How To Attract A Rich Man

FancyGirl- feel free to add your input! I am focusing on getting my "look" right while being entertained by these lovely ladies comments

I am still looking for a London fog smh PretteePlease ... i'm only 5'2 and dont want it to overpower me so looking for one catered to petite females....definitely want to have it in time for my trip to the UK.... anyone else have any tips on places to go or what to wear while out there...plan on going for 2wks this summer

Try hanging out in the Mayfair area. It's a very expensive section of London. Guy Ritchie owns a pub called Punch Bowl in that neighborhood. Also try walking or jogging in the parks. Hyde Park is huge and lovely and chock full of fit men (obviously not all rich, but you can just be there and see who you attract). I hope this is a start.
I asked broke lawyer #1/#2 why they said that and they said my profile sounds like I am ambitious and they are not on that level to give me what I want. Then when I said I never said I was asking a man to provide that they said they started their careers late yadda yadda yadda insecure insecure.

PretteePlease, on your online dating profile what types of things did you say to give them that impression?

Any tips on things to put on a profile to attract a man with coins?
This woman to me looks like one who could snag a man with some old money


From looks and body type to make up, clothes and hair. She screams poised and elegant, yet sexy.

Nichole Galicia, also known as Nichole Robinson or Nichole Mercedes Robinson, is a Panamanian-American actress and model. She has a featured role as Sheba, the love interest of Leonardo DiCaprio's character, in the 2012 film Django Unchained.
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PretteePlease, on your online dating profile what types of things did you say to give them that impression?

Any tips on things to put on a profile to attract a man with coins?

The first thing I stress on my profile is my intelligence :lachen: then my personality looks and various affinities: food fast cars travel dining yes I mentioned food twice

I like doing nice things and most of what I like takes a large disposable income, not saying that I have a large disposable income but those who know recognize :sekret:

I say be real and be you in your profile because nobody likes a fraud.

I walked around the grocery store with a bag of bananas on my head then I walked/jogged home with them on my head :lachen: you have to learn how to walk that walk :kiss3: be poised and graceful and totally random :giggle:

eta: someone mentioned watches I love a good watch but my fear of scratching the face makes me not want to put up the loot.
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I think the most common denominator I've seen with women that are with well to do men is that they fully believe that they are worth it and deserve it. They are unapologetically self centered. After that, everything else comes secondary (looks, SES, charm/appeal, etc).

That is how you attract a rich man.

Every single woman I know who seems to have a handle on men is a borderline narcissist, and they have always been that way. As children they manipulated everyone around them--from parents to teachers to the other kids on the playground. As for the finances of these men, I can't say that they've attracted a lot of super wealthy men, but I can say that every man they end up with goes for broke trying to please them. If one man can't provide everything they want financially, they have others contributing at the same time. These aren't sugar babies, these men are trying to buy their love. I don't think this observation even belongs in this thread but just sharing my experience with self-absorbed women I know. I'm sure it isn't always this way but let's just say I know very few "nice girls" who end up winning in the end--rich man or broke man.

These were just a couple excellent posts in this thread. I do believe that maybe 80% (or more) of this whole thing is mental. You really have to believe that you deserve to be invited to the table. The question is, how does one cultivate this attitude? What are some resources? I think people who aren't born having money can often have a mentality of "lack" even in subtle ways. How do you develop an attitude of fully believing that you deserve the best?
Here I am minding my business in Starbucks and studying materials for the GMAT. A man approached me and asked what I was reading. He said it looked familiar to the study materials he used “back in his day”. I said it was the Manhattan GMAT. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. He started telling me about things I should study, knowing that this test is like a marathon, how to score high on Integrated Reasoning, etc. He seriously joined me at the table for a little over an hour. Then we started talking about economics, foreign policy (blah) and Chicago’s potential for XXX majors. He told me that he’s a XXX and Er’MahGoodness. That is the field I would like to work in and his net worth (once I looked up his information on his business card) is upwards 500 million. ****!! So he told me to give him a call when I am free because he would love to spend more time with me on an official date. He even hinted at getting me the tutor of all GMAT tutors to whip me into the best shape possible (valued at over $1300 a week). You guys don’t understand how elated I am to have unknowingly free-styled successfully. I am not sure where this will lead but I am enjoying the moment.

Lesson: yal’ better go to the Starbucks or Barnes and Noble of the financial districts in your city and look studious.

a post is enough for the wise
These were just a couple excellent posts in this thread. I do believe that maybe 80% (or more) of this whole thing is mental. You really have to believe that you deserve to be invited to the table. The question is, how does one cultivate this attitude? What are some resources? I think people who aren't born having money can often have a mentality of "lack" even in subtle ways. How do you develop an attitude of fully believing that you deserve the best?

Answering my own question, LOL. I think you just have to repeat it to yourself over and over until you start to believe it. It starts in the mind. Also, you have to continue to put yourself in situations that challenge you, even if in the back of your mind you don't think you belong. I had an experience this past weekend and I think what got me through it was I kept telling myself "I belong here" and "I deserve to be here." The crazy thing is people reinforced what I felt by saying "we're so happy to have you join us." :yep:
Answering my own question, LOL. I think you just have to repeat it to yourself over and over until you start to believe it. It starts in the mind. Also, you have to continue to put yourself in situations that challenge you, even if in the back of your mind you don't think you belong. I had an experience this past weekend and I think what got me through it was I kept telling myself "I belong here" and "I deserve to be here." The crazy thing is people reinforced what I felt by saying "we're so happy to have you join us." :yep:

Belle Du Jour thank you for this!!! I have that same mentality when going or thinking about going to certain events! I am going to repeat those same words to myself!
Belle Du Jour thank you for this!!! I have that same mentality when going or thinking about going to certain events! I am going to repeat those same words to myself!

I have had some really good opportunities over the years to be in the "right" settings but my mind wasn't right. Now I know that I'm the only one who can hinder myself. I think sometimes it's easy to think "I'm black! They'll say I don't belong" meanwhile the other sister in the room is working it and is the "belle of the ball" so to speak LOL :look: Self-awareness really is the first step. People can pick up on when you don't really feel that you belong.

I've found that Europeans can be pretty open and are more curious. They don't necessarily ask you "why are you here" but some Americans can be very blunt or try to be subtle "so who told you about this event/group/club?" or "who do you know here?" That can be really awkward in the beginning, especially if you are going somewhere by yourself. But you just have to keep reminding yourself that by virtue of being alive, you belong in any setting you desire to be in. :yep:
This stuff works fast I don't believe its that easy omg lol kinda nervous, but what if you aren't the type of girl to have a lot of friends but he wants you to hang out with his friends girlfriends /wives. barely know the dude lol
Macys online has the London Fog Double Breasted Trench Coat in tan size PL only for $44.99. I so wish this was my size!
So many tips....Thanks ladies!! I've enjoyed this thread please keep it coming. I'm going to have to find me a nice trench. What are your thoughts on this coat....



I think I like it.
I have had some really good opportunities over the years to be in the "right" settings but my mind wasn't right. Now I know that I'm the only one who can hinder myself. I think sometimes it's easy to think "I'm black! They'll say I don't belong" meanwhile the other sister in the room is working it and is the "belle of the ball" so to speak LOL :look: Self-awareness really is the first step. People can pick up on when you don't really feel that you belong.

I've found that Europeans can be pretty open and are more curious. They don't necessarily ask you "why are you here" but some Americans can be very blunt or try to be subtle "so who told you about this event/group/club?" or "who do you know here?" That can be really awkward in the beginning, especially if you are going somewhere by yourself. But you just have to keep reminding yourself that by virtue of being alive, you belong in any setting you desire to be in. :yep:

My problem is that I don't know how to market myself. I could believe that I'm the prettiest in the room and that I belong, but if I don't know why I belong, it doesn't matter.
One thing that I have been mulling over in my mind is the fact that if I want a wealthy man I have to be the type of woman he can introduce to his friends and colleagues. So I will need more than beauty. I will need to exude intelligence, grace, and charm. Those are areas I am feeling a bit self conscious in right now. And to be honest, I want the same in a man.
@ PretteePlease

How do you get around to this topic of his finances? Does he bring it up or you have a way of bringing it out of him? If you don't mind me asking, what type of millionaire is he? Line of work?

Thought about you on date#1 with DRLawyer yes he is both. He is the one that penciled me in for the week of the 10th of march. Before we had even made it to the table of the restaurant yesterday he told me for the nth time that he was working on a million dollar case. He then said it's going to settle for between $400k-$1M, he represents himself so this settlement benefits him directly. He also told me in under an hour about his ranch, his divorce and how his wife thought she was walking with $2M, how he wanted to get into a serious relationship.....perhaps marriage #4 (insert side eye here), his kids, how he makes $3k a day on only one of his businesses, how he rides his bike obsessively

I just sat there like :yep: :blush: :eat: :think: :cheers: :eat: :yep:

He loves to hear himself talk and I let him. Then I slid in a few of my business ideas and how I needed a mentor and financial backing. At this point he shut up for the longest that he ever did on our date he began to ask very specific questions and I had very specific answers...........If you stay ready you don't have to get ready. I'm penciled in for April when the case is settled :woot:

He is an eccentric millionaire and showed up on his bike in spandex riding shorts and cleats I was looking like :kiss3: and he was looking like :cycle: Oh the stares :giggle: I know some of ya'll would have :dighole: but I just :gorgeous: :wave: and acted like he showed up in an Armani suit.

I need to write a freaking book or just skip to the movie dating is so entertaining
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You should. This is interesting and hilarious.

Thought about you on date#1 with DRLawyer yes he is both. He is the one that penciled me in for the week of the 10th of march. Before we had even made it to the table of the restaurant yesterday he told me for the nth time that he was working on a million dollar case. He then said is going to settle for between $400k-$1M, he represents himself so this settlement benefits him directly. He also told me in under an hour about his ranch, his divorce and how his wife thought she was walking with $2M, how he wanted to get into a serious relationship.....perhaps marriage #4 (insert side eye here), his kids, how he makes $3k a day on only one of his businesses, how he hides his bike obsessively

I just sat there like :yep: :blush: :eat: :think: :cheers: :eat: :yep:

He loves to hear himself talk and I let him. Then I slid in a few of my business ideas and how I needed a mentor and financial backing. At this point he shut up for the longest that he ever did on our date he began to ask very specific questions and I had very specific answers...........If you stay ready you don't have to get ready. I'm penciled in for April when the case is settled :woot:

He is an eccentric millionaire and showed up on his bike in spandex riding shorts and cleats I was looking like :kiss3: and he was looking like :cycle: Oh the stares :giggle: I know some of ya'll would have :dighole: but I just :gorgeous: :wave: and acted like he showed up in an Armani suit.

I need to write a freaking book or just skip to the movie dating is so entertaining
@PretteePlease you definitely should write a book. Like a compilation of stories. Your life, particularly your interaction with men, is so fascinating to me.
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