I genuinely believe in black women elevating the QUALITY of their lives.
Being married is not enough. If I had to pick a cause it would be the mission for ball and chain first and above all else.
I believe in power, money then marriage.
"and in that order." (in my mama Dee voice) Marriage should be the focus if it brings about the previous two elements first, matter of factly, without question and by default.
I'm not into that growing and building together crap. I believe in aiming for the best and starting at the top as one's standard/bare minimum. If you start at the top with the best there are only two ways to go: up or down.
Realistically speaking what's the worst for the best? Ok, above average. average is usually their worst.
But the best for the best? options are endless and beyond even your wildest imagination.
Guess what happens when you start at the bottom or middle?....two ways to go.....hmmmm....
I'm all for black women's empowerment but I simply cannot condone aspiring to the middle. It's uncharacteristic for me to agree with that mentality and against my moral compass. Start at the bottom now we here nah? no thanks. How about start at the top or close to it and building a life, family and empowering your community from there as starting point and foundation.
I wish there was a way for me to promote this agenda in a practical way. Women like me. I'm persuasive and charismatic. There are a lot of women bloggers, activists and wannabe leaders but honestly, most women dont wanna listen to those chicks. So unfortunately much of what they say and advocate falls on deaf ears. I wanna be a rich chick and want to create a community of other black rich chicks. I think many just dont know it's an option enough to even consider aspiring to it. I dont give a damn if I decide to wait til I'm 50 to marry. So what? I'm about black women on the comeup. Bet money I can get 7 of 10 bw that personally associate with me and follow my directions married to $,$$$,$$$ in 2 years or less.