How To Attract A Rich Man

Can you ladies list where you meet these guys and how he noticed you and/or you noticed him?
I met my ex while I was at dinner with some folks. It is pricey restaurant in Manhattan. He was sitting directly next to my table [it was a large dinner], and we just struck up conversation. I really was not expecting to meet anyone.

I met my SO at a private event in a vacation town outside of NYC. I was invited to the event by an associate who is pretty wealthy and had an extra ticket.
I haven't met or dated a rich man, but over the last few weeks/months I've underwent some mental/emotional/physical changes so that not only am I attracting more men, I am attracting better quality men.

So, the latest guy is a British Nigerian transplant who works for JP Morgan...

I don't think it's going to go anywhere, but it feels good to move in this direction.
This thread is still going?

So who has found their rich man? :giggle:
Finding them ain't the problem. These bastids don't want to get married. :wallbash:

Any married success stories?

Surely there's at least one by now. :look:

I don't want to say many deets but I need ya'll to form a :circle: join hands and :pray: send the POSITIVE #BLACKLOVE vibes my direction

Doing some due diligence and I think I found one I want to laser focus on. If it is for me I want it but if it isn't for me I want it to leave faster than the Flash.

I take back my previous statement. This one wants to get married maybe he just doesn't know it :giggle: He is singing the "all my friends are getting married or are married now" song.
I don't want to say many deets but I need ya'll to form a :circle: join hands and :pray: send the POSITIVE #BLACKLOVE vibes my direction

Doing some due diligence and I think I found one I want to laser focus on. If it is for me I want it but if it isn't for me I want it to leave faster than the Flash.

I take back my previous statement. This one wants to get married maybe he just doesn't know it :giggle: He is singing the "all my friends are getting married or are married now" song.

For real, the window is open! Those are the ones that get engaged 6 months- 1 year after meeting their new girlfriend. Their last gf that waited 5 years for a ring mad as hell :wallbash: :rofl:

I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way :weird::weird:
So...I met this guy on a biz guy...I was having appetizers at the hotel bar, and looking for somewhere nice to have the end we sat and talked so much for several hours, we ended up eating at the hotel...
I was leaving the next day, and he gave me his card, he made some comment like I had a body that would make him forget his marriage vows..:rolleyes: Whatever...
Anyway, I finally went and googled him and his companies...with all his holdings he's a freaking billionaire...shoot, I ain't here for any hanky panky, but I do need some funding for my company...WWYD?
So...I met this guy on a biz guy...I was having appetizers at the hotel bar, and looking for somewhere nice to have the end we sat and talked so much for several hours, we ended up eating at the hotel...
I was leaving the next day, and he gave me his card, he made some comment like I had a body that would make him forget his marriage vows..:rolleyes: Whatever...
Anyway, I finally went and googled him and his companies...with all his holdings he's a freaking billionaire...shoot, I ain't here for any hanky panky, but I do need some funding for my company...WWYD?
Think you should give me his info. #planbillionaire

Get him to fund you and mentor you. Use his connections.
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So @PretteePlease any new rich men in the horizon? I see you are still fighting the good fight for Tyra et al. I gave up up keep doing it.
I'm a take this to the rich man thread
I am honestly touched by who Russ seems to be. It gives me a few things to think about.
well hell I thought I found the one tall dark, handsome, educated, a BOSS, VERIFIED RICH (when you work for a company on the NYSE your salary, bonus, and stock options are public) had all the trinkets and bobbles and said he wanted to take care of me take me to the family reunion and meet his mom the week b4 the reunion. Now mind you we only went on a few dates so I was like is his bio clock ticking. What's the rush. Tombout "ALL MY BOYS ARE MARRIED" SIR you are married too. It just wasn't adding up I had to check the divine mathematics. The google is your friend. You can't just take peoples word. Now the avg person might have played crazy in order to get the man but I can't play crazy when it comes to my family now that gay marriage is legal maybe I could still get my man and my rang and just have to edit the story to include a sister wife :lachen: dusty bastid. I really want to tell his wife, something tells me she knows exactly who she is married to.

Is this my place to tell in a way I feel like sistah code says yes. I kind of feel like I saw the signs and it opened up my eyes so her eyes should be open as well. I'm nosey so now I'm going to see if there are divorce papers. I'm almost certain there will be none.

These men are like busses. I know another is on the way I just have to get with the right one going the right direction.
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well hell I thought I found the one tall dark, handsome, educated, a BOSS, VERIFIED RICH (when you work for a company on the NYSE your salary, bonus, and stock options are public) had all the trinkets and bobbles and said he wanted to take care of me take me to the family reunion and meet his mom the week b4 the reunion. Now mind you we only went on a few dates so I was like is his bio clock ticking. What's the rush. Tombout "ALL MY BOYS ARE MARRIED" SIR you are married too. It just wasn't adding up I had to check the divine mathematics. The google is your friend. You can't just take peoples word. Now the avg person might have played crazy in order to get the man but I can't play crazy when it comes to my family now that gay marriage is legal maybe I could still get my man and my rang and just have to edit the story to include a sister wife :lachen: dusty bastid. I really want to tell his wife, something tells me she knows exactly who she is married to.

Is this my place to tell in a way I feel like sistah code says yes. I kind of feel like I saw the signs and it opened up my eyes so her eyes should be open as well. I'm nosey so now I'm going to see if there are divorce papers. I'm almost certain there will be none.

What kinda rich man you lookin for P?
rich single marriage minded and an Alpha. I can't have no weak man. I'm not too particular about height or facial features my genes can overcome ugly :giggle: He has to love my clean drawls and sniff the dirty ones. :lachen:In other words caring and kind of a freak.

I mean, white, black? Introverted or extroverted.

Give a famous or celeb example.
well hell I thought I found the one tall dark, handsome, educated, a BOSS, VERIFIED RICH (when you work for a company on the NYSE your salary, bonus, and stock options are public) had all the trinkets and bobbles and said he wanted to take care of me take me to the family reunion and meet his mom the week b4 the reunion. Now mind you we only went on a few dates so I was like is his bio clock ticking. What's the rush. Tombout "ALL MY BOYS ARE MARRIED" SIR you are married too. It just wasn't adding up I had to check the divine mathematics. The google is your friend. You can't just take peoples word. Now the avg person might have played crazy in order to get the man but I can't play crazy when it comes to my family now that gay marriage is legal maybe I could still get my man and my rang and just have to edit the story to include a sister wife :lachen: dusty bastid. I really want to tell his wife, something tells me she knows exactly who she is married to.

Is this my place to tell in a way I feel like sistah code says yes. I kind of feel like I saw the signs and it opened up my eyes so her eyes should be open as well. I'm nosey so now I'm going to see if there are divorce papers. I'm almost certain there will be none.

These men are like busses. I know another is on the way I just have to get with the right one going the right direction.

I think she knows and is staying for the stock options.

You have your formula right so Mr. Right is on his way. Sending positive vacation on a different island each year vibes your way.
I mean, white, black? Introverted or extroverted.

Give a famous or celeb example.

I have a type rich men are the only ones I like.
Don't care black or white
Introvert or extrovert he just gotta love my life!

I like to listen to men talk about business or technical stuff. Listening to business calls does something to me. It makes me want to rip off their clothes. It's not a look it is more of a swag. I'm the boss I know what I'm talking about. Don't waste my time I don't have time for nonsense type men. I can't think of anyone except Kanye West but Original george bush don't Care about black people Kanye not Fashion Designer Kanye.
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Happy Sunday :cheers:

***proof went poof***

Now we need a thread on how to keep them once we attract them in my North West voice "HELP"
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Ehem, cue @barbiesocialite code "Alpha"

Ohhh how I've missed this thread.
I said keep hope & don't quote dang at least tell me how to hang on with a death grip. I met him at a nice upscale restaurant in the Galleria. I told myself b4 I left the house "I'm going to happy hour and I'm meeting a rich man"

We are very early but he is very kind, intelligent, interesting, worldly. Now that I have the govt name I can do my due diligence. He said that I could have 2-3 kids sir I can have all of that if I can have my mom close and a live in nanny. I meet lots of rich men but most of the time i feel like

I said keep hope & don't quote dang at least tell me how to hang on with a death grip. I met him at a nice upscale restaurant in the Galleria. I told myself b4 I left the house "I'm going to happy hour and I'm meeting a rich man"

We are very early but he is very kind, intelligent, interesting, worldly. Now that I have the govt name I can do my due diligence. He said that I could have 2-3 kids sir I can have all of that if I can have my mom close and a live in nanny. I meet lots of rich men but most of the time i feel like

I think you should let him do most of the talking most of the time. Even if you feel excited, don't show that you are excited. Be the prize.

Keep communication short and simple, and let him pursue.

I think the issue is that if he's an extrovert and you're an extrovert, then there is going to be competition. Two people can't dominate the conversation at the same time.
I will be exercising the art of shut the hell up. We met sitting at the bar I was alone then a single man sat to my left and 30min later another to my right. I had on a chiffon type criss cross tank, super dark wash jeggins and nude keebler kitten heels. My hair was straight for the first time in forever. He thought I was with dude on the left. I noticed he was being quiet so when the food came I said ooh that smells good what is it and it was on from there. Nevermind the fact that I heard him order. I needed an ice breaker.
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So I went on a not date as he called it :giggle: last night. We had dinner at some place simple and I got to talking about wanting to learn to fly. So we finished and has says "let me take you some place" Now I'm looking crazy, tired, and now I have the itis but he's nice so i say cool. No questions asked I jump in his ride and fall asleep. Now I would not suggest this for someone you just met but this is like the 5th time we have hung out. When I woke up I saw we were pulling up to the runway and a keypad at a gate. I got my first lesson :toocool::drunk::toocool:

So he told me about the $100+ burger. And I was like huh? He said there is an airport a nice distance away that has a burger joint inside. The burgers are good and cheap but by the time you pay for the fuel etc you get the idea. He said he was having a hard time dating because the women he met did not have the same goals & priorities. He said "you would be surprised at how many women do not want to go up in my plane and fly off to lunch." Insert a drop in mood and a slightly sad face. Now I will admit small aircraft are not for everyone but I liked the idea it seemed adventurous and sweet in a wack & corny kind of way. I wasn't going to post anymore because apparently I am full of ish, my advice is not working for me & I am delusional. For those who think that, well my advice is obviously not for you. My sharing is to help those that are open for advice. Sharing is not bragging we are supposed to be in the thread helping one another :pray: :circle: :dance7:So here is my tip in the spirit of the thread:

TIP: Be ready, willing, & able to fit into the lifestyle of the type of man you would like to meet:assimilate:---------> :dinner:

is @rabs77 still around(was she the one learning to fly) because i thought about her as I snapped my selfie don't judge my hair I know I need to get it done
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@PretteePlease I must have missed something because I don't see this as bragging at all! I usually date the Boss...I like men that take control and run tings. with that comes alot of perks....that i like to enjoy!!!! Keep the updates coming...I love it!
I was directed to another forum serving faux tea and some people are over there sippin it like koolaid in Jonestown :coffee:

Positive vibes today and beyond :circle: You can win as long as you keep you head to the sky :lachen:
So I went on a not date as he called it :giggle: last night. We had dinner at some place simple and I got to talking about wanting to learn to fly. So we finished and has says "let me take you some place" Now I'm looking crazy, tired, and now I have the itis but he's nice so i say cool. No questions asked I jump in his ride and fall asleep. Now I would not suggest this for someone you just met but this is like the 5th time we have hung out. When I woke up I saw we were pulling up to the runway and a keypad at a gate. I got my first lesson :toocool::drunk::toocool:

So he told me about the $100+ burger. And I was like huh? He said there is an airport a nice distance away that has a burger joint inside. The burgers are good and cheap but by the time you pay for the fuel etc you get the idea. He said he was having a hard time dating because the women he met did not have the same goals & priorities. He said "you would be surprised at how many women do not want to go up in my plane and fly off to lunch." Insert a drop in mood and a slightly sad face. Now I will admit small aircraft are not for everyone but I liked the idea it seemed adventurous and sweet in a wack & corny kind of way. I wasn't going to post anymore because apparently I am full of ish, my advice is not working for me & I am delusional. For those who think that, well my advice is obviously not for you. My sharing is to help those that are open for advice. Sharing is not bragging we are supposed to be in the thread helping one another :pray: :circle: :dance7:So here is my tip in the spirit of the thread:

TIP: Be ready, willing, & able to fit into the lifestyle of the type of man you would like to meet:assimilate:---------> :dinner:

is @rabs77 still around(was she the one learning to fly) because i thought about her as I snapped my selfie don't judge my hair I know I need to get it done
@PretteePlease Yassss girl, get it :cup:I know all about them $100 burgers. Do you recall what was he flying? Love how you stay giving this thread life.
@PretteePlease Yassss girl, get it :cup:I know all about them $100 burgers. Do you recall what was he flying? Love how you stay giving this thread life.
I want to say a Beechcraft I remember for sure it had a V shaped tail. He was walking me through the differences between his plane and the one next to it and that is one I recall.

I think our nondate/lesson went well I just got an invite to go to Miami in January if he has to go there to meet a client :woot: :sunshine::diver::beach:
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