How To Attract A Rich Man

I woke up with this burning desire to go to this huge grocery store that has wall to wall magazines in addition to foodstuffs. I am looking to do a vision board so I figured that was the reason.

I come across a magazine with the tagline: Who Are the Rich People of Lyon [France] and the Region of Lyon. I got that smile like the Grinch meme.

Two points I want to communicate. I consider myself a master observer, when I'm interested in a subject. So prior to coming across the magazine, I ascertained that the wealthiest people in my area live in houses surrounding a certain park within walking distance to my place. I also have a friend who works for a family in what they call the "monts". I know that area is rich as well. Those are the only two of which I'm aware.

In this magazine it states," The 'monts' and the Parc are the two places where the richest people of Lyon live." So, I was right, based on my observations.

As @cocomochaa stated above, the country of Switzerland is another place of wealth. Many French people live on the border between France and Switzerland and work in Switzerland. These people have lots of wealth as well, and their salaries are much higher than in France and even in the US. Many of the Swiss have roots in France as they were driven out of France due to the political climate hundreds of years ago in France's past.

Interestingly, many of the Muslim/North African (Algerian, Tunisian, Moroccan) business owners have restaurants and service businesses in town, but they have beautiful gated, homes in the "monts". Many of these people have wealth in their home countries in addition to their wealth in France. Also, I see Maserati's and Lamborghinis regularly in Lyon.

When I was in Zurich, Switzerland for just a few days, I saw Rolls Royces being driven, lots of them. I came across this huge factory but I did not notice any trucks going in and out. The buildings belonged to a bank! They took up a whole block, like a college campus. The banking industry in Switzerland is a tremendous source of wealth.

I was in the car with the wife of this couple I know. As we were driving to her home she points to a castle and says, "That's my cousin's house." I turned and looked at her and said all ghetto, "How many castles do you have in your family. That's like the third one you've mentioned." She said both her parents [and thus her cousins] are from aristocracy but there is not a lot of wealth. I don't think one can keep a castle up and running for free!

Besides wealth and beauty, the other thing I noticed rich people like is uniqueness. If there is something about you that is 'different, quirky, interesting', this may get you invited into their circles as well.

What am I doing with all this information? Passing it on to you beautiful ladies.

I'm sorry to be invasive .. I remember reading your hair blog at one time and I remember you were married?
@PretteePlease dont you have a tumblr or blog iirc? Is it too exclusive for a sista to get an invite? :oops: This thread has died down and im tryng to get prepared to start dating near the end of this year. Its been a while and im dusty :look:.
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@PretteePlease dont you have a tumblr or blog iirc? Is it too exclusive for a sista to get an invite? :oops: This thread has died down and im tryng to get prepared to start dating near the end of this year. Its been a while and im dusty :look:.

No I don't have either I don't understand Tumbler. I just my IG: flippinghousesandmyhair

now I do have a heauxgram but it is boring I was following a bunch of sugarbabies and trophy wives then there was a whole outing thing going on and I deleted my account. My new one is boring I just looked at it. Just a few dating site message screen shots and a bunch of pics of me and other rich man seekers, gold diggers etc meeting up with our heads cropped out the pics.

I started following a bunch of plastic surgery dolls. The sugar baby, gold digger, trophy wives and the plastic doll crossover is real so I just follow them all. I'll probably
delete all of my dating stuff and turn it into strictly plastic surgery prep, b4/after type page.

1st rule of heauxgram is You have to have a heaux gram to see the heaux gram :lachen: PM me I'm in a F it type mood

My homegirls sugar daddy just took her to Cartier to pick out an engagement ring $60-100k range but he won't give her a stack of $10k
that makes no sense to me and he has it like that. I'm like how you strugglin with a $20k love bracelet and a new bag for every day of the week :cry: :lachen:
She is sick of dating and has decided to marry the old YT man. I told her we are wearing Pink BRIDEMAID (Nene Leaks voice) dresses and doing a routine
we gon be lit :lachen: :cry: :lachen: She has been saying she was going to marry a rich old white man since Jr high.
@Chicoro when do we start getting dating stories :circle:

I got 'data' stories!

Due to the way France's educational system is set up, one good clue about a man's social economic status is his level of English. If a man can speak English well, many times [not always], he comes from upper middle-class or above - or has been privy to experiences that are usually extended to those with money. Those privileged experience might include, but not be limited to, private English lessons or schools, or having had the opportunity to live abroad in an English speaking country. For women, it seems different- they can have great English ability and be from more varied economical backgrounds. Conversely, foreigners who speak French well tend to be in the same bracket as those French men who speak English well. In France, it is very difficult to move from one class bracket to another. Elitism and class division are alive and well and very strong. Thank you though, @PretteePlease, you are always so sweet to me.
So I'm not actively looking to date rich, but since moving to Silicon Valley my social circle has expanded to include the very elite.

Now earlier this summer hanging out with my friend and her fiancé at their home at the Harrison in SF I met some characters. Tons of interesting people hang out at the "Uncle Harry's" lounge on the top. Ran into one of the realtors for the building who showed us some amazing units on the market. For a cool $7 mil you can get a great view of the Bay Bridge and the Giant's stadium from your floor to ceiling windows of the living room.

Then later that night hung out with this rich dude who invited us to his table at some club. Then we hung out at his loft after. He splits his time between SF and LA, and of course he had to show us pictures of his LA mansion. And extended an open invitation for us to come visit. He insisted that, "we're going to be friends for life." And his loft had tons of framed pictures of Forbes articles about his company. He kept going on and on about how him and my friend's fiancé were court-side at the NBA finals games.

He was a character b/c as his date was passed out asleep on the sectional, he proceeded to hit on my friend (not the engaged one but another mutual friend who was with us.) And he insisted that he wants real love, but doesn't know if women just want him for his money. And was asking us women for advance. Well the biggest red flag was that the girl passed out on the sofa he flew up from LA and this was their "first date"...Nothing says I want to get to know you like buying a VIP table at a club and partying with your friend, his fiancée, and her two random friends. And he insisted he wants to settle down and have a TON of children. This man said his heart is like a big heart filled with tiny hearts. Very weird.

This weekend, the Sausalito Yacht Harbor did not disappoint.

My coworker/ now really good friend volunteers with this woman whose hubby sold his software company, so they are now sailing the world for a year or two before they come back and start a family.

Nothing says Bon Voyage like having a going away party on your boat. It was really nice. It had master and guest living quarters. One woman there kept saying she and her boyfriend have the same boat, but they didn't do nearly as many upgrades to it as this couple.

My friend and I got an open invitation to visit them on their stops during this world excursion. Too bad we already have travel plans this upcoming weekend, otherwise, hell yeah I'll meet them for a weekend in Cabo!

Anyway, met a very eccentric and interesting South African Dutch guy. Could listen to him speak forever. Loved his accent, but boy oh boy what a conversation we had.

tl;dr version is basically all the conspiracy theories about the Illuminati, New World Order, etc. are "real". I honestly think he's an ex-member of B613! LMAO

It was the most interesting conversation about economics, politics, globalization, and impending world events. And me sitting around all these 1%'ers listening to someone talk about their agenda was very interesting. Out of the rest of us (the 99%), only a select 20% gonna make it to the other side b/c large populations are not needed. (This was some sci-fy apocalyptic matrix meets hunger game shizzle.... he literally told me when it's all said and done within the next 7.5 years guns won't be as advantageous as cross bows.")

I asked him where he's going to be when this all goes down, and he kept avoiding my question with a sly smile on his face and his beautiful piercing blue eyes glimmering with crazy.

Then I said, "Better yet where is [insert daughter's name] going to be?"

After pressing the issue, I did confirm rich people are not going to colonize Mars, they are staying on earth (Guess Elon Musk going solo), and are not going to build Atlantis...Even though I was certain he was going to live in a pineapple under the Sea. I was ready to go to Bikini Bottom. But rich people are building solar powered underground bunkers. He finally gave me the name of a city, but I specifically asked for longitude and latitude coordinates...which I never got.

I kept asking him why he was telling me all this. (Never got an answer). But he kept saying "My friends are doing this..." "My friends are planning that." in the context of leaders of all these international organizations, governments, and intelligence agencies. So he described these acts as evil, so I asked him if they are so evil why is he friends with them, his reply was, "Oh I knew them way back before. We've done a lot of stuff together..." (What type of vague cryptic-arse B613 sh!t is that??!?)

But we spent all our time talking about the end of the world as we know it, but I did get some nuggets of information- he owns 3 companies and is starting another. He has 1 daughter (showed everyone pics of her, she beautiful). He said he can't wait to have more kids, so I told him, "Then make some." His reply was "need to find the right girl." What I do know is that him and his baby mama were engaged, not married. Don't think they have the best relationship based on some of his comments. His yacht was custom made in France. (It's beautiful by the way.) And his mortgage for one of his homes in the Marina District of SF is $18K a month.

At times I almost felt like a sheep that got separated by the pack b/c he cornered me in this conversation. It wasn't group conversation which made it all the more strange he was confiding in me. Maybe I'm being hand selected as one of the 20% of the 99'ers that makes it.

We did exchange numbers...

I hope this post doesn't have to be used as evidence in the case to solve my disappearance...

Rich people are weird, yo!
So I'm not actively looking to date rich, but since moving to Silicon Valley my social circle has expanded to include the very elite.

Now earlier this summer hanging out with my friend and her fiancé at their home at the Harrison in SF I met some characters. Tons of interesting people hang out at the "Uncle Harry's" lounge on the top. Ran into one of the realtors for the building who showed us some amazing units on the market. For a cool $7 mil you can get a great view of the Bay Bridge and the Giant's stadium from your floor to ceiling windows of the living room.

Then later that night hung out with this rich dude who invited us to his table at some club. Then we hung out at his loft after. He splits his time between SF and LA, and of course he had to show us pictures of his LA mansion. And extended an open invitation for us to come visit. He insisted that, "we're going to be friends for life." And his loft had tons of framed pictures of Forbes articles about his company. He kept going on and on about how him and my friend's fiancé were court-side at the NBA finals games.

He was a character b/c as his date was passed out asleep on the sectional, he proceeded to hit on my friend (not the engaged one but another mutual friend who was with us.) And he insisted that he wants real love, but doesn't know if women just want him for his money. And was asking us women for advance. Well the biggest red flag was that the girl passed out on the sofa he flew up from LA and this was their "first date"...Nothing says I want to get to know you like buying a VIP table at a club and partying with your friend, his fiancée, and her two random friends. And he insisted he wants to settle down and have a TON of children. This man said his heart is like a big heart filled with tiny hearts. Very weird.

This weekend, the Sausalito Yacht Harbor did not disappoint.

My coworker/ now really good friend volunteers with this woman whose hubby sold his software company, so they are now sailing the world for a year or two before they come back and start a family.

Nothing says Bon Voyage like having a going away party on your boat. It was really nice. It had master and guest living quarters. One woman there kept saying she and her boyfriend have the same boat, but they didn't do nearly as many upgrades to it as this couple.

My friend and I got an open invitation to visit them on their stops during this world excursion. Too bad we already have travel plans this upcoming weekend, otherwise, hell yeah I'll meet them for a weekend in Cabo!

Anyway, met a very eccentric and interesting South African Dutch guy. Could listen to him speak forever. Loved his accent, but boy oh boy what a conversation we had.

tl;dr version is basically all the conspiracy theories about the Illuminati, New World Order, etc. are "real". I honestly think he's an ex-member of B613! LMAO

It was the most interesting conversation about economics, politics, globalization, and impending world events. And me sitting around all these 1%'ers listening to someone talk about their agenda was very interesting. Out of the rest of us (the 99%), only a select 20% gonna make it to the other side b/c large populations are not needed. (This was some sci-fy apocalyptic matrix meets hunger game shizzle.... he literally told me when it's all said and done within the next 7.5 years guns won't be as advantageous as cross bows.")

I asked him where he's going to be when this all goes down, and he kept avoiding my question with a sly smile on his face and his beautiful piercing blue eyes glimmering with crazy.

Then I said, "Better yet where is [insert daughter's name] going to be?"

After pressing the issue, I did confirm rich people are not going to colonize Mars, they are staying on earth (Guess Elon Musk going solo), and are not going to build Atlantis...Even though I was certain he was going to live in a pineapple under the Sea. I was ready to go to Bikini Bottom. But rich people are building solar powered underground bunkers. He finally gave me the name of a city, but I specifically asked for longitude and latitude coordinates...which I never got.

I kept asking him why he was telling me all this. (Never got an answer). But he kept saying "My friends are doing this..." "My friends are planning that." in the context of leaders of all these international organizations, governments, and intelligence agencies. So he described these acts as evil, so I asked him if they are so evil why is he friends with them, his reply was, "Oh I knew them way back before. We've done a lot of stuff together..." (What type of vague cryptic-arse B613 sh!t is that??!?)

But we spent all our time talking about the end of the world as we know it, but I did get some nuggets of information- he owns 3 companies and is starting another. He has 1 daughter (showed everyone pics of her, she beautiful). He said he can't wait to have more kids, so I told him, "Then make some." His reply was "need to find the right girl." What I do know is that him and his baby mama were engaged, not married. Don't think they have the best relationship based on some of his comments. His yacht was custom made in France. (It's beautiful by the way.) And his mortgage for one of his homes in the Marina District of SF is $18K a month.

At times I almost felt like a sheep that got separated by the pack b/c he cornered me in this conversation. It wasn't group conversation which made it all the more strange he was confiding in me. Maybe I'm being hand selected as one of the 20% of the 99'ers that makes it.

We did exchange numbers...

I hope this post doesn't have to be used as evidence in the case to solve my disappearance...

Rich people are weird, yo!
That was one of the best post I've read in a long time. You are good
So I'm not actively looking to date rich, but since moving to Silicon Valley my social circle has expanded to include the very elite.

Now earlier this summer hanging out with my friend and her fiancé at their home at the Harrison in SF I met some characters. Tons of interesting people hang out at the "Uncle Harry's" lounge on the top. Ran into one of the realtors for the building who showed us some amazing units on the market. For a cool $7 mil you can get a great view of the Bay Bridge and the Giant's stadium from your floor to ceiling windows of the living room.

Then later that night hung out with this rich dude who invited us to his table at some club. Then we hung out at his loft after. He splits his time between SF and LA, and of course he had to show us pictures of his LA mansion. And extended an open invitation for us to come visit. He insisted that, "we're going to be friends for life." And his loft had tons of framed pictures of Forbes articles about his company. He kept going on and on about how him and my friend's fiancé were court-side at the NBA finals games.

He was a character b/c as his date was passed out asleep on the sectional, he proceeded to hit on my friend (not the engaged one but another mutual friend who was with us.) And he insisted that he wants real love, but doesn't know if women just want him for his money. And was asking us women for advance. Well the biggest red flag was that the girl passed out on the sofa he flew up from LA and this was their "first date"...Nothing says I want to get to know you like buying a VIP table at a club and partying with your friend, his fiancée, and her two random friends. And he insisted he wants to settle down and have a TON of children. This man said his heart is like a big heart filled with tiny hearts. Very weird.

This weekend, the Sausalito Yacht Harbor did not disappoint.

My coworker/ now really good friend volunteers with this woman whose hubby sold his software company, so they are now sailing the world for a year or two before they come back and start a family.

Nothing says Bon Voyage like having a going away party on your boat. It was really nice. It had master and guest living quarters. One woman there kept saying she and her boyfriend have the same boat, but they didn't do nearly as many upgrades to it as this couple.

My friend and I got an open invitation to visit them on their stops during this world excursion. Too bad we already have travel plans this upcoming weekend, otherwise, hell yeah I'll meet them for a weekend in Cabo!

Anyway, met a very eccentric and interesting South African Dutch guy. Could listen to him speak forever. Loved his accent, but boy oh boy what a conversation we had.

tl;dr version is basically all the conspiracy theories about the Illuminati, New World Order, etc. are "real". I honestly think he's an ex-member of B613! LMAO

It was the most interesting conversation about economics, politics, globalization, and impending world events. And me sitting around all these 1%'ers listening to someone talk about their agenda was very interesting. Out of the rest of us (the 99%), only a select 20% gonna make it to the other side b/c large populations are not needed. (This was some sci-fy apocalyptic matrix meets hunger game shizzle.... he literally told me when it's all said and done within the next 7.5 years guns won't be as advantageous as cross bows.")

I asked him where he's going to be when this all goes down, and he kept avoiding my question with a sly smile on his face and his beautiful piercing blue eyes glimmering with crazy.

Then I said, "Better yet where is [insert daughter's name] going to be?"

After pressing the issue, I did confirm rich people are not going to colonize Mars, they are staying on earth (Guess Elon Musk going solo), and are not going to build Atlantis...Even though I was certain he was going to live in a pineapple under the Sea. I was ready to go to Bikini Bottom. But rich people are building solar powered underground bunkers. He finally gave me the name of a city, but I specifically asked for longitude and latitude coordinates...which I never got.

I kept asking him why he was telling me all this. (Never got an answer). But he kept saying "My friends are doing this..." "My friends are planning that." in the context of leaders of all these international organizations, governments, and intelligence agencies. So he described these acts as evil, so I asked him if they are so evil why is he friends with them, his reply was, "Oh I knew them way back before. We've done a lot of stuff together..." (What type of vague cryptic-arse B613 sh!t is that??!?)

But we spent all our time talking about the end of the world as we know it, but I did get some nuggets of information- he owns 3 companies and is starting another. He has 1 daughter (showed everyone pics of her, she beautiful). He said he can't wait to have more kids, so I told him, "Then make some." His reply was "need to find the right girl." What I do know is that him and his baby mama were engaged, not married. Don't think they have the best relationship based on some of his comments. His yacht was custom made in France. (It's beautiful by the way.) And his mortgage for one of his homes in the Marina District of SF is $18K a month.

At times I almost felt like a sheep that got separated by the pack b/c he cornered me in this conversation. It wasn't group conversation which made it all the more strange he was confiding in me. Maybe I'm being hand selected as one of the 20% of the 99'ers that makes it.

We did exchange numbers...

I hope this post doesn't have to be used as evidence in the case to solve my disappearance...

Rich people are weird, yo!

EXCELLENT! Thanks for sharing!

I'm just being nosy in here but how did you end up in that circle? Meaning what do you do for work? Did they ask you about what you do and your background? Are you from money as well? Are you attractive? I'm asking because I can't even imagine how someone like me would be around folks like that even if I just happened to be at the same restaurant etc. It would seem to me that they would want to know what I'm about and when they find out that I ain't balling like that, why would they want to keep talking to me?
Help me out here....
UPDATE ON MY FRIEND who decided to marry the old rich white man. Before the storm he went missing. We figured out that he took ill and his kids have taken over his finances.

THEY REVERSED ALL OF THE BILLS HE PAID FOR HER INCLUDING HER MORTGAGE & CAR PAYMENT. Then the storm came and flooded the strip club so she hasnt been able to go back and make the money that she lost when they reversed her bills. We don't know how serious it is or if he is still with us :look: The gag is she rather walk around with the Cartier love bracelet than to sell it and pay her bills.

The take away lesson is if gramps wanna get you the $100k ring get it and drive his butt to the courthouse post haste or jump on a jet to vegas. There is no 2 day wait there. Or just ask a judge in your home state for a waiver of the mandatory wait like i did :curtain:
UPDATE ON MY FRIEND who decided to marry the old rich white man. Before the storm he went missing. We figured out that he took ill and his kids have taken over his finances.

THEY REVERSED ALL OF THE BILLS HE PAID FOR HER INCLUDING HER MORTGAGE & CAR PAYMENT. Then the storm came and flooded the strip club so she hasnt been able to go back and make the money that she lost when they reversed her bills. We don't know how serious it is or if he is still with us :look: The gag is she rather walk around with the Cartier love bracelet than to sell it and pay her bills.

The take away lesson is if gramps wanna get you the $100k ring get it and drive his butt to the courthouse post haste or jump on a jet to vegas. There is no 2 day wait there. Or just ask a judge in your home state for a waiver of the mandatory wait like i did :curtain:

Dang. I just shed a thug tear for your girl.
That was one of the best post I've read in a long time. You are good
EXCELLENT! Thanks for sharing!

I'm just being nosy in here but how did you end up in that circle? Meaning what do you do for work? Did they ask you about what you do and your background? Are you from money as well? Are you attractive? I'm asking because I can't even imagine how someone like me would be around folks like that even if I just happened to be at the same restaurant etc. It would seem to me that they would want to know what I'm about and when they find out that I ain't balling like that, why would they want to keep talking to me?
Help me out here....

Thanks! It's been interest being out in the Bay. I have moments in my life I swear I'm in some tv show or movie.

I work in tech. They asked how I knew the host, so naturally I told them through my coworker, but they didn't dive in deep on knowing about my background. It was an intimate gathering of close friends. Probably 10 other couples (give or take with the natural rhythm of a party), 2 kids, and 2 dogs, so I guess they just assumed I belonged there. I just acted like I belonged there because well, I did. No person is better than I am in any way, so in fancy places I don't feel out of place, I feel like I'm at home. I did act a little star struck by complimenting how beautiful everything was, but rich people buy nice things so people notice they are nice. So making mention of how nice something was in my opinion didn't make me seem like I was a fish out of water. I was surrounded by nice things, but was still wasn't intimidated to talk to their owners. I really just asked questions about the things I knew nothing about, and in the case of all things nautical, I know nothing. lol

How I got into my field: I've always been academically smart and in gifted and AP classes growing up. I was able to go to a top ranking university. In college I worked for our Telefund, so my job was to call alumni asking for money. Once you ask rich people to donate money, talking to them on a personal level is easy. I'm a naturally outgoing person, and I make friends easily. I always have a smile on my face so people feel like it's okay to approach me. (You know how some people have RBF, I have Resting Smile Face. It's just my go to facial expression.) I'm funny and can make people laugh and that disarms even the richest of the rich.

I'm intelligent and have a thought and opinion so I'm not afraid of holding a conversation with someone. For some reason, people meet me and instantly want to tell me their deepest darkest secrets. My friend says it's because of my degrees in psychology and sociology. But honestly I just have 2 bachelors, so I'm not really trained to therapize people, but I can easily turn on my "psychologist" hat and ask people probing questions to get them to engage with me without them feeling like their being interrogated.

Found my first real job out of college through my university's career center's job postings, so going to a good school had perks there since top companies recruit there. I always keep my LinkedIn page up to date given the nature of the work I do, so recruiters are always peeping my credentials and throwing career opportunities at me. Every company I've ever worked for as been an industry leader for their prospective field so my resume is respectable and impressive to people. My skill-set at work is stakeholder management and relationship building, so that comes down to the gift of gab. I'll talk to anyone. I think that's from being raised in the South. It's a natural part of southern hospitality to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

I did let people know I'm from Atlanta, Georgia just as friendly small talk since I'm new to the Bay as of last year. I'm not from money, but I grew up in an affluent majority white neighborhood. I'm comfortable being the only minority in a room because I'm used to it. I don't really second guess my interactions around white people because I was raised along side them my whole life. I think a lot of times I've noticed black people can sometimes segregate themselves and only hang out with other black people. I've always hung out with people both in and outside of my race, so I have a diverse group of friends.

My childhood neighborhood is middle class. I went to public school, but I will say it was more so upper middle class overall like kids driving hummers, benzs, and beamers to school. A lot of parents were professionals. Tons of housewives. Some minor celebrities like professional athletes. My best friend from pre-school's dad played for the Raiders, and we're bicoastal. My mom used to joke that we were the poor people in the community.

I'm very attractive, but I've gained a lot of weight in recent years due to medication. But my face is still cute, and I carry the excess weight well. I wear a size 12, but most people guess I'm a size 10. I guess because I'm 5'7. I know how to dress well for my body type, but I do wear bright colors and patterns. And I don't really wear a lot of designer stuff. Every once and a while I'll break out a Marc Jacobs sandal or a Betsy Johnson pump. But 99.9% of my closet comes from Ross, so it's mostly no-name brands and the occasional Calvin Klein or Michael Kors that they'll have in stock. I just have an eye for finding things that fit my body well, and I'd say fabric can make something look expensive or cheap. But most ridiculously rich people I've been around don't wear clothing I'd consider remarkably cute. They usually aren't dripping head to toe in logos even if their stuff are top labels.

I have natural hair, and I always wear it in a wash and go because IDK how to do hair. (I know this is LHCF, but I really only come here for the entertainment lol.) My hair was extra big and wild that day given that the wind was really strong off the coast.

I got veneers last year (I went to Kim Zolciak and Dolvette Quince's doctor in Atlanta), so I have a Hollywood white straight smile, but it's really natural looking. People are always asking me what toothpaste I use. (I usually just end up telling them I have veneers b/c I'm not going to be like those Instagram celebs advertising Express Smiles kits with a mouth full of fake teeth.) I spent a grip on them- $18K in total. I've always gotten compliments on my smile, and honestly no one in my personal life noticed I got them. Most people around the time I got veneers asked if I lost weight, which was NOT the case, but that just proved it made a subtly yet positive change to my appearance overall. Anecdotally I've noticed I get more compliments on my smile from strangers now, so I think that just proves my family and friends are not very observant. What I did notice about these affluent older people, they don't really give too snits about dental hygiene. None of the had spectacular teeth. They were dingy and crooked. Just normal people teeth.

Make up wise, I'm really good at it and in recent months I've been toning it down. I still love bright colors, but the execution is more refined. And my liquid eyeliner game is on point, so anything is okay if you seal the deal with a razor sharp flick of a cat eye.

I've always had flawless skin. Even when I consider myself having a "break out" I get compliments on my skin. I still like to wear foundation and concealer, but it's more so a tinted moisturizer- Nars specifically. I don't do the whole contour and highlight thing.

And of course everything is better with a filled in brow. I don't wear fake lashes, and my natural lashes are wack. I think I'll invest in Rodan + Fields lash boost because Snapchat has all these filters with eyelashes, and that always upgrades my make up look, so I need it in real life.

At the party, one older gentlemen, turned to his girlfriend and said to me, "Gosh you're beautiful. Isn't she beautiful?" And the girlfriend (middle aged too) said, "Yes, I bet if you went down to Grenada all these men would invite you on their boats! Of course don't go alone, but they would be clamoring to have you join them."
@ThePerfectScore ,
Very generous and kind of you to take the time to provide the detail about your background, to help and encourage others. Congratulations on winning your professional opportunity to work in Silicone Valley!

An easy, ready smile, and one that is beautiful too, is great to have! Men love a smiling woman. That wealthy group sounds eclectic so that means you'll have a variety of men from which to choose. When you make your choice, I hope you come back and share your story with us. Your blessings are all already on the table. They are just waiting for you to pick them up.
@ThePerfectScore ,
Very generous and kind of you to take the time to provide the detail about your background, to help and encourage others. Congratulations on winning your professional opportunity to work in Silicone Valley!

An easy, ready smile, and one that is beautiful too, is great to have! Men love a smiling woman. That wealthy group sounds eclectic so that means you'll have a variety of men from which to choose. When you make your choice, I hope you come back and share your story with us. Your blessings are all already on the table. They are just waiting for you to pick them up.

AWWW :clap: That's nice to hear! Well I'm ready to pick them up too!

What's funny is just last week when my dad came to visit he was asking me about the guy I met last Halloween that I was crushing on, the Chinese Canadian former software company founder, and I said, "I don't think I'm destined to marry rich." I'm still friends with the guy, but my crush got crushed when I went to a party at his house. But shhhh let me stop blocking my blessing. :drunk: :amen:

I think me and this South African dude could make it. I did an extensive web search of him, and he checks out. :user:Even his crazy connects with the CIA and NSA check out. :sekret: Declassified information gets posted on the web all the time... :assimilate:His past is still a lil B613 to me; but hey his ex-fiancee got married and seems to be living a normal happy life and she didn't disappear after they broke up, so maybe he's not a spy after all? :curtain:

What also checks out are his ownership of businesses and his $6 Million mansion on Marina blvd. And his younger brother ain't broke either...married, but not broke. I really just want to meet people. I'm not too pressed to stake a claim in any one person. Murphy's law as soon as you get romantic with a guy, you meet his best friend and like him more. Hindsight has taught me feel out a social group before you select which one you want to romantically attach yourself to. People don't really like it if you've smashed a homie. Ray J taught us that. :lachen:

I'm so ready to get this thing poppin', so we shall see.

Also my friend that got engaged to the C-level exec, she gets married next April. I'm a bridesmaid. She asked me to be one even before she got engaged, after I'd known her for a month or two. (Again, people just confide in me instantly, and I get instant connections with people. Only been in California for a year and 2 people I've met asked me to be Bridesmaids.)

Oh and I didn't even tell y'all about my friend (met her last year when I move to Cali for this tech job), she got married a month ago. She was one of the people who asked me to be a BM (and we've gotten super tight.) OMG Platinum wedding!!!! I'll post that story tomorrow. But this wedding was thrown by an affluent black family! I don't even want to know how much it cost. I know 6 figures.
Men are so simple a lil ego stroking goes a long way

With 4 other ladies at happy hour at a Oceanaire in the Galleria
trying to take a selfie of all of us. Man at table next to us gets up
and offers to take the pic then tells us we are beautiful.

he said no just you 5min later THE WAITER BRINGING 5 DRINKS TO THE TABLE
:drink: :cheers: :woot::drink:

no plans as far as men for the summer i'm murried :lachen:
I love doing this to men lol I did this to my dentist on Monday. He numbed me and replaced an old silver filling in less than 30 min.

I said you are a rock star!!! He was grinning ear to ear and escorted me to the receptionist desk lol
I could tell he wasnt use to that.
Yes indeed thank you for the breakdown. I tend to ask a lot of detailed questions with no real answers but you got right down to all the curiosities.
What particularly impressed me was how you are able to pin point your skill set at work. I'm looking to make a career change within the next year and could use all the help I can get. Can you help me with that? I can PM you....@ThePerfectScore
Yes indeed thank you for the breakdown. I tend to ask a lot of detailed questions with no real answers but you got right down to all the curiosities.
What particularly impressed me was how you are able to pin point your skill set at work. I'm looking to make a career change within the next year and could use all the help I can get. Can you help me with that? I can PM you....@ThePerfectScore

@Fine 4s yeah for sure PM me. Finding people jobs is what I do! I'd be happy to share my professional expertise.
@Always~Wear~Joy and @Flourishnikov what are this lady's credentials? Her videos are long, so I need the tl;dr version regarding why we should take dating advice from her, specifically dating men in a high tax bracket.

I've seen her videos. They are good advice for a very low level woman. This is her advice. Be young, act dumb, look good, don't have sex until he spends at least $1000 on you, date someone 20 years older or really ugly, give up on men your own age. If you are highly educated she says it will be difficult for you because a man wants someone he can teach. Advice for bimbos.
@Always~Wear~Joy and @Flourishnikov what are this lady's credentials? Her videos are long, so I need the tl;dr version regarding why we should take dating advice from her, specifically dating men in a high tax bracket.

I was particularly drawn to the videos I posted because the youtuber used the law of attraction to meet her husband and the other video detailed a woman at her lowest point and her ascent from the jail house to the "white" house. Lol There really is no one way to skin a cat, so I believe there is value in everyone's experience. I enjoyed listening to how these black women met and married men the men of their dreams that allow them to live a life a leisure. Sometimes its not specific advice you need, but rather to see someone else actively living the life you desire as a form of encouragement.