How To Attract A Rich Man

Oh another update, yesterday I got "Drafted" into the League...

Basically I'm off the waitlist and am a member.

I only joined on a whim b/c I was watching Insecure and Molly got in. I didn't think I'd get in so easily.

I signed up on Nov 4th and there was 12683 ahead of me, but I guess my LinkedIn is popping.

You have to link the app to your Facebook and your LinkedIn account. I will say I have as pretty impressive resume, so I guess these student loans to go to this fancy ass private school are paying off.

There are some very eligible matches on here... young, cute, accomplished... I'm assuming that equals RICH! lol
what wachu tombout willis?
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what wachu tombout willis?

The League. It's an exclusive dating app that caters to the socially mobile upper crust singles. There's some fancy algorithm that determines if you're worthy-enough, so unlike Tinder, not just anyone can join. You have to have gone to an Ivy League caliber school and work for a large company or be a successful C-level executive or entrepreneur. To verify this info you have to link it to your LinkedIn profile. I assume they safe guard against fakes by analyzing your connections on LinkedIn, Recommendations, etc.

Love & Relationships
I Joined The Most Exclusive Dating App In The World: The League

The results: sometimes good, sometimes douchey, but always exclusive.

by Sowmya Krishnamurthy
July 23, 2015 • 5:15 PM ET
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Ever had Tinder-itis? That feeling when your thumb goes numb from all the left-swiping you’ve done on Tinder? As a single girl in New York City and lifestyle writer (with major FOMO issues), I’ve pretty much tried every dating app from Tinder and Happn to Bumble and Hinge. It always plays out the same: I download the app, put up the same profile pic (because I look really good in it) and then I excitedly swipe away. Ooh he’s cute. Swipe right. Ooh he’s cute and tall. Swipe right. Ooh he’s cute, tall andhe loves Nas. Swipe right times infinity. Then the high wears off. I start recognizing guys I know. Swipe left. I’m making matches but the guys aren’t saying anything. Bo-ring. I’m messaging and it’s not leading to an actual date. So, why are you on here bro? I end up deleting the app and happily use the extra space for more Spotify playlists.

Dating apps are exhausting. Tinder has 50 million users but let’s be honest, how many are quality guys you’d actually want to share a martini with…and possibly more? General admission is cool but dating apps need a V.I.P. button. Cue The League.

The League is the most exclusive dating app. Founded by Stanford grad Amanda Bradford, The League sets out to match ambitious, interesting professionals in San Francisco and New York City with other ambitious, interesting professionals. You log in with your Facebook profile, but unlike any apps, The League also asks for your LinkedIn information. The almighty app lords put you on a waitlist and review your “application.” Based on your social media resume, it decides whether you’re in or you’re out (word to Heidi Klum). I joined the waitlist in last place at #113,364—which is more people than the town I grew up in—but was rushed to the head of the line because, you know, I know people.

The Profile

The profile is similar to most apps but there’s a huge focus on education. Where you went to college is listed at the top. The League pulls directly from your LinkedIn and Facebook, which is a hit or a miss, because the Profession listed is not my current position. At least I look good in my profile pic.


Search Criteria

Input what you’re looking for in a match in Preferences. Unlike Tinder, you can actually search by height (6 feet and up please!) as well as location, ethnicity and age. There’s also the option to be Highly Selective, Selective or indifferent to education. If you’re looking for a Harvard man or an Amherst girl, go for Highly Selective.


The Matches

The League only gives you five matches per day. At 5pm, five new matches pop up. Once you go through them, you’re done for the day. App addicts may cringe about this but I personally liked the idea of reading through each profile versus mindlessly swiping. Once you “like” a profile and he “likes” you back, you can open up a messaging feature and start chatting.

The matches themselves ranged in hotness and level of intrigue but a few things kept popping up.

1. Ambitious: Very impressive professional resumes. Bankers, professors, doctors, guys who work in political think tanks; everyone was career-driven.

2. Education: Plenty of Ivy League men and advanced degrees. No educational scrubs, here.

3. Well-Traveled: Nearly every guy I saw had travel as an interest in his profile, especially international travel. Get your passport ready.


Just your average members of The League, from @theleague Instagram

The Good

  • The League delivers on its promise of quality over quantity. The men are definitely more professionally-minded than they are on other dating apps. Also, it’s nice to get a fuller snapshot of who you’re messaging.
  • I LOVE that height and education are listed. Let’s just say, I’ve been burned in the past.
  • Five matches per day is enough for me. I liked spending more time on each profile—actually reading through each one—and once I was done, I was done. No mindless swiping at 3am or while waiting for a friend at brunch. I actually spent more time off my phone and meeting guys in REAL LIFE because of this app.
  • The guys I’ve messaged seem nicer than on other apps. I actually introduced one to a friend because I think they’d really hit it off.
The Bad

  • The League is still a relatively new app so it can be glitchy. Several times I would pass on a guy only to have him show up again. The app also froze for me. Try using it in the off-times (not 5pm) and it should run smoother.
  • Even with the selection process, you will see douchey guys. Just today, I had a guy whose main profile photo was a selfie with Donald Trump. Gross.
  • Guys on The League may have more education, ambition and Donald Trump’s phone number, but that doesn’t mean they’re any better at dating. Like other apps, I have several matches where the guys have yet to say anything to me. I guess they’re too busy being masters of the universe to type a message.

  • Thumbs up for The League. I’ve recommended it to several friends. If you can get off the waitlist, give The League a try.
I got into 'The League' — the Tinder for elites — here's what it was like

  • Dec. 18, 2015, 12:02 PM
  • 520,988
  • love to hate.

    It's billed as Tinder for elites — a "curated" community of single people who aspire to become one half of a power couple.

    Founded by a Stanford grad, it's super exclusive and reportedly has a waiting list of more than 158,000 people who are eager to meet Ivy League-educated, successful, and attractive prospects.

    Thanks to a friend who earned VIP status on the app, a few weeks ago I got in and took a look around — but it didn't really live up to the hype.

    Keep reading to see what it was like.
What Are the Most Exclusive Dating App Users Really Looking For?
The League's male users are looking for women who are 25 and work in communications
By Margaret Abrams • 08/30/16 9:12am


On The League, “Conor S.” offers dating advice to female users. (Photo: The League)

What are the most exclusive app daters looking for when they start swiping? The League, a competitive app meant for users who are looking for people from a similar background, recently released their data. It’s not the most elite app–that’s Raya, where Joe Jonas (unfortunately, not Nick), Alexander Wang, Sharon Stone, Bob Saget and Diplo, have been spotted. Still, The League boasts about its a wait list of 100,000 people, eager to upgrade from their typical Tinder options.

Those interested in joining The League must be approved based on their profile picture, college, and work history. The information is synced using LinkedIn and Facebook, so there can’t be any cat fishing. After applying (it helps if you’re granted access from someone who’s already a member), it’s easy to control the settings and make matches even more exclusive. Everything is adjustable, including age, height, distance, ethnicity and religion. While other apps allow users to customize, The League focuses on education, where “highly selective” is an option for those hunting down Ivy Leaguers.

Every day at “Happy Hour,” users are given four people to swipe through, who should supposedly meet their preferences. (Although “highly selective” colleges aren’t necessarily top-ranked, according to the app.) There are also community groups and events to join, including a ’90s Booze Cruise and a Caribbean Night Skate Party in Brooklyn. While thousands of people join the groups, it’s unclear how many actually attend and meet up.

The startup recently revealed data to Forbes, showing exactly how picky their users are. They examined who the users “heart” (their equivalent of a Tinder right swipe) most. There’s a median age of 28, almost everyone is straight and 99 percent of users have a college degree. Women were looking for tailored suits, outdoor settings and men who worked in finance, medicine or real estate and who were about 29 years old. Women cared about an exclusive education far more than their male counterparts. Men wanted younger women, around age 25, who worked in education and communication. And while there were Brooklynites, the most attractive neighborhoods are all in downtown Manhattan.

It sounds like The League is taking their information from Bachelor in Paradise, where the women tend to be about 23 and the men are a decade older–especially since the analysts realized that women with long hair seemed to have the most success on the app. Women were also well liked when they wore white dresses in their profile picture. The ladies of New York better start growing out last summer’s lob and investing in wedding gowns for app dating.

The League’s one positive? Although it’s not Bumble, where women are required to send the first message, women are still strongly encouraged to reach out. There’s no difference in reply rates when a woman messages a man first, and they even found that those conversations were most likely to end with a phone number exchange. Hopefully, though, the woman has long, princess-like locks and a flowing white gown, to guarantee a date.
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The League. It's an exclusive dating app that caters to the socially mobile upper crust singles. There's some fancy algorithm that determines if you're worthy-enough, so unlike Tinder, not just anyone can join. You have to have gone to an Ivy League caliber school and work for a large company or be a successful C-level execute or entrepreneur. To verify this info you have to link it to your LinkedIn profile. I assume they safe guard against fakes by analyzing your connections on LinkedIn, Recommendations, etc.
well congrats to you :woot:
I don't know if this is the right place to post but I like older men and I guess money comes with an ambitious, successful older man so I thought some of you might have some tips. I want to start getting out there but I don't want to come of as sugarbabish to these men as I want something serious.

I have a few questions for anyone whose interested in answering.

Do you ladies that want a rich man find that you prefer to be submissive in relationships. E.g. Man takes the lead with everything?

In terms of your experiences with rich men. Do you find that age is important to who they see as short term flings and long term lovers? I'm looking for something serious or friendships only if it does get to that stage. No in between.
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I don't know if this is the right place to post but I like older men and I guess money comes with an ambitious, successful older man so I thought some of you might have some tips. I want to start getting out there but I don't want to come of as sugarbabish to these men as I want something serious.

I have a few questions for anyone whose interested in answering.

Do you ladies that want a rich man find that you prefer to be submissive in relationships. E.g. Man takes the lead with everything?

In terms of your experiences with rich men. Do you find that age is important to who they see as short term flings and long term lovers? I'm looking for something serious or friendships only if it does get to that stage. No in between.

It depends.

There are a lot of younger men who are very accomplished and worth a few million by 30. I've noticed that for the most part when it comes to rich white men, all ages, is that they are obsessed with bossy women. It's weird because they have such fragile egos at the same time. Theyre nuts. lol
I don't know if this is the right place to post but I like older men and I guess money comes with an ambitious, successful older man so I thought some of you might have some tips. I want to start getting out there but I don't want to come of as sugarbabish to these men as I want something serious.

I have a few questions for anyone whose interested in answering.

Do you ladies that want a rich man find that you prefer to be submissive in relationships. E.g. Man takes the lead with everything?

In terms of your experiences with rich men. Do you find that age is important to who they see as short term flings and long term lovers? I'm looking for something serious or friendships only if it does get to that stage. No in between.

Nobody likes a door mat. Actually i should say respects a door mat. There is a way to have a voice & be submissive. Being submissive to me is not being a whatever you like woman.

Example waiter comes asks what i want & i say the gentlman will order for me.

Am i hungry yes. Do i know what i want yes. Am i trying to play chess yes. This is a getting to know you exercise. Are you a boss? Do we have a similar palette? Do you handle pressure?
Every time you go out to eat waiter asks what you want and you say i dont know ask him

In one scenario you have a brain in the other you are a simple person it's a vibe you give

They want ambitious motivated people that have their own brains ideas & goals usually not just a rag doll to pull along
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:woot: Did you accept the position

you just told me not to. lol.

It was for the coding thing. I told him I was into it. I guess since he had been complaining about having to evict these other tenants he cant stand he brought up his favorite tenant in his condos which was the coding guy. Hes a little too excited though. I need him to chill. I told him I'm not making any promises. Doing too much. I dont even want a relationship. He's not gonna trap me in one.
you just told me not to. lol.

It was for the coding thing. I told him I was into it. I guess since he had been complaining about having to evict these other tenants he cant stand he brought up his favorite tenant in his condos which was the coding guy. Hes a little too excited though. I need him to chill. I told him I'm not making any promises. Doing too much. I dont even want a relationship. He's not gonna trap me in one.
Lord was i half sleep? Is it a local position if so take it lol
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It depends.

There are a lot of younger men who are very accomplished and worth a few million by 30. I've noticed that for the most part when it comes to rich white men, all ages, is that they are obsessed with bossy women. It's weird because they have such fragile egos at the same time. Theyre nuts. lol

That's because a lot of White women are very bossy and aggressive.
Too many of these men are so damn passive aggressive though.
I have noticed they do like women to lead or take them over. Thy like confidence.
Many are not intimidated by highly capable, accomplished smart women, in fact they love it.

Are these rich White dudes take charge at least?
That's because a lot of White women are very bossy and aggressive.
Too many of these men are so damn passive aggressive though.
I have noticed they do like women to lead or take them over. Thy like confidence.
Many are not intimidated by highly capable, accomplished smart women, in fact they love it.

Are these rich White dudes take charge at least?

I would say yes in business & in their personal lives

Becky's are smart they aren't always overt in their bossiness
That's because a lot of White women are very bossy and aggressive.
Too many of these men are so damn passive aggressive though.
I have noticed they do like women to lead or take them over. Thy like confidence.
Many are not intimidated by highly capable, accomplished smart women, in fact they love it.

Are these rich White dudes take charge at least?


I'm dating around at the moment but one in particularly is trying to force me into a relationship. Its weird that hes demanding, whiney, needy and pushy all at the same time. Like spoiled and entitled kinda. An "I want it now" personality. He brought up the whole relationship thing and took it up himself to bring up the children conversation. He was hell bent on getting me to agree to one and see what happens. This ended up being like an hour negotiation. I still havent even agreed to be in a relationship so idk what he thinks he's doing. lol. I want to say "chill." but I'm going to let him be and do whatever the hell I want to do. I'm not really looking to settle down right now and I'm keeping my options open. I'm enjoying dating for now. I officially have nonnegotiable income requirement though. I'm not settling for anyone who makes less than $250K/year and worth at least $2 million. Like the one guy expects to be worth at least $20million over the next 20 years. I can see it. His arse has professional ADHD with a straight up hustler mentality. Its just the personal life is kinda, eh. IDK. I'm like can I breathe?! just give me my puppy for Xmas and I'm good :lol:
Nobody likes a door mat. Actually i should say respects a door mat. There is a way to have a voice & be submissive. Being submissive to me is not being a whatever you like woman.

Example waiter comes asks what i want & i say the gentlman will order for me.

Am i hungry yes. Do i know what i want yes. Am i trying to play chess yes. This is a getting to know you exercise. Are you a boss? Do we have a similar palette? Do you handle pressure?
Every time you go out to eat waiter asks what you want and you say i dont know ask him

In one scenario you have a brain in the other you are a simple person it's a vibe you give

They want ambitious motivated people that have their own brains ideas & goals usually not just a rag doll to pull along
It depends.

There are a lot of younger men who are very accomplished and worth a few million by 30. I've noticed that for the most part when it comes to rich white men, all ages, is that they are obsessed with bossy women. It's weird because they have such fragile egos at the same time. Theyre nuts. lol
Thank you both for the advice.
I want to mention and ask so many things but I'm gonna use this thread as reading material for the next few days and then report back. This is gonna be hard as but I'm willing to give it a go.
The one I met is involving me in his business activities. Matter fact, he just closed a deal last night with a company that separates dirt from oil or something. I don't know but since he owns it now he said if I want, I can run the place. So he's gonna start taking me to his meetings so I can learn more.

Don't know if I'm interested in that. But He has a lot of businesses in the oil/gas industry so it may be a good way to learn more and get my feet wet in that industry. He's flying to Mexico today to work on a payday loan company there that I'll probably be involved in too.

Oh and this guys married in Australia but idgaf. I'm using him to get a come up for myself in this trump era and it's every man for themselves right now.

And then I just got off the phone with the other oil and gas dude. He's like we need to have a discussion soon about us being in a relationship together cause I really like you. Then he ended it with whatever you need, let me know cause it's time for me to start taking care of you. I've only seen him twice cause he works a crap ton and haven't seen him since October but he's kept in contact every day. He just finished paying his wife 8000/month in alimony. And hes part ownser of a company that leases oil wells. His percentage will go up as the principal owner nears retirement. I know for a fact he'll get married again cause he's been engaged once already and he's asking for my input on where he should have his house built in Texas.

But both are good boys. The Australian is originally from Montana and other is from Utah. Don't really like the bossy/domineering types. But they always do what I want without me having to fuss.
Do you ladies that want a rich man find that you prefer to be submissive in relationships. E.g. Man takes the lead with everything?

You know a lot of rich and powerful men go to dominatrixes....

but seriously when someone has to be in control and in charge in every other aspect of life a lot of the times they want to turn off their brain when it comes to the relationship and go with the flow.

At least for my friend who's dating her millionaire... he likes when she takes control and plans stuff and handles business. It's refreshing for him not to always have to be "on" 24/7, but knows she can handle stuff and make decisions without him.

Affluent Black Americans Are Migrating To Desoto,Tx......

That place sounds magical! AND the white people don't want to live there. Works for me! :sideye:

I mean honestly was no sweat off my nose when they said white people avoid living in Desoto... over 50% of the businesses are black own. We need more of this in America. We need to start affluent ethnic enclaves in America.

YES! I agree.... :yep:

I love it.

I would say that Bowie, MD reminds me of Desoto. A lot of affluent black families live there as well. :yep: Majority black, lots of black-owned businesses, and lots of celebrities and blacks who are working in the medical, technical, and entertainment field there. :up:
YES! I agree.... :yep:

I love it.

I would say that Bowie, MD reminds me of Desoto. A lot of affluent black families live there as well. :yep: Majority black, lots of black-owned businesses, and lots of celebrities and blacks who are working in the medical, technical, and entertainment field there. :up:

Bowie is not considered a nice place:look:
Well, it depends on which areas you go to I guess. Bowie was beautiful.... At least, when I used to live there. It may not be the black Beverly Hills, but a lot of the area is VERY affluent... Especially the Woodmore area. :yep:

My high-school bestie movie to Bowie when we were 16. Her house is huge. Nonetheless, if that's the best PG has to offer....based on what the rest of MD has to offer, no thanks.:look:
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My high-school bestie movie to Bowie when we were 16. Her house is huge. Nonetheless, if that's the best PGA has to offer....based on what the rest of MD has to offer, no thanks.:look:

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then.... :yep:

I can't speak for all of MD when it comes to the black community, but when it comes to affluent well-to-do black people, that area is definitely one of the biggest meccas for black wealth. :yep: Doctors, lawyers, celebrities, business owners, CEO's, you name it. And no white people in sight.... :look: j/k.... sort of....

It's just very rare that you see that...and the Bowie/Mitcheville area reminded me of Desoto. Not saying it's the only place for black wealth, but that it just reminds me of that area if you're looking for a place where it is predominantly black, and blacks live well and in the suburbs.