hooking up is the default goal of most guys who are online dating, so if your goal is to have a somewhat respectful experience with a guy who's not going to treat you like an anonymous hole and possibly be interested in doing it again, youre already putting yourself at a disadvantage to frame the options that way. goes to show you right off the bat how dumb she is.
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Why on earth would any woman ever start any encounter with a man with "I just want to hook up"?? Nah son. Act like a man, think like a woman (intentionally backward).

Sometimes I think we talk to much. STFU and do what you want but why TELL him that? Honesty is overrated when it comes to dating, at least in the beginning. :lol: :look:
The meeting to the apartment time is too short. How can one tell if someone is a serial killer in 30 minutes? Maybe a few more meetings before she decides. I wonder if that would ruin the casualness factor?
I didn't take the article seriously. I thought it was just for a laugh.

I hope so because the "instructions" weren't good. Women do not need a guidebook on how to get laid especially with no strings attached. The world is your oyster.
I wrote on my Tinder "Looking for a long-term serious thing but not averse to a good FWB situation ."

Really tho? Really?

She put herself on clearance before the sale even started.