How To Attract A Rich Man

:curtain: 67, lookin' like 103 :lachen: :hide: :kiss3:

I think I just got my first date coach client. Mid 30s surgeon and dating kangs. Bless her heart her dating profile said in so many words she is willing to date down. When you scrape the bottom of the barrel why are you surprised when you get Kang Splinter? I need to build a pool of eligible bachelors. She was going to pay it's just lunch $2500 I told her I'd hook her up for about half that :trophy:
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Sunday Sanity Vent:

"It's quite easy for you to say how you wouldn't ride off into the sunset in a private jet when none of your suitors own one"--Pretteeplease

Now the irony of what I'm about to say it that I'm not following the advice that I'm about to give. When things start changing and you start dating rich men you might need to keep your mouth closed and become a woman of mystery. Impromptu trips to Paris with a lil stop in London being served coffee in LV and riding in Ferrari's and sleeping in huts over the ocean that look like a screen saver might be a lil too much for some of your family, friends and associates to swallow. When someone asks what you did for the weekend or last week and you answering honestly it may make you seem as if you are bragging. Here are a few responses that say I had a great time but you get no detail:

Words can't describe.
It was just so much I'm at a loss for words.
It was lovely.
The world is filled with so many wonderful experiences.
It was wonderful but I am glad to be back home.
It made me want to see and do more.
It was phenomenal.
It was more than I expected.
You just had to be there.
It was just like it is on tv :look: :lachen:

If you do give detail make it about the weather, architecture, etc. When you get done talking about experiences they shouldn't know much more than when they first asked. Don't give play by play on your twitter, instagram, or facebook. If you update social media do it wayyyyyy after the fact....Fiji oh that was months ago :look: :giggle:

Yes you should be able to share but some people think life is a competition. I'm not competing. I want everyone to win by their definition of winning. I don't even think I'm winning I'm just having fun being single.


What I do when people reappear like Houdini

The guy that I was seeing that I thought had a family member on here disappeared for two months. He reappeared last week. We had dinner last night. I have decided that I like to play crazy. When we walked by Tiffany's he looked at the door a lil too hard trying to figure out what store it was. I said "you wanna go in there?" he said for what and I was like "I picked out a ring I think you should get your vasectomy reversed and we should get married" straight face no smile :lachen: Then we found a different restaurant patio to sit on and I kept touching his arm saying how "I wanted him to give me a baby" and how we "need to get married". He started talking about how he is focused on his business and didn't want to deal with a new born and how his life was drama free and he wanted it to stay that way yadda yadda yadda. I kept up the crazy for about an hour. He didn't run in fact he invited me to church in the coming week. I'll add more crazy next time :giggle:

Dating tip of the week:

Employ a baby pink polish suitable for your complexion. Something about pink makes them weak. Especially in open toe or peep toe shoes. Make sure it is baby pink no pearl, no metallic, no neon simple baby pink
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PretteePlease.....I need a brand suggestion for pink polish. I once got a request for polish and I was at a loss. I told him today polishes are named "ballet slippers" and "marshmallow" - not whatever word he used.

In general, people should keep their trips to themselves. Friends, family, coworkers, etc love to compete and track YOUR time, money, etc in their minds even when you think they are not paying attention.
Holla this is lhcf the land of Chanel and Gucci polish so I hope I don't disappoint but this one right here gets them every time. I've tried a few and this is the clear winner:

SinfulColors Professional Beautiful Girl 314 Walmart $.99

they can't clock my money grow it don't show it :rofl:
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I didn't marry rich, but id say I'm pretty content with dh.

Anywho this may help

Also if your black and your only intention is to only marry rich as in over 1mill a year salary, you might want to not be as restrictive on race.
That's good site. Thanks :look:
Lol prostituting.

To be honest, I'm only concerned with marriage stories. Any woman who is OK looking can date a millionaire. The difference is in the rangggggggggggg hunty!!!!!

Of course that only matters if you want to get married/marriage is important to you.

:look: so...any stories for this woman who dreams of her millionaire husband....?

Like Lauren Bacall said in How to Marry a Millionaire, if you aren't married you haven't caught him, he's caught you. :lol:
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I've searched this thread, I didn't see this book mentioned: A Gold Diggers Guide (How to Get What You Want, Without Giving It Up)

Has anyone read it ?:grin:

I found a snippet here (first two chapters):

So far it's a good read. I think I'll get the book

ETA: The author also has a Youtube:

I have this book :yep:

To be honest, the ladies on this forum can teach you the same things that are in this book.
This thread was bumped just in time. I didn't want to create a new thread, so I'll ask my question here. I was out in the Hamptons this weekend at an event. I was not alone. An older woman looked at me and complimented and asked me if I'm single or married. I told her that I'm not married. She didn't realize that I wasn't alone, because he was looking about some food at the event. It turns out that she's a matchmaker for the well-to-do on in the Hamptons.

I've never been approached by a woman/anyone wanting to set me up. Has this ever happened to anyone?
This thread was bumped just in time. I didn't want to create a new thread, so I'll ask my question here. I was out in the Hamptons this weekend at an event. I was not alone. An older woman looked at me and complimented and asked me if I'm single or married. I told her that I'm not married. She didn't realize that I wasn't alone, because he was looking about some food at the event. It turns out that she's a matchmaker for the well-to-do on in the Hamptons. I've never been approached by a woman/anyone wanting to set me up. Has this ever happened to anyone?

Hasn't happened to me....yet. That's great! Let us know how it goes. I'm curious about these real life matchmaking schemes.
Glad to see this thread is still up

My girl (Korean) is getting married to the son of a Samsung exec this fall. She didn't really have many tricks but she did surround herself with rich people and always frequented expensive bars and clubs. Odd thing is that she isn't very pretty (bad acne :look:) but she's well-dressed, sweet and fun, so I guess that's what made the guy fall for her.
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Glad to see this thread is still up

My girl (Korean) is getting married to the son of a Samsung exec this fall. She didn't really have many tricks but she did surround herself with rich people and always frequented expensive bars and clubs. Odd thing is that she isn't very pretty (bad acne :look:) but she's well-dressed, sweet and fun, so I guess that's what made the guy fall for her.

Good for her. Some women think if they aren't physical perfection they shouldn't even try.
Hasn't happened to me....yet. That's great! Let us know how it goes. I'm curious about these real life matchmaking schemes.

I didn't keep her contact information. I thought it was a bit strange and bold to approach me the way she did. Besides, I was not alone.
Glad to see this thread is still up

My girl (Korean) is getting married to the son of a Samsung exec this fall. She didn't really have many tricks but she did surround herself with rich people and always frequented expensive bars and clubs. Odd thing is that she isn't very pretty (bad acne :look:) but she's well-dressed, sweet and fun, so I guess that's what made the guy fall for her.

We are attending the wedding aren't we?

I started an experiment yesterday. I am wearing my old diamond solitaire ring. It is very pretty and reminds me of the time when I had my wolf of wall street. So the experiment is do men like shiny things. It is on my right ring finger. I wanted to wear it on my middle finger but my knuckle is too big. My attorney already noticed and asked me about my status. I think so far men do like shiny things but that was the only place I went yesterday. Today I will be out and about so I will give more about my findings.
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We are attending the wedding aren't we?

I started an experiment yesterday. I am wearing my old diamond solitaire ring. It is very pretty and reminds me of the time when I had my wolf of wall street. So the experiment is do men like shiny things. It is on my right ring finger. I wanted to wear it on my middle finger but my knuckle is too big. My attorney already noticed and asked me about my status. I think so far men do like shiny things but that was the only place I went yesterday. Today I will be out and about so I will give more about my findings.

I id this in my early 20's and men were trying to latch on to me like flies on raw meat. It was so disgusting i stopped after a while. Men like shiny they really do.
If you order tuna at a high end steakhouse it will probably come out raw :lick:. You have been warned

My friend hooked me up with newmoney. We hung out off and on from Fri-Sun. He lives out of town but has business interests in the H. He looks like JayZ is over 40 and is obsessed with Jay Z/Beyoncé ride or die fantasies. I told him unless he is providing the billion$ we ain't no Jayonce. Beyond that I have zero interest in being anyone's Ride or Die. I told him I'm a Ride and Live or Ride and Fly type of lady. New money brags about money all day long :barf: I told him on the phone b4 we met I don't want to hear about it unless he is sharing :lachen: He was careless borderline rude and I told him off a few times over the weekend. Something about him is fun to hang with but he didn't make the cooch tingle one bit in fact I think he made it dry up. I think he is the nerd that hangs on the coat tail of the popular dudes and has no swag so he brags. Bless his heart. I am somewhat short with him and last night after meeting this weekend he asked if I would get married. :look: Not to your arse.....wait what that net worth do? Why do I get better results when I am mean to people?

I had on my ring when I met him. He looked at it several times but never asked

I went on with a very nice engineer on Sunday he was short and very slim and not at all my type but we had a great time Speaks Portuguese, French, Italian, and a few other languages. I liked him but again no tingle.

Yesterday I went on a date with an Oil & Gas attorney. Fine as heck in his profile. We met at a Steakhouse CAN WE SAY CATFISHED!!!! :ninja: don't ever in your life use that profile pic again. It is the best pic you have ever taken and not a good representation of your actual appearance. I think he used some sort of make me fine app. He looked like he was related to the person in his profile pic but I won't say for sure it was him. Again had a good time but no tingle.

I think I have made some good homeboys, but nobody I want to seriously date.

How ya'll doing anything besides :sekret: lurking going on? Be ladies of action :giggle:
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This seems like a good time to start meeting men again. I'm going to make a list of the high end places that rich/upper class men might hang. It's a shame that I live in Manhattan but have no idea where to go. :nono:
I went on another date yesterday. He was such a gentleman. It was raining so i grabbed my London Fog. He met me at my car with an umbrella and walked me to the door. It was so cute to drive up with him waiting outside with the umbrella for me. He is a financial advisor. He was a jolly fellow. Again no tingle
I went on another date yesterday. He was such a gentleman. It was raining so i grabbed my London Fog. He met me at my car with an umbrella and walked me to the door. It was so cute to drive up with him waiting outside with the umbrella for me. He is a financial advisor. He was a jolly fellow. Again no tingle

Lady, you're making me miss being single again :lol:
I went on another date yesterday. He was such a gentleman. It was raining so i grabbed my London Fog. He met me at my car with an umbrella and walked me to the door. It was so cute to drive up with him waiting outside with the umbrella for me. He is a financial advisor. He was a jolly fellow. Again no tingle

I need to figure out how to put a battery in my London fog lol