How To Attract A Rich Man

Nah you lying unless you mean beckys with wealthy men cause beckys with regular to hood dudes stay pulling her weight and his paying for all the meals groceries driving her car living in her house smh I be like yall dumb
Nah you lying unless you mean beckys with wealthy men cause beckys with regular to hood dudes stay pulling her weight and his paying for all the meals groceries driving her car living in her house smh I be like yall dumb
Can you explain this for a tired and sleepy Buppie?
Bumping this thread for throw back thursday

START AT 17:00

THEN PLAY 18:03-18:06 100xs
THEN PLAY UP TO 19:00-20:00 20xs

Dang, Uncle G put us up on Game! {{{ #OkayLadiesNowLetsGetInFormation #DontBeADumbHo #BuildWealth #BuildEmpires #GoalDigging #LifeLessons }}}

My friend's mom gave some great life advice too, "If you only date rich men, you're bound to fall in love with one of them."

Now, I've made some power moves in my own life. The job I wanted in California that I mentioned in a thread last year... I got it. So now I'm working and living in the heart of Silicon Valley at one of the big companies with tons of eligible men walking around. One of the first women I met instantly became a best friend. Just so happens she's dating one of the heavy hitters in the tech world.

:sekret: (I can now safely say I'm now only 1 degree of separation away from Kim and Kanye...) :sekret:

She met him at a party a year ago... they hit it off. But even after a very successful first date, she acted uninterested and not really pressed (very rulesy), so he upped his ante and staked his claim.

She's actually living the life this Thread talks about. She's gone on trips around the world with the man. (Their trip to Tokyo seemed the coolest)... She lives with him, and he refuses to let her pay rent. In fact, he's encouraging her to quit her corporate job and live her dream of opening up a Yoga studio and popping out his babies.

She on the fast track to an engagement. She doesn't have the ring yet...but he point blank told her to let him know exactly the ring she wants. (She's modest so she only wants a 6 carat center stone.)

Phenotypically, she fits the Trophy-Wife stereotype to a T. Tall, skinny, blonde former aspiring model with silicone enhancements and some injectables. Absolutely stunning!!! Very photogenic.

And to top it all off... She's smart as a whip! Very professionally astute. Hard working. Super sweet. Super kind. The full package.

I've known rich people before...My parents have been close friends with solid millionaire-tier people. But this level of rich and access to celebrity is on a level I have never experienced before.

So I guess in moments like this...I better lose some weight and work my network. I'm going to play the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon Game up, and see who I can get introduced to.

Oh, how could I forget my other plan...

So going to a top university has it's perks. I rubbed elbows with children who came from money. The young and naive TPS friend-zoned a guy who fits the filthy rich mold perfectly. He lived on my floor freshman year. He tried to hook up with me, but I curved that negro like a bad toss. I had no real romantic interest in him. I genuinely liked him as a friend and enjoyed hanging out with him as such. We've kept in touch post college...

It hit me last year that he really would have been the perfect rich husband material.

He comes from old European Money. Grew up in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Went to private schools with the children of Kings, Queens, Prince, Princesses, Barons, Baronesses, Ambassadors, Politicians.... all that Illuminati stuff. He plays on the semi-pro tennis circuit. And within the last year has created, produced, and directed his own reality show about the rich kids of Monaco. (Think EJ Johnson and crew except old money European).

He's a jet setter. He does still call Atlanta home...But 99% of his time he's always bouncing around from European country to European country... with the occasional pitstops through Asia.

Alas, I will still keep in touch with him b/c even if I don't end up with him... Who knows who I can meet through him.

So a couple months back #EuroaBae posted a very interested Huffington Post Article

The New Trophy Wife
12/13/2014 11:21 am ET | Updated Jan 25, 2015

Kristen Houghton Author of A Cate Harlow Private Investigation series


The term “trophy wife” has taken on a new, more upscale meaning. Men are finding the most attractive and sexually desirable women are not brainless beauties whose sole function is to look good and stay quiet, but women who are making good money and are in positions of power (See: Amal Clooney). The woman who got ahead on her looks by marrying a “sugar daddy” is now being replaced by the woman who is equal to her man in earning power and career position. That’s sexy.

It goes further than that. According to anthropologist Dr. Stephen Juan, who recently appeared on The Today Show, we are seeing the demise of the “trophy wife” and welcoming the rise of the “power couple”.

Says Dr. Juan:

A really strong man wants a woman who is equal to him, that is the truth of it now. A weak man wants someone that is docile and a servant to him — it is a real sign of insecurity in a man to want a brainless trophy wife. Wives can be beautiful, intelligent and have careers and opinions just as strong as their partners.

Hooray equality!

When Mark Zuckerberg married his college sweetheart, Priscilla Chan, he married a woman who isn’t only eye candy; she’s a medical school graduate with eyes on a career who clearly demonstrates the new parity among married couples. Priscilla is not alone. Sociologist Christine Whelan, in her 2006 book Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women, documented that research has found higher-income women are more likely to marry than women with less earning potential and they are marrying partners with equal high-income.

The days of a well-off older man who has a brainless beauty on his arm at social functions seems to be a deal out of Mad Men. Educated, intelligent women are the ones most sought-after by men of the same caliber. Brains are the new beauty.

There may be a historic social change occurring here. Men’s attraction to professionally achieving women is one piece of a much larger story as to what people in the 21st century want in a partner. Men in their 20s and 30s in relationships with strong and high-salaried women are relieved that they no longer have to be the sole breadwinner and decision-maker. With her own high-paying career, the new trophy wife is highly educated, self-assured and able to hold her own financially. She’s also not afraid to intimidate any male that has antiquated ideas of gender roles.

Call it the rise of the alpha woman or simply the beginning of a new era in relationships, the new trophy wife is a woman who succeeds on her own and can hold her own in the boardroom as well as the bedroom. To paraphrase Henry Kissinger, a powerful man who married Nancy Maginnes, a powerful woman: “Power, success and financial security are the ultimate aphrodisiacs”.

Copyright 2014 Kristen Houghton
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Hey @ThePerfectScore how you doing girl? I just came into the thread because you posted. My experience the past year solidifies what that article says. You need to have your own.

I have been rubbing shoulders with some really well off men in the investment and startup space in the continent and this is what I have realized. Those men live really intense lives and want a woman who has her own stuff going on so she does not complain about the obvious lack of attention. The ones that come from money have an added requirement that your people are also similarly wealthy. If I was to give a woman any advice to get with these types it would be
1. Be an entrepreneur,but a really great business so you can attract investments/get introduced around
2. Have a great education. This is twofold. People will respect you because of it and you get the alumni network
3. Get some accolades. Give a TED talk.

I think the above is too much work just for a man so I think be you and it will happen. If I was going to position my daughters as @FemmeFatale says,I would
1. Make sure my family is doing well in public service or business.
2. Take them to really good schools.
3. Country club membership
4. Make sure they go to top notch schools.
Hey @ThePerfectScore how you doing girl? I just came into the thread because you posted. My experience the past year solidifies what that article says. You need to have your own.

I have been rubbing shoulders with some really well off men in the investment and startup space in the continent and this is what I have realized. Those men live really intense lives and want a woman who has her own stuff going on so she does not complain about the obvious lack of attention. The ones that come from money have an added requirement that your people are also similarly wealthy. If I was to give a woman any advice to get with these types it would be
1. Be an entrepreneur,but a really great business so you can attract investments/get introduced around
2. Have a great education. This is twofold. People will respect you because of it and you get the alumni network
3. Get some accolades. Give a TED talk.

I think the above is too much work just for a man so I think be you and it will happen. If I was going to position my daughters as @FemmeFatale says,I would
1. Make sure my family is doing well in public service or business.
2. Take them to really good schools.
3. Country club membership
4. Make sure they go to top notch schools.

Hey @Shiks ! I'm great! Just navigating a new job, new city, new friends...

"Give a TED talk" There's a toast master's group at work I was thinking about joining. I need to work my way up to TED Talk status.

I do need to work my alumni network in the Bay area. In fact I know a lot of classmates that have moved here.

Honestly, I don't really care if I get a filthy rich guy. As long as he's not broke and ain't brining me down we good. lol

Affluent Black Americans Are Migrating To Desoto,Tx......

That place sounds magical! AND the white people don't want to live there. Works for me! :sideye:

I mean honestly was no sweat off my nose when they said white people avoid living in Desoto... over 50% of the businesses are black own. We need more of this in America. We need to start affluent ethnic enclaves in America.

Affluent Black Americans Are Migrating To Desoto,Tx......

That place sounds magical! AND the white people don't want to live there. Works for me! :sideye:

I mean honestly was no sweat off my nose when they said white people avoid living in Desoto... over 50% of the businesses are black own. We need more of this in America. We need to start affluent ethnic enclaves in America.

Thanks for posting this.
I'm from Desoto. Parents still leave there. I wish they would stop advertising, letting people know we are thriving since "white flight."

how did they feel about that black couple squatting in that woman's home when she went to Houston for chemo treatment?

I wish black folks would cling to the McGreggor area in Houston. The white folks is coming. The white folks is coming.

3rd & 5th wards are about to get names that when you know the whites have taken over.
how did they feel about that black couple squatting in that woman's home when she went to Houston for chemo treatment?

I wish black folks would cling to the McGreggor area in Houston. The white folks is coming. The white folks is coming.

3rd & 5th wards are about to get names that when you know the whites have taken over.

Not sure, I will have to ask.
Ok I saw the bump and there was no deets. I'm nosey @CurlyMoo

^^^ I'm assuming that there's a story behind this. :curtain:

Yeah there is. It's about that dude I have been crushing on before I knew he was the town millionaire. Blah Blah. People telling me he's married to the 50 year old woman working in his office. Turns out they/he's not married and that he's now dating a 21 year old he just came back from Cancun with her. Yuck!! :barf:
And I am ashamed to admit I am all kinds of salty.
Just when I thought Millennials couldn't get more annoying.
Just feeling down about this whole idea now. Screw these assholz.
Will focus on my own financial needs and get rich or die trying.
Then go get myself a tenderoni and parade him around all the events like these old rich douche bags do.
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Yeah there is. It's about that dude I have been crushing on before I knew he was the town millionaire. Blah Blah. People telling me he's married to the 50 year old woman working in his office. Turns out they/he's not married and that he's now dating a 21 year old he just came back from Cancun with her. Yuck!! :barf:
And I am ashamed to admit I am all kinds of salty.
Just when I thought Millennials couldn't get more annoying.
Just feeling down about this whole idea now. Screw these assholz.
Will focus on my own financial needs and get rich or die trying.
Then go get myself a tenderoni and parade him around all the events like these old rich douche bags do.
You gots to bump PYT out the picture he aint serious he just lonely. Slide up in there on a business tip like you need a mentor or something
^^^ Sounds to me like this guy is still single (and rich). I'd be salty too. How old is he?
You need to find out where that 21 yr old was hanging out when she met him. The town millionaire probably has rich friends. :yep:
You gots to bump PYT out the picture he aint serious he just lonely. Slide up in there on a business tip like you need a mentor or something

He is in his 50's, based on my spying I believe his birthday was on Thanksgiving.
The thing is, we are (were) attracted to each other. He made a few efforts to get close to me, in the past.
But when I thought he was married to the Office Manager (apparently now ex-girlfriend), I ignored him, don't speak when I do see him and went out of site and out of mind.
Started mailing my check and pushing it through the mail slot after hours.
We don't travel in the same circles but, I know where his favorite restaurant is. LOL

That little girl probably went into his office and asked for a job and got a man out of it.
I ain't hustling right apparently. I need to get more clever I see.
But obviously this isn't about the Millennial, once I concur these few goals I have I will be in a better place.
So I set my sights on 2 guys at work... Huge company. It's actually very common for people to find and marry other coworkers here, so not a conflict of interest.

1 guy is riiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccccccccccccccch. The other is financially on my level. They both share a name....

So guy #1- met him at the company Halloween party. I was there with a friend/coworker who was acting as my wing woman. She disappeared into the crowd and came back to the dance floor with him and intro'd us. *She's the best wing woman*

I invited him to go to a bar with us after. He said he didn't have his wallet, but I said it was cool he could just venmo me the money later.

The next day he IMs me asking me for my Venmo username. I replied, "It was great meeting you too! Don't worry about the funds. But I will take you up on your offer to show me where to find the good food on main campus."

To be fair... he didn't invite me to lunch. BUT we did talk about the good restaurants on campus, so I figured I'd invite him to invite me to lunch.

He caught the bait.

Long story short we get together for lunch. He immediately says he likes my natural hair. He suggested after our meal we hit up the coffee shop, so in total we spent 2 hours together. In my heart, I don't think we'd have a 2 hour lunch in the middle of a busy work day if he didn't enjoy my company.

But alas... haven't heard from him. I know work gets busy and the holiday rolled up, but I'm not in the market to chase a man.... but...


I do feel there's a window of opportunity when it comes to pursuing something romantic (a very limited window after meeting someone to make something happen). If there's one thing I learned in Psych in college is that people fall in love due to proximity, but I have no reason to be on his campus on a regular basis. So I've gotta be more strategic and not a stalker.

One last ditch effort, my friend wanted us to eat on main more often. Everyone's calendars at work are open, and we're both free Friday, so I figured my friend and I can go to lunch on main Friday, and I can extend an invitation to join. *Kanye shrug* I'll just ask him that morning so it doesn't seem as pre-meditated as it actually is. lol

Anyway........ the reason I suspect he's got some dough.... is that when I asked him what he did prior to working for our comp, he said... all nonchalantly that he owned a Software Company. Now in the land of Start Ups and Failures that could mean a lot or nothing, but in this case it seems very promising.

I like an enterprising man... those are the building blocks I can work with.

Now guy #2... he works in the same division as I. I'm more senior, but he'll never directly report to me. But the gem is he's in grad school. He wants a complete career overhaul and is working towards a new direction in a new industry. I like how hard working he is. He's on the upswing. He's super chill. We hang out often and often eat together on campus...I rewrote his resume for him. We watched the election results together. Fun times, but we've never been on a date or anything.

So really--- I have no prospects, but I've got some warm leads lol.

What's funny is after guy #1 left the bar, me and my wing woman went to the restroom, and I gushed how out of all the guys we met that night, he was by far in the lead. I go into the stall and BAM on the back of the door is an advertisement with his name. I figured it was a sign from God... and I keep seeing his name pop up.

It wasn't until a few days later I realized guy #2's last name is guy #1's first name. So as someone who believes in signs... I'm confused. Guess God is just giving me options.

*fingers crossed and Kanye Shrugs*

We shall see if any of this is worth me coming out of retirement for.

I need a prayer circle like y'all gave Cici and Rus. I'm banking on guy #1, but there's so much potential I don't see how I could go wrong with either.

SideNote: Normally I don't believe in pooping where you eat. Now if I met these individuals at the club or on an app I'd figure they aren't interested, but being coworkers adds a certain level of professionalism and decorum that needs to be maintained at all times. We've all taken enough sexual harassment trainings to know that's a line you don't want to cross, so I wonder if it's an issue or non-romantic interest or hesitation due to the circumstance. This is uncharted territory for me.

We'll see how the next month plays out for both before I make my final judgement call.

Any advice on how to give these guys the green light while still being professional about the whole thing. Oh and there's an element of interracial-ness with me and guy #1. I've definitely had convos with non-black men who have told me they are afraid to approach black women b/c they assume we only date black men and will reject me.

Ugh... I hope I don't Molly out. #HBOInsecure
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He is in his 50's, based on my spying I believe his birthday was on Thanksgiving.
The thing is, we are (were) attracted to each other. He made a few efforts to get close to me, in the past.

But obviously this isn't about the Millennial, once I concur these few goals I have I will be in a better place.

So is #planbumptheMillennial in place or nah we got work to put in :giggle:
I would be inclined to do so, if I knew where to start.
Actually sounds amusing.:lachen:
I am halfway wanting to forget this dude and another half still wants to see what it would be like between us.
have you read the art of seduction etc? pm me i will send you some pdf books

edit if any other ladies want them pm me your email addresses
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After years of lurking in this thread, I finally met a millionaire that likes me. But.... He's my ex. Who used to pretend to be broke but was just frugal (and smart I guess) and very routine and regimented about his life, so couldnt commit to me the way I wanted him to and didn't want to do anything fun. (read: was stacking paper so that he could buy properties). I was young and my priorities were a little different and I totally went off him because he didn't want to go to restaurants and on holidays :lol: . He's been trying to meet up with me for years, literally and I bumped into him on Saturday. We're going for drinks next week. There was chemistry and he's changed a lot but we'll see - we often dont see eye to eye on things.

Seeing this thread bumped reminded me. Be careful what you wish for.
Oh another update, yesterday I got "Drafted" into the League...

Basically I'm off the waitlist and am a member.

I only joined on a whim b/c I was watching Insecure and Molly got in. I didn't think I'd get in so easily.

I signed up on Nov 4th and there were 12683 ahead of me, but I guess my LinkedIn is popping.

You have to link the app to your Facebook and your LinkedIn account. I will say I have as pretty impressive resume, so I guess these student loans to go to this fancy ass private school are paying off.

There are some very eligible matches on here... young, cute, accomplished... I'm assuming that equals RICH! lol
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