How to Fry Your Hair

Has anyone stopped to think that maybe these ladies aren't trying to grow their hair long?

The first video had nothing wrong with it. she has a short 'do and that hair she's flat ironing will be long gone in a few months with all the trims she would have to do to maintain the style. Short hair care is VERY different from trying to retain and grow your hair long.

Now, the second video... I have a problem with the second video offering "advice". She's mistaken on some points.
On the real this site just have some kind of prejiduce to short hair in general. No matter how healthy the hair could be, according to some on this site, short hair equals damage or even ugly. If we internally feel this way, why blast someone's video who has short hair, just because we are members of The LONG HAIR care forum? Why not just keep our oinions to ourselves? I don't understand why are we that judgemental on someone else's hair? The concern should be in our individual hair goals, while supporting others who wants to achieve the same goals.

I agree with Neith, by posting this woman's video shows our true colors that I DO NOT wish or ever want to participate. To me it speaks bourgeoisness, like rich people sticking their noses in the air..."my hair is long and have worked to achieve healthier hair so I am better than someone who doesn't have those attributes". How ridiculous and mighty uppity attitudes!
Has anyone stopped to think that maybe these ladies aren't trying to grow their hair long?

The first video had nothing wrong with it. she has a short 'do and that hair she's flat ironing will be long gone in a few months with all the trims she would have to do to maintain the style. Short hair care is VERY different from trying to retain and grow your hair long.

Now, the second video... I have a problem with the second video offering "advice". She's mistaken on some points.

I didnt think there was anything wrong with the first video either. When you have a short cut, you have to use more heat on it and holding spray to hold the style. I think it was cute.
On the real this site just have some kind of prejiduce to short hair in general. No matter how healthy the hair could be, according to some on this site, short hair equals damage or even ugly. If we internally feel this way, why blast someone's video who has short hair, just because we are members of The LONG HAIR care forum? Why not just keep our oinions to ourselves? I don't understand why are we that judgemental on someone else's hair? The concern should be in our individual hair goals, while supporting others who wants to achieve the same goals.

I agree with Neith, by posting this woman's video shows our true colors that I DO NOT wish or ever want to participate. To me it speaks bourgeoisness, like rich people sticking their noses in the air..."my hair is long and have worked to achieve healthier hair so I am better than someone who doesn't have those attributes". How ridiculous and mighty uppity attitudes!

I agree with you to a certain extent. I don't really think that the people responding think they are better more so than the fact that they may have found what they feel is the proper way to take care of their hair and it's hard to see somebody else do something they feel may be the "wrong way". The video probably shouldn't have been posted IMO only because it was more like putting the women on display for something seen as negative and we all know that nobody is perfect and we all have negative things that can be put on display. Just like the Lord gives he can take away... hair included.
On the real this site just have some kind of prejiduce to short hair in general. No matter how healthy the hair could be, according to some on this site, short hair equals damage or even ugly. If we internally feel this way, why blast someone's video who has short hair, just because we are members of The LONG HAIR care forum? Why not just keep our oinions to ourselves? I don't understand why are we that judgemental on someone else's hair? The concern should be in our individual hair goals, while supporting others who wants to achieve the same goals.

I agree with Neith, by posting this woman's video shows our true colors that I DO NOT wish or ever want to participate. To me it speaks bourgeoisness, like rich people sticking their noses in the air..."my hair is long and have worked to achieve healthier hair so I am better than someone who doesn't have those attributes". How ridiculous and mighty uppity attitudes!

I agree. I have not read this entire thread, but I did go to the video and scrolled down and the first response was informing the poster that, "FYI- This video is being shown as a "How to Fry Your Hair" video over at LHCF...Apparently, over there, they are above this."
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On the real this site just have some kind of prejiduce to short hair in general. No matter how healthy the hair could be, according to some on this site, short hair equals damage or even ugly. If we internally feel this way, why blast someone's video who has short hair, just because we are members of The LONG HAIR care forum? Why not just keep our oinions to ourselves? I don't understand why are we that judgemental on someone else's hair? The concern should be in our individual hair goals, while supporting others who wants to achieve the same goals.

I agree with Neith, by posting this woman's video shows our true colors that I DO NOT wish or ever want to participate. To me it speaks bourgeoisness, like rich people sticking their noses in the air..."my hair is long and have worked to achieve healthier hair so I am better than someone who doesn't have those attributes". How ridiculous and mighty uppity attitudes!

I agree with you to an extent. It's kinda rude to talk about the YouTubers over here. If you have something to say or a question, just ask the poster directly (not sure if OP did that) and leave it at that. What's the point in bringing the umpteenth video over here of someone using vaseline to press or overlapping their perm by 2-3 inches?
On the real this site just have some kind of prejiduce to short hair in general. No matter how healthy the hair could be, according to some on this site, short hair equals damage or even ugly. If we internally feel this way, why blast someone's video who has short hair, just because we are members of The LONG HAIR care forum? Why not just keep our oinions to ourselves? I don't understand why are we that judgemental on someone else's hair? The concern should be in our individual hair goals, while supporting others who wants to achieve the same goals.

I agree with Neith, by posting this woman's video shows our true colors that I DO NOT wish or ever want to participate. To me it speaks bourgeoisness, like rich people sticking their noses in the air..."my hair is long and have worked to achieve healthier hair so I am better than someone who doesn't have those attributes". How ridiculous and mighty uppity attitudes!

Hmmm...I don't think so. I don't think some are blasting her because she has short hair. I think it's maybe because those techniques she is using isn't going to keep her hair healthy in the long run. If I remember right, OP says something like "This is how I used to do my hair until I learned better". IDK really as I've never had that short hair and don't imagine I know what it takes to keep it up. I don't see why you would have to keep your opinion to yourself if they post in on youtube. If they don't want people to comment either way they shouldn't have posted it. Our society has thing to only want to hear opinions of those who agree with us and that's complete BS, IMO. If you can hear the praises, you can hear the criticisms :yep:

Just b/c I criticize something you made a decision to put on display doesn't mean I think I'm better than you...esp. if I wasn't being mean-spirited and calling you names or anything.

I agree with you to an extent. It's kinda rude to talk about the YouTubers over here. If you have something to say or a question, just ask the poster directly (not sure if OP did that) and leave it at that. What's the point in bringing the umpteenth video over here of someone using vaseline to press or overlapping their perm by 2-3 inches?

Again, I don't see why it's necessary. Why can't we talk about YouTubers over here? It's the internet and if someone willingly put a video of themselves on the net for everyone to see, I don't understand why we can't discuss it. We are talking about the dos and don'ts and educating ourselves in the process. For example, in the other thread, I and some other ppl learned that it is not necessarily bad to flat iron damp hair. How many of us prior to that thread thought it was?

I'd post a vid of someone using vaseline to press their hair if I identified with it that much. It's almost like testifying at church - "That used to be me! I know better now and one day maybe she will too...can you relate?" IDK. I just don't think it's that serious.
i feel like its a bit much.

also alot of females are not trying to grow their hair long. as stated she may like it a certain length and with the use of heat she is accustomed to and trims her hair I going to stay right where she wants it.

actually there are people of all races who damage thier hair on a daily basis and don't care since its going to just grow back anyway. its more about the look they want than anything.
Hmmm...I don't think so. I don't think some are blasting her because she has short hair. I think it's maybe because those techniques she is using isn't going to keep her hair healthy in the long run. If I remember right, OP says something like "This is how I used to do my hair until I learned better". IDK really as I've never had that short hair and don't imagine I know what it takes to keep it up. I don't see why you would have to keep your opinion to yourself if they post in on youtube. If they don't want people to comment either way they shouldn't have posted it. Our society has thing to only want to hear opinions of those who agree with us and that's complete BS, IMO. If you can hear the praises, you can hear the criticisms :yep:

Just b/c I criticize something you made a decision to put on display doesn't mean I think I'm better than you...esp. if I wasn't being mean-spirited and calling you names or anything.

Again, I don't see why it's necessary. Why can't we talk about YouTubers over here? It's the internet and if someone willingly put a video of themselves on the net for everyone to see, I don't understand why we can't discuss it. We are talking about the dos and don'ts and educating ourselves in the process. For example, in the other thread, I and some other ppl learned that it is not necessarily bad to flat iron damp hair. How many of us prior to that thread thought it was?

I'd post a vid of someone using vaseline to press their hair if I identified with it that much. It's almost like testifying at church - "That used to be me! I know better now and one day maybe she will too...can you relate?" IDK. I just don't think it's that serious.

No one here is a child. You can say whatever you want when you want.

However, these vids were not posted to discuss... they were posted to gawk at.

We all know that these people are not using the best techniques. Why do we feel the need to say "Omg, look at that, isn't that horrible?"

Yes, we are allowed to post youtude vids, but imo it is getting to the point where I don't feel that it's classy or helpful to either party.

It wasn't posted with the serious intention of learning or discussing... it was posted just so that we can all join in on a group "tsk tsk and :nono:"

These are real people. I think people sometimes lose track of that. These women may not have the best hair practices, but they did put themselves out there trying to help, share and possibly learn.

How would you feel if you did a vid and came to find some big discussion about how wrong you are?

You may realize that you are doing the wrong things, but from the negative tone of the posting you would probably think (and rightly so) that people here at lhcf are elitist and very catty.

If these vids were not posted with the intent to share knowledge here or help these people... then WHAT were they posted for? Entertainment? To point at people who are "less fortunate"?
No one here is a child. You can say whatever you want when you want.

However, these vids were not posted to discuss... they were posted to gawk at.

We all know that these people are not using the best techniques. Why do we feel the need to say "Omg, look at that, isn't that horrible?"

Yes, we are allowed to post youtude vids, but imo it is getting to the point where I don't feel that it's classy or helpful to either party.

It wasn't posted with the serious intention of learning or discussing... it was posted just so that we can all join in on a group "tsk tsk and :nono:"

These are real people. I think people sometimes lose track of that. These women may not have the best hair practices, but they did put themselves out there trying to help, share and possibly learn.

How would you feel if you did a vid and came to find some big discussion about how wrong you are?

You may realize that you are doing the wrong things, but from the negative tone of the posting you would probably think (and rightly so) that people here at lhcf are elitist and very catty.

If these vids were not posted with the intent to share knowledge here or help these people... then WHAT were they posted for? Entertainment? To point at people who are "less fortunate"?

If the videos were on some personal, locked blog or something, maybe I'd feel differently. All criticisms might not be PC, but if it sparks convo it's all good.

If I put out a vid and ppl went off on how wrong I was, I would read it and take notes! Yeah, I'd be a lil pissed they called me out but call a spade a spade. If I'm doing something "wrong", then I just am.

If they actually came on LHCF to see what we were saying instead of just listing to what random YT commenters are saying, they would see there are a mixture of responses.

If you are posting a video on YT for entertainment or otherwise saying "This is how you flat iron short hair" and what you are doing in it is unhealthy (regardless of short or long, I hope most want healthy hair), what is the problem with someone making a post saying "This is how you DO NOT flat iron short hair", for entertainment or otherwise?

Real ppl need to get used to real life, IMO. Nobody IRL is gonna let it ride if you do something silly.

If YT was real life, and there were over 1,000 people going to see one of these girls do a hair demonstration, ppl would be waaaay harsher than most on LHCF. Just b/c it's the internet doesn't mean you get a pass. You are still incorrectly educating people. You will be called out on it by somebody, someday.
If the videos were on some personal, locked blog or something, maybe I'd feel differently. All criticisms might not be PC, but if it sparks convo it's all good.

If I put out a vid and ppl went off on how wrong I was, I would read it and take notes! Yeah, I'd be a lil pissed they called me out but call a spade a spade. If I'm doing something "wrong", then I just am.

If they actually came on LHCF to see what we were saying instead of just listing to what random YT commenters are saying, they would see there are a mixture of responses.

If you are posting a video on YT for entertainment or otherwise saying "This is how you flat iron short hair" and what you are doing in it is unhealthy (regardless of short or long, I hope most want healthy hair), what is the problem with someone making a post saying "This is how you DO NOT flat iron short hair", for entertainment or otherwise?

Real ppl need to get used to real life, IMO. Nobody IRL is gonna let it ride if you do something silly.

If YT was real life, and there were over 1,000 people going to see one of these girls do a hair demonstration, ppl would be waaaay harsher than most on LHCF. Just b/c it's the internet doesn't mean you get a pass. You are still incorrectly educating people. You will be called out on it by somebody, someday.

I'm sorry, there is no excuse for ridiculing others.

Someone has to grow up, show a little compassion and care for other people's feeling sometimes. How would the real world be if no one ever did?

I'm sorry, there is no excuse for ridiculing others.

Someone has to grow up, show a little compassion and care for other people's feeling sometimes. How would the real world be if no one ever did?

I guess lol. I just don't think that most of the posts are ridiculing the YTers. If I did, I'd agree with you. Christianly speaking.
She had some good practices, heat protectant for one and a hooded dryer second. Her was cute in the end, a little bit too much product for my taste, and a rattail comb will never :nono: go through my hair.
No one here is a child. You can say whatever you want when you want.

However, these vids were not posted to discuss... they were posted to gawk at.

We all know that these people are not using the best techniques. Why do we feel the need to say "Omg, look at that, isn't that horrible?"

Yes, we are allowed to post youtude vids, but imo it is getting to the point where I don't feel that it's classy or helpful to either party.

It wasn't posted with the serious intention of learning or discussing... it was posted just so that we can all join in on a group "tsk tsk and :nono:"

These are real people. I think people sometimes lose track of that. These women may not have the best hair practices, but they did put themselves out there trying to help, share and possibly learn.

How would you feel if you did a vid and came to find some big discussion about how wrong you are?

You may realize that you are doing the wrong things, but from the negative tone of the posting you would probably think (and rightly so) that people here at lhcf are elitist and very catty.

If these vids were not posted with the intent to share knowledge here or help these people... then WHAT were they posted for? Entertainment? To point at people who are "less fortunate"? took the words right out of my mouth!
I think just about all of us has done this to our heads at one point. Maybe we should invite her in, so that she could learn better hair care methods. Her hair looks great though.
Whew, I'm glad the star rating system is now out of service. :lachen:
Haha, that makes a lot of sense.

I looked at some of the shorter haired girls videos. I actually really like her personality. It made me feel like I was talking to some of the girls back home.
I agree some of the videos make me want to hug my hair. But we at LHCF must realize that not everyone is looking for our help. I admit I look at those videos and wish they can do better. But by commenting on them on youtube and mentioning LHCF will bring the crazies here or direct thei negativities towards us. There are some who will try to make us look bad as if we are a cult. We are a great group of smart women looking to better ourselves and our hair care rituals.

I have seen too many negative comments and blogs about LHCF and its sad. Let us focus on making ourselves better and helping the ladies on here looking for healthy hair. When they are ready to make a change let them google.

So my best advice to you ladies, you can look shake your head and keep it moving. I know have learned the hard way. I have lost my best friend because of wanting to help someone who was not lookign for my help. Lets focus on what matters. Gainin healthy hair for ourselves.