How To Attract A Rich Man

I saw that bat signal as well here you go :circle:
Thank you!

@ThePerfectScore you need to release your attachment to the outcome. You are not going to marry down. You already have attracted a number of wealthy guys. Not to be harsh but stop acting like they are a scarce commodity that you MUST have. You are the prize. You have thrown out all the hints you need to. Chill. If it isn't him, it will be another because you attract and deserve the best. My mindset in these situations is everything is setting me up for a long term win. Take that view and I promise you will get everything you want.
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I think he already knows based on what you’ve written. Short of outright saying I think we should date, I don’t think there’s much else you can do or say. I would definitely fall back. I think you need to see if he will take the lead or not. And I think you will have a higher chance of him pursuing you if you release your attachment to the outcome.
Thank you!

@ThePerfectScore you need to release your attachment to the outcome. You are not going to marry down. You already have attracted a number of wealthy guys. Not to be harsh but stop acting like they are a scarce commodity that you MUST have. You are the prize. You have thrown out all the hints you need to. Chill. If it isn't him, it will be another because you attract and deserve the best. My mindset in these situations is everything is setting me up for a long term win. Take that view and I promise you will get everything you want.

Yeah, I'm probably having a quarter life crisis. The last year of my 20's got me feeling like this woman.

Friend in ATL just got engaged last week. Another just had a baby. My friend (who's engaged to the C-level tech executive) came over Saturday to officially ask me to be her bridesmaid. I'm not envious. Super happy for them, plus single men at the weddings = jackpot! And I know the old idioms, the grass ain't always greener. I wish them all the best, but this reminds me of a convo I had when I was dating a guy 7 years my senior. While all my peers were ramping up announcing their engagements, a lot of his friends had crossed that threshold into announcing their divorces, so I'm not trying to get a man by some age deadline just to say I got a man. I can be patient for the right one for me to come along.

I'm being extremely myopic and wasting my pretty. I think I might re-active my League profile and just date around in 2018 and see what type of fun I can get into during my upcoming trips to NYC, Tahoe, Vegas, and Greece!

I saw that bat signal as well here you go :circle:

ditto :circle:

Allright ladies, enjoy Thanksgiving! We all have a lot to be thankful for! Thanks for the love, support and advice! :grouphug3:
On a whim I went to a spiritual reader months ago, and she said he's the one. But that he had baggage he needs to resolve before he's in the market for a romantic relationship, but in 2017 he'll be ready and will actively engage me in that way. We'll know if she's a real psychic or full of shizt in 351 days.
What happened with this?

How is everyone? I got one of the dudes out of the running and had a disagreement with the other so I guess out of options? New year new rotation I guess?
What happened with this?

Well... It's Dec 21st, and I'm single, so I'm really thinking the psychic was only a 50% psychic.

With the Software company CEO guy--- This summer I got some friends together for this Drake event. He offered his home to pre-game, so my friends and I went over to his place. But a few days prior one of his friends introduced him to someone (Thin, Blonde, White) which I surmised was his type based on Facebook stalking his exes. TBW girl was laying it on him THICK that night. He was eating it up. THE END.

Based on his dating trends I would have been an outlier anyway. I got over it.
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My best friend has a month off from her MBA program in the spring, and she wants to go to Greece. I suggested we go to the French Riviera too. I decided to hit up my friend from college who grew up in Monte Carlo.

Now this friend...we lived on the same floor of our dorm. We hung out a lot freshman year, but everyone on that floor did. But the thing that made it special was that we stayed in touch, even after graduation. We chat a few times a year for hours on end. It's so easy with him to just pick up where we left off. But we haven't seen each other in 5 years! We tried to link up last time I was in ATL, but he was going when I was coming. We made a vow that we'd have to get together in person in 2018, no excuses.

Stats on Monte Carlo Bae:
  • Known this guy for 10 years at this point.
  • Grew up in Monte Carlo.
    • Went to boarding schools with the children of dignitaries, ambassadors, royalty, executives, etc. Major upper class 1%'er rich people stuff.
  • Post undergrad he was on the tennis circuit trying to rank as Pro.
  • Then he got his MBA from a very prestigious international B school.
  • Now works as a consultant for McKinsey.
  • But his side hustle and his passion is being a tv and film producer.
    • He created and produced a reality tv show similar to Rich Kids on E!, but centers around the elite of Monte Carlo.
    • He's also in the works with other TV and Film projects.
  • He's an international jet setter.
    • He spends most of his time in Monte Carlo, Paris, London, LA, and Atlanta.
      • He calls Atlanta home.
    • But I never know what continent he's on.
      • Other places he spends time Singapore, Thailand, Lisbon, Dubai, Croatia.
So 18 year old TPS messed up, and now 28 year old TPS is trying to make up for lost time. I always knew he was attracted to me and liked me back in college. I was a dumb kid because I didn't get his European swag. For instance, he was rocking white skinny jeans before straight men rocked skinny jeans.

I was really flirty with him to the point of c-tease, but I never took the concept of him and I together seriously. And he never made an assertive move to ask me out. A couple of weeks ago I commented on how much of a gentleman he was in college, and he said he was so inexperienced he didn't know how to handle me.

I friend zoned him. Looking back on old Facebook chats and texts, I talked to him about every single guy I dated asking for his advice and giving him the play by play. Typical friend zone mentality.

We're still flirty and joke that we're the one that got away and all that, but I'm not sure how to take the joking flirtationship that was established in college and turn it into a romance. Or at least being able to explore the possibility of romantic feelings between each other.

5 years ago when I ran into him I entertained the thought of dating him. We'd talk overall about what he was looking for in his life, and he was very clear he wasn't interested in dating anyone. He was all about his career, and he wanted to get that established before he even pursued something more serious with anyone. Plus he wasn't in the same city for more than 2-3 weeks at a time. #JetsetterLife

We talked about it last weekend, and he's still very much in workaholic grind-mode. Which is fine by me, but I just don't want some super model gold digger to scoop him up before I do.

Even if Monte Carlo doesn't end up being bae, he will always be a lifelong friend. And heck, he can introduce me to future bae.

Bahaha!!!! I'll get my mortal combat on... But I need a LHCF prayer circle like the one y'all made for Russ and CiCi.

Where my prayer warriors at?

If I think about this pragmatically he checks off everything on my list. And if I think about it emotionally he's an amazing friend, so idk what's taken me so long to get with the program.
I saw that bat signal as well here you go :circle:
We here!
Black Jesus,we come before you to pray on TPs' love life. You have opened her eyes to the possibility of love with a man that is everything she wanted, has always been kind and loving to her and ticks all her boxes. You say we have not because we ask not. We ask for this to work out. May they find schedule workarounds to have quality time. May those moments together be magic. May the friendship they have grow with You at the centre. Amen

I have a few rich options of my own. Both went to top 5 business schools and have family +personal wealth. Praying one of them works out because I am ready to work for pleasure vs needing money. Amen. Sending prayers for everyone who wants to find love. We deserve the very best. Never ever forget that.

Update: When I thought about it Monte Carlo Bae and my best friend getting her MBA would make a cute couple, so I decide to introduce them. They both live in Atlanta. I live in the Bay Area, CA. Neither one of them is looking for anything serious right now, and they have a ton of stuff in common and are both bougie as hell.

In December 2016, I went to go see a psychic, and she said next year (2017) I'd meet my soulmate/ future husband at work. And everything she said about my life was spot on. She even predicted my mother's Grave's Disease. Dec 2017 came along... a whole year later, and I was still single that I was like this psychic is only a 50% psychic. Well I imposed my own thoughts on what she said. She said I'd "MEET" NOT already be in a relationship by 2017.

I think her prediction came true at our company Christmas party and is unfolding now. No the psychic was NOT the reason I released Monte Carlo Bae, but they are some of my favorite people in life, and I'd be happy if they link up! Anyway, I'm about to Meghan Markle my life, and all these vision boards gonna come true. Manifest-a-Bae-2018.

Fingers crossed about LOA Bae.
I posted this last year. I think it bears repeating.

I will say that what you want to watch out for is manipulation. The biggest issue that younger women don't always understand is not just what money does to a man, but what power does. It is far more difficult to "manage" a powerful, wealthy, and highly intelligent man, particularly if he is very attracted to power and has a manipulative nature.

These kinds of men know how to make you think you are in control when you really aren't. I'm sure many of the wives of the men on SeekingArrangements think they have things under control because he sends her flowers, sweet talks her, takes her on fab vacations. But he is socking it to her in a horrible power play by sleeping with and mentoring beautiful young women. Humiliating and betraying her and she may have no clue. They like how it feels to have secrets and to trick people. They love excitement and being entertained constantly.

The best advice I have is to trust your gut and don't let your brain talk you out of what you are feeling. If you feel like he is lying or playing you, he probably is. If he can play his wife of many years, the mother of his children, he can play anyone without an ounce of guilt. I would also warn that the depths of some of these men's perversion may shock some women. Normal anything will not be satisfying to many of these men, not for very long. They want what they want. Just like they want more money and more power, a variety of women, many want more and more and a bigger variety of any and everything, things a decent human being may not even be able to imagine.

So my advice is to move slowly, keep your feet on the ground, and get out and move along the minute you sense danger or even just something isn't quite right. If you wait too long and try to figure out what is wrong first, it may be too late. The biggest weapons men like this have is that they love power more than anything else, their hearts are colder than you realize, and they think everyone has a price. Also, many are very charming which is often not a good thing and includes the ability to deceive and over power.

Bottomline, hold onto you no matter what. A man with wealth and power is still a man. Don't let him being a bigshot keep you from evaluating and judging him the way you would a poorer, less powerful man.

When I went to ATL last week, I met up with Monte Carlo Bae. First time I've seen him in 5 years! And he's coming to SF in April, so we'll link up again.

He's lived in his spot for years. It's his parents penthouse, and they gave it to him after college. It was my first time in his unit. I had only been in the building at the pool and spa area. His unit has an amazing view of Buckhead! He lives across from Lenox.

He's working on so many amazing film projects! We had a great dinner. I invited two of my friends, and they really liked him too. He's just an awesome guy! I can't wait to see his life unfold. We were talking about his best friends from college. They are all successful, in fact they have been featured on CNN and Forbes. They are all alpha males who are super successful, and we were talking about how they are dating women, and they will probably just end up marrying them, not necessarily because they are soul-mates, but because they have been together for so long, and their schedules are so busy with work that they are almost settling because it's too much time and effort to start over and find someone else.

MCB does not want to settle for a relationship of convenience, and he also, doesn't want to enter into a relationship when his focus is his career. He's got a good head on his shoulders, so whomever he ends up I know she's a lucky woman.

And update on the non-rich guy, I'm crushing on: I haven't seen him because I've been traveling non-stop since end of January. I feel like I haven't been home the whole month of February, so I haven't seen him. I did reach out to his friend that was tying to hook us up at the Holiday party to see what's good with his friend. tl;dr: I was rude at the Holiday Party. My attitude problem was not caused by him; but he, unfortunately was at the receiving end.

"You know when you proclaimed my singleness out loud at the holiday party and pushed me in the direction of those two guys? What's the story with your friend ___?"

"As in how is he feelin after u shot him down?"

To be fair- my EQ was turned off because my feet were hurting. It was the end of the night. ANYWAY...skipping over the details of what my slick mouth said, I just request y'all continue to keep me lifted up in prayer! haha

When I went to ATL last week, I met up with Monte Carlo Bae. First time I've seen him in 5 years! And he's coming to SF in April, so we'll link up again.

He's lived in his spot for years. It's his parents penthouse, and they gave it to him after college. It was my first time in his unit. I had only been in the building at the pool and spa area. His unit has an amazing view of Buckhead! He lives across from Lenox.

He's working on so many amazing film projects! We had a great dinner. I invited two of my friends, and they really liked him too. He's just an awesome guy! I can't wait to see his life unfold. We were talking about his best friends from college. They are all successful, in fact they have been featured on CNN and Forbes. They are all alpha males who are super successful, and we were talking about how they are dating women, and they will probably just end up marrying them, not necessarily because they are soul-mates, but because they have been together for so long, and their schedules are so busy with work that they are almost settling because it's too much time and effort to start over and find someone else.

MCB does not want to settle for a relationship of convenience, and he also, doesn't want to enter into a relationship when his focus is his career. He's got a good head on his shoulders, so whomever he ends up I know she's a lucky woman.

And update on the non-rich guy, I'm crushing on: I haven't seen him because I've been traveling non-stop since end of January. I feel like I haven't been home the whole month of February, so I haven't seen him. I did reach out to his friend that was tying to hook us up at the Holiday party to see what's good with his friend. tl;dr: I was rude at the Holiday Party. My attitude problem was not caused by him; but he, unfortunately was at the receiving end.

To be fair- my EQ was turned off because my feet were hurting. It was the end of the night. ANYWAY...skipping over the details of what my slick mouth said, I just request y'all continue to keep me lifted up in prayer! haha

We got you girl.
I've been talking to my rich guy for about a month. I really like him. We met the day of my interview in December. I thought he was flirting, but turns out he was one of the bosses. Long story short work was lit.

Once he left and went to a new location we started talking on a more personal level. He encourages me, he believes in me. I'm just on cloud 9

Show up and show out :kiss3:

How are things going?
I'm kind of avoiding him right now. Long story short: He's obnoxiously flashy. Like he goes out of his way to impress me, and well, I'm not impressed. I actually like another (much broker) guy. I'll remain friends with him though...

I'm just not on his level at all. I thought I wanted a baller. I'm not ready lol. Balenciaga shoes, Gucci clothes, fancy cars. I just can't deal. I'm a Southern girl from a middle class family and he's like a(n African) prince or something :laugh:
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I'm kind of avoiding him right now. Long story short: He's obnoxiously flashy. Like he goes out of his way to impress me, and well, I'm not impressed. I actually like another (much broker) guy. I'll remain friends with him though...

I'm just not on his level at all. I thought I wanted a baller. I'm not ready lol. Balenciaga shoes, Gucci clothes, fancy cars. I just can't deal. I'm a Southern girl from a middle class family and he's like a prince or something :laugh:

If he's a "prince"... let him treat you like a princess. lol

But yeah, I like a much broker guy too in my life. Even though the brother in law of my friend that just got married keeps hitting me up.

Alas.... Options are good lol.
I'm kind of avoiding him right now. Long story short: He's obnoxiously flashy. Like he goes out of his way to impress me, and well, I'm not impressed. I actually like another (much broker) guy. I'll remain friends with him though...

I'm just not on his level at all. I thought I wanted a baller. I'm not ready lol. Balenciaga shoes, Gucci clothes, fancy cars. I just can't deal. I'm a Southern girl from a middle class family and he's like a prince or something :laugh:

You deserve a prince. Maybe gently try to curb his flash