How To Attract A Rich Man

Okay! Thanks so much for the advice! I think there's a saks a few cities away from me. I'll be applying soon. I get emotionally attached to my coworkers (not like slumber parties or night on the town attatched but I like them) so it'll be hard to leave but greener pastures await.

A few cities away? Wow! You are dedicated lol. There is usually a shopping district with plenty of high end stores in the nice part of town. Apply to all of them.
I know quite a few girls who have done this. High end retail and cocktail waitressing at a really nice lounge or hotel bar are really good ways to meet lots of business travelers and some local businessmen. I know one girl who did both and boy did she ever get chose.

Amazing! Could you elaborate?
A few cities away? Wow! You are dedicated lol. There is usually a shopping district with plenty of high end stores in the nice part of town. Apply to all of them.

I'm over there basically every other weekend so it wouldn't be any different. Here, to go anywhere is at least a thirty minute drive.
Amazing! Could you elaborate?

Well she married one of her regulars. Nice corporate lawyer for one of major firms in the area. This girl was sort of scandalous though, with a sugar baby-ish background. She was separated when she met him and they started dating. I thought it was another sugar baby type relationship but not long after the ink dried on her divorce certificate, they (he) bought a house and they got married.
Will be going to the Christkindlmarket downtown tomorrow.
Do you think I will have some opportunities to meet a well off guy?:grin:

How should I dress?
I will be wearing my black pea coat, ivory sweater dress with black tights and black boots.
I know quite a few girls who have done this. High end retail and cocktail waitressing at a really nice lounge or hotel bar are really good ways to meet lots of business travelers and some local businessmen. I know one girl who did both and boy did she ever get chose.

Yes to cocktail waitressing! I was just about to come in here to talk about that. A college friend of mine met her current SO while waitressing. He's a millionaire and they seem to be living it up. He's helping her get into real estate so she'll have something of her own to fall back on. I was invited to a holiday party they're having and I'll definitely be there! I want to be nosy :look:.
I'm over there basically every other weekend so it wouldn't be any different. Here, to go anywhere is at least a thirty minute drive.

be a server or preferably a bartender at a high end restaurant. bartenders get to know people well. you can start as a server then move to the bar in lots of places

Houston ladies the Whole Foods that just opened on Post Oak in the Galleria is Pop lock and dropin like the club. I left with Lambick Frambosie Beer, non soy tuna, hummus, almond milk, and 2 numbers!

Plan Pink was in full effect last night. I went on a date last night with a man that owns a pipeline company. I have dated a man with a pipeline company before. That's some real money. He is on the way out of town we are supposed to have date #2 the first week of December :woot:

I ordered scallops as an appetizer or so I thought. The thing I hate about fancy places is that their portion sizes suck. I got exactly 1 scallop with succotash I don't even like succotash. WTF IS THAT. Then I got a 10oz lobster tail served on rice, sauce and cheese :lick: with roasted veggies. This morning I weighed 168.2lbs these fools are ruining my weight!

I wore a sleeveless silk Versace like print shirt a high waist long black skirt and knee high black boots with a gold heel. My hair was down and curly. I had on a pink but not pale pink polish.
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If you have a Palm steakhouse in your town get there like :roadrunner:

Went in there tonight and I knew the bartender. He gave me the lowdown. Black cards and black suits. There is a game on and the bar is full of single menz. All old as George Bush Senior :lachen: He told me Tuesdays has lots of ladies but they bring the men. He said avoid Mondays it tends to be empty.

To blend in wear something career like and dark. I had on all black my friend had on a black and white blazer and everything else was black. They have a 7day a wk happy hour. We will be back. I heard Morton's has a similar crowd but these men are old.

My friend recently met a few rich guys on the court house steps at a foreclosure auction.
I knew this thread was buried here somewhere... a question for you ladies...

I went out last night for a friend's bday drinks. This friend is let's just say very well-connected and I'm trying to get in her circle. Most of the people I met are well to do, all the men are wearing nice watches, and most of these people share a house (ahem mansion) in the Hamptons every summer.

So I'm there meeting folks (of course I'm the only minority in sight except for these 2 other asian chicks) and trying to work the room and meet the guys haha. I get introduced to a much older gentleman (mid-70s) as he's known my friend the longest out of everyone there (almost 20yrs) and I had known her the shortest (just met in October at a women's golf event for work).

We start chatting and this man immediately takes to me and not in a 'I want to get in your pants way'. He's asking me what I do for work, what are my goals, why I don't have a nice rock on my finger :look: He even introduces me to his girlfriend - who I'm much surprised to see if very age-appropriate. She's in her late 50's early 60s. So I'm pretty sure he's not trying to hit on me. No creepy vibes at all.

For some reason he takes to me like a father figure and I'm drinking it right up, asking for advice on how to move my career forward, whether I should make the move to London, how I should approach dating in NYC, ect.

I come to find out that he is very wealthy. He purchased and saved a luxury British car manufacturer from bankruptcy in the 70s. I won't say which one but they make $200k+ cars. So I'm standing there like :blush:

So he gives me his card and asks me to email him. He insists we chat more over lunch in the next few weeks. I'll be shooting off that email soon but now I'm kind of nervous. He looks like he genuinely wants to coach and help me and I desperately want his guidance and access to his network (for professional and of course personal benefits).

Any tips on how I should proceed and make the most of this potential new friendship??
fitchick sounds like you just landed a well to do mentor. Go to that lunch & soak up as much info as you can. Find out what he's doing now & see how you can be a friend to him.. So it's just not him giving...
Bumping for fitchick :grin:

Thanks for the bump :grin:

I did get some helpful emails but always looking for additional perspectives.

I have a pretty unique name and he LinkedIn connected me saying "So that's how you spell your name. Wonderful!" :lol:

He hasn't responded to my request for lunch yet but I'm following up tonight.
Yes to cocktail waitressing! I was just about to come in here to talk about that. A college friend of mine met her current SO while waitressing. He's a millionaire and they seem to be living it up. He's helping her get into real estate so she'll have something of her own to fall back on. I was invited to a holiday party they're having and I'll definitely be there! I want to be nosy :look:.

So, @ArcticFemme, how was it?
Some people have such hate in their hearts. Having dating standards will make some people come up with the most ridiculous and slanderous comments. Isn't dating well winning? Wouldn't you celebrate that?

Have fun dating ladies :kiss3:
Some people have such hate in their hearts. Having dating standards will make some people come up with the most ridiculous and slanderous comments. Isn't dating well winning? Wouldn't you celebrate that? Have fun dating ladies :kiss3:

What happened? Someone said something to you?
Someone directed my attention to speculation, no certainty about my occupation.

Ladies your e-friends love to play telephone :sekret:

Be bless :lachen:
We need to bring this thread back! Any updates??? I have a dinner date with a potential mentor / hopefully investor in a little less than a month. I would love some advice, experiences, support.
A good place to meet rich men is at startup events. Look up incubators, accelerators, and shared work spaces in your area. They usually have events that are open to the public. Company founders, investors, and more are usually in attendance. Hope this helps.
I have a story that played out just like a textbook, as in the "LHCF Textbook" on How to Attract a Rich Man.

Posts by @PretteePlease, @barbiesocialite, @Syrah and @Miss C (to name a few), from this thread and other threads, are very helpful and accurate.

There are aspects of this thread and similar threads, on this board, that are nuggets of gold and goldmines, literally and figuratively.:grin:

Some of what these ladies have been saying is exactly what transpired and happened to someone [but not to me or any of my friends :ohwell::lol:].

I met a beautiful Brazilian girl in one of my language courses. She supports herself by working as a nanny/housekeeper for a wealthy family.

The wealthy family consists of a divorced gentleman, and his 20 year old son who lives at home. This gentleman's profession is doctor/lawyer/type and he comes from a moneyed family, or multi-generational wealth. I went with my friend to his home once, on our way somewhere else. The property is huge, equipped with all the trappings of wealth such as a luxury sports car, long winding driveway, privacy fence and shrubbery, swimming pool and a huge house on a large compound in an exclusive part of town.

He came home during my visit, and by now, you ALL should know that ain't no rich man checking for someone with a librarian bun, oversized flannel shirt buttoned up to the throat, and baggie overalls and dirty tennis shoes! That's how I looked, but I'm undercover. I'm not currently on a [rich] man hunt.

My Brazilian friend selected a university to continue her advanced studies and she mentioned to me that her wealthy employer told her that the school was low class. She went on to say that he is conscious of class and wealth because he is always telling his son, "Don't bring home a poor girl."

About seven (7) months later my friend then mentions, in passing, that her employer got married. I figured it was someone in his social circle like him or some modelesque looking woman.


The woman he married worked at an upscale hotel that he frequented, in another country. She is in her mid-forties. She is not rich. She is not French or European. He married her and brought her to France. He is French.

I believe @Miss C and @PretteePlease mentioned working at a high end hotel or bar to create an opportunity to possibly meet rich men. This is where this lady was working. I have broken out what I have seen stated [or my interpretation of what I have seen] in this or related threads:

He was married before.
(Divorced rich men are very likely to marry again.)

She is in her mid 40's.
(She is not super young. You don't have to be young to attract a rich man.)

He was a "regular" there or frequented this upscale hotel.
(She positioned herself to be in a place to meet wealthy men.)

She is slim with a tight body and small waist. She is not tall.
(Women who are slim will attract faster than women who are not slim. She looks HER best and she looks GOOD. Model dimensions not required.)

She is olive toned or brownish.
(Don't have to be blonde or brunette or whatever. It may not matter. There is no one type, except maybe being slim.)

She has long hair that is full and curly.
(Many if not most men prefer longer hair as opposed to super short hair or short hair cuts)

She is pretty/sexy/ very feminine.
(Men like dresses, heels, well done make-up. This was her daily "uniform" on the job. Men don't care about or approach you because of your accomplishments, initially. They initially approach you because of how you LOOK. If a man you don't know comes up to you and talks to you, no matter what he says, 99.99% of the time, his reason for his approach is because he finds you physically attractive.)

She was approachable. Her place of work helped a lot.
(She is friendly and kind. Stone faces don't attract as much.)

She has good posture.
(Translates into physical beauty for men. Other women see it as confidence.)

She speaks English fluently along with two other languages.
(If English is not your native language, you may want to learn it. English is the international language of business. Most rich men have or work in businesses. Thus, most will probably speak English. You can't mate if you can't communicate!)

No one involved in this story, except me, is American. The woman is not European. The man is French. I am in France.
(The suggestions in this thread seem to apply 'universally' /and done by this lady who attracted and married this rich man.)

Even though this gentlemen consistently told his son to not bring home a poor girl, he himself married someone who was not wealthy. It seems her
'sexiness' trumped not having her own money or being in his same social class. She placed herself in an environment where his type was available to her on a regular and frequent basis. She put forth her best presentation of herself regularly. My Brazilian friend added that when she is in public with this woman that men turn and look as she passes by.

Good luck, ladies!
She was approachable. Her place of work helped a lot.
(She is friendly and kind. Stone faces don't attract as much.)

This is why many rich men end up with waitresses and flight attendants. No matter how much money a man has, every man fears approaching random women. Your waitress has to talk to you and over time you build up a natural rapport. It's easier for him to test the waters with a waitress, bartender, flight attendant, etc... without his intentions being obvious up front.

I used to wait tables at a sports bar and I observed first hand that the regulars usually developed crushes on the wait staff. We'd use it to our advantage to get higher tips and more visits. Unfortunately, this was a blue-collar bar so no one was really balling, but some of the waitresses were getting bills paid by regulars :look:. My college friend had a similar job, but at an establishment frequented by wealthy men, thus she had a better chance of meeting one-- which she did.

Even though I hated being a waitress, I learned so much about how to interact with men from that job. It also turned me into a bit of a player/maneater, but that's another discussion.

I think any woman's best bet is to get around wealthy men and talk to them. Start going to bars solo, but just make sure you go to ones frequented by single men with money. Trust me, as someone who has worked in bars, I can spot broke bar regulars from a mile away. M-Th right after work is your best bet. Get in there before the broke jokers start coming in. I stay away from late night bars M-Th. I worked at a late night sports bar and too many broke, grown men who live with family members pack into those places during the week.

Choose nice restaurants that happen to have bars. These places close around 10 or 11 pm (if you live in a mid-sized or smaller city). Stay away from men who drink crappy domestic beer. Get in good with your (hopefully male and gay) bartender (tip him well). Once he knows you're single, he's going to make it his mission to hook you up. He knows who has money and who doesn't. He'll come to your rescue when that broke buster sits beside you and tries to tie up all of your time with his sorry conversation.

Next week a former male coworker of mine is going to accompany me to a nice bar/restaurant he frequents. He's a respected regular there and he's going to help me on my mission. No more playing around for me. I'm ready for a man with long money and passive income. I've realized that I'm going to have to be a bit more aggressive in my pursuit to get what I want. I prefer black men but if a wealthy man of another race comes my way... :look:
She put forth her best presentation of herself regularly. My Brazilian friend added that when she is in public with this woman that men turn and look as she passes by.

This is what I want to learn/develop, having that 'aura' that pulls men in. :yep:
Thank you for these tips! I'm currently working on myself, mentally, spiritually & physically. Something's working because lately I've been getting some major attention at work, from my clients, when I'm out.... Working towards your best self exudes confidence! Men love a confident woman. Now these fellas ain't rich but my next step is to put myself in the environment to meet wealthy & established men.

I'm going to follow the advice above about hitting Nice bars.... When I have any kind of updates I will let you know. I'm on a mission to win!
This is very interesting.
I have two possible job opportunities coming up.
One is an offer to part time manage the local art center in my town and one is working at a resort hotel in Germany.

I like the money I get paid now in health care but I really want to work in the arts as I am an artist and I want to live outside the United States for a few years. Or forever.:look:

Does anyone see any potential in this?