How To Attract A Rich Man

CarLiTa People tell me this too and chuckle and I feel like that's something people need to keep to themselves. I'm definitely not rich and do not need a lot of money to live well.

I was talking to an old friend once and he said "I'm sure a lot of men feel like they can't afford you". That being said, I am from a modest background and it was implied that guys from our old neighborhood probably cannot "afford" me <-- words I would never use.

They should TOTALLY keep that to themselves:yep: It reeks of insecurity. It's kinda rude. And sometimes it's a backhanded compliment.

To your second paragraph, if someone said that to me, I'd respond with:"oh, ok." If you think you wouldn't be able to afford to spend the modest amounts I spend on my clothing, the okay, I believe you... I guess:confused: not going to try to convince you otherwise. Weird that someone would say that if they don't even know where you shop:lol:
PretteePlease, thanks for explaining :) these people, especially the men, need to hush:giggle:
I'm curious, do you find that this focus that guys have on how you dress to ever be a barrier in developing a deeper connection? Like, are they worrying more about being able to afford dating you, or actually getting close to you. Just wondering because I can see how some men would be stuck on this superficial thing and not make an effort to relax and get deeper.

I don't think so. Once people get to know me they see that I'm not the stuck up person that they conjured up in their heads. I don't like many people so when I click with someone we usually get to know one another quickly and get close. In the past I didn't let people get too close because my priority was my daughter. Now that she is of age I'm exploring more permanent options.
I don't think so. Once people get to know me they see that I'm not the stuck up person that they conjured up in their heads. I don't like many people so when I click with someone we usually get to know one another quickly and get close. In the past I didn't let people get too close because my priority was my daughter. Now that she is of age I'm exploring more permanent options.

Thanks again for answering. I appreciate it.
I realize my question wasn't as clear as I'd intended. I was wondering if the men themselves are limiting themselves in the extent to which they open up if they are viewing a woman as someone to 'afford' rather than someone to connect with. But maybe they'd best be able to answer that.

Now I'm rambling. My question is biased, I admit. In an earlier post, I mentioned that I was looking for someone who's financially and emotionally generous (I've dated a couple of people who were strong in each areas, but not in both). There are the guys who wine and dine because they know it impresses, and it's chump change for them, and they don't make an effort to get close emotionally. Those have to be thrown back out at sea. I feel like: I like to know that a guy is well-positioned financially (or on the way there), but once I know that, it becomes part of the background. Building a relationship will require far more than his dollars, so if his money is all he's leading with (especially at the expense of my emotional needs), then we have a problem.
CarLiTa it could be the case. I don't know. Men are nuts everyone says they are simple but I think most of the time they are just crazy.

PureSilver I'm in Houston I was only in NY for a few days earlier this year

CurlyMoo this isn't a full pic on but it is 3/4 I just so happened to have taken a pic of the coat b4 I put it in the cleaners this morning. I'm a lil paranoid it's my first time using them :sekret: It doesn't fit on the hips so I can't button the bottom it's somewhat ill fitting but I say I'm going to fit it :look:


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The cashmere blend trench in my avatar has been like a magnet it is 3/4 length and I met a man wearing it on xmas eve we have gone on 2 dates since. He said "you are well dressed and I can tell you are used to nice things" :look: well if he thinks so :giggle:

I went out last night with a tech dude at the director level yesterday
I went out with a oil/gas sales/ real estate investor Saturday
the 26th I went out with chemical sales dude then we went out out the 27th to see 12yrs a slave

It is so funny because all of these dudes have money but the only one that I have seen this entire year with a nice car is Trinny (eta forgot about Porsche dude his was the best). Yeah he is still in the pic but he told me he is scared and ain't nobody got time for that. Last time I saw him it was about 11pm(we happened to be in the same area and spoke for a few minutes) and I asked if he had been on a date he told me to come to his car. I got in and the laptop was on his dash. He said that's where I was. (at work) Then had the nerve to ask me why it wouldn't be ok for him to be on a date but I went on a date with Porsche dude. I told him cause I'm territorial and I'm not here for his runaway lover bull. If you won't make time for me the next man will. I think I'm starting to be over him. He is letting too much time pass between seeing me. Does he not know what a great catch I am?

During xmas I was seeing all types of men at the bar at Saks 5th right outside of the men's shoe department. I didn't have time for acting up. Later that day I did go to the restaurant at Saks and saw they had a happy hour Ladies if your Saks has a dining spot you might want to hit it up.

Upscale shopping---->Upscale Men

@CurlyMoo I think the jackets are cute but a 3/4 length might be better I paired mine with similarly colored knee high boots it was like a hot knife through butter I even got compliments from women.

That's the key right there

I wish many women would think that way
I have lived in 4 cities now in my adult life and LA sticks out to me in this sense:

Men in LA lead with their money (though I also get the sense that some of them front....big time)
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Did you post pics in the hair forum? If so, which thread?

I don't post hair pics. I have been very disappointed with it for the past 2yrs. I had an incident with a stylist burning out my hair and my scalp. I chopped in April it is just starting to grow back. It looks really long in the pics but it is only just below the shoulder I don't even think it is at armpit. I'm starting to take my biotin, drinking fresh carrot juice, drinking water and protective styles.
Thanks to BEAUTYU2U for what is probably the best thread of 2013. Seriously.

I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories even though the thread veered off in like 50-11 tangents lol. I'm dating a guy who fits the descriptors in this thread but Iam getting ready to break things off because I don't believe we are compatible marriage wise.

I think I may have mentioned it in one of my earlier posts but attracting a rich guy is the easy part however attracting a rich man that I want and I'm compatible with is a different story. Rich guy or not same criteria for finding a man still apply.
LOL, thanks! Girl, I haven't even read thru all the gems in this thread. I pop in occasionally when someone tries to start drama lol.

Thanks to all the ladies who contributed!
I don't post hair pics. I have been very disappointed with it for the past 2yrs. I had an incident with a stylist burning out my hair and my scalp. I chopped in April it is just starting to grow back. It looks really long in the pics but it is only just below the shoulder I don't even think it is at armpit. I'm starting to take my biotin, drinking fresh carrot juice, drinking water and protective styles.

Your hair Looks good, healthy ,full and thick and that is more important than length. What you are doing is definitely working :yep:

@CurlyMoo this isn't a full pic on but it is 3/4 I just so happened to have taken a pic of the coat b4 I put it in the cleaners this morning. I'm a lil paranoid it's my first time using them :sekret: It doesn't fit on the hips so I can't button the bottom it's somewhat ill fitting but I say I'm going to fit it :look:

Nice PP. It looks so soft and smooth to the touch. I'm sure another magnet for rich guys is to be able to touch something soft on a soft looking woman. I LOVE cashmere. I think I will be looking to get a good cashmere blend soon. If I can find one that fits well and is affordable for me. Thank you I have a better idea now. I like visible buttons.
I saw this and thought of this thread.

I finally caught up on this thread. Here are some thoughts I had whilst reading!

Yeah I got approached way more with natural hair, but then again straight hair doesn't really flatter my face so that could be it. Plus I felt kinda hood with straight hair:look:

I recently went back to my afro. I love it, but even though I do feel my afro attracts a lot of men; it scares a lot of men off. (Specifically non-black men.) I am getting a 16 inch Brazilian Sew in for my birthday, so I’d love to see the reactions I get from guys with that change in hair.

Dammit! Lucky girl:lol: um, that's great. Flutter your eyelashes and tell him what you want? "Well, I was really thinking about this particular one... or that one. I think either would look so amazing on my blah blah blah..." And then let him do what he implies he will do? And if he doesn't, drop him, because it is not nice to get one's hopes up like that. Here I am excited for you because of his generosity. Hmph.

If you're like me, you're probably wondering: okay, under what conditions? Dude, what do you want??
Last time someone offered to buy me something expensive, I kept chickening out and going around the bush to the point that I never got the gift. I resented my behavior:nono: so I've decided that, in the future, if you offer, then I'm going to try my best to gracefully accept. I didn't ask you to offer, and I won't insult you by saying no thanks:look:

Yes, I want to live in a place of YES. Don’t tell me what you’re not going do. Tell me what you will do. I am going to say yes. If you offer it. I’m not saying no thank you. I will say thank you. To me a gift is when you give me something I want or need with no expectation of repayment, retribution, or reward.

My grandma used to get mad at my brother and I when we said no thank you if she gave us something we ain't want. :look: She said to always accept a gift.

I don't necessarily agree, but with the case of men I do think that you set the stage for the relationship early on. I want a generous and wealthy guy... so it sends mixed messages if I condemn or reject his generosity. :greedy:

And to keep the training, my company and attention will be reward and gratitude enough.

Women these days contact men too much, none of this, Oh I'm thinking about you today blah blah sweetie texts to make him feel so wanted and secure. I'm the person to be won, make me feel awesome and secure. And not through some texts. Young girls are always telling me about this texting crap. I wouldn't dare let one text me repeatedly. I wouldn't even answer a man's text. Want to talk to me? Gotta call buddy

This is so “The Rules”! I’m really learning the virtue of making the man work to get a hold of me. Rich men are so used to getting what they want exactly when they want it. It's refreshing to them to have work a little bit for it. Successful men tend to work hard for what they want. If they want it bad enough they will work for it, and feel very rewarded when they get it.

that's the ideal. reality is they dont. if that were the case there wouldnt be the saying "he/she looks like they are married." I can almost always tell if a person is married or single by their physical presentation. And no, most of the the men or women did not have that "married look" when they were single or dating. Older married women, like to think they are still in the same league with the youngin single women they use to be when their DH's married them but it simply its true.

even Beyonce isnt nearly as hot and doesnt dress the same since she's gotten married. She maintained the same look for years, but soon as she got married for a hot minute she's changed a lot. Her sexy stock has plummeted faster than the dow jones in 08.

anyway, that's very short-sighted view of cheating. how about cheaters cheat simply bc they are cheaters?:lol:

The beyonce example makes sense. In my head im all like "I wanna look even hotter when I get married :pulpdance:" but you're totally right. She's still beautiful and there's nothing wrong with a shift in focus, but I can totally see the difference. Oh noooo. Lol

Really?!?! I think you should dress and present yourself a little differently once you’re married. I mean it’s okay to break out that freakum dress every once in a while to let him know he has to work to keep you. But I like to think that once you get married, a man doesn’t necessarily want his wife’s goodies all on display for the world to see 24/7.

That being said I do not think a woman should let herself go. If you met him fit and fine. You need to stay fit and fine. I do understand that as we get olders our bodies change, but it shouldn’t be because of laziness. Still put in effort to be the best version of you that you can be, even if you’re no longer a size 4. Be a fit. Well-groomed sized 14.

“I promise ya, I'll keep myself up
Remain the same chick, you fell in love with
I'll keep it tight, I'll keep my figure right
I'll keep my hair fixed, keep rockin' the hottest outfits”

Your style should evolve for your stage of life. Never devolve.

But as you well know, you can meet men grocery shopping. [/QUOTE]

This is one of the reasons I forego going to Kroger and hit up Trader Joes. I gotta get my swagger up to actually shop at Whole Foods, but I might just walk around the aisles looking carefree, approachable, and slightly confused. lol

[quote="barbiesocialite, post: 18854399"]you guys are a trip. wear a corset at night. do occasional crunches and limit sugar and carbs. flat tummies are easier to obtain than losing weight (well to me, IMO lol).[/QUOTE]

I am interested in corset training. Honestly, I think the rest of my body is great size-wise if I can just flatten that tummy. I love the boobs and butt gaining weight gave me. What I don’t love are the love handles.

[quote="Mortons, post: 18856271"]Think outside the box when you are outside of the box.

Looking for a rich man and thick? There are plenty of men and women who can appreciate a pretty, solid built woman who are in the ranching, cattle, farm business. I know one down the street who built his wife a second, four story home. It is gorgeous and that man has [U]money[/U].

They cant leave me alone when I go to lowes to do heavy lifting for the plant and yard stuff. :lol: *Note: not conjecture, experience*

Now can someone tag me when the weight conversation is over and there is some legit discussion going on.[/QUOTE]

Oh yes… I might have to hit up a Lowe’s or a Home Depot. I’ll apply the same approach to Whole Foods: I might just walk around the aisles looking carefree, approachable, and slightly confused.

[quote="belletropjolie, post: 18856921"]I think it depends on each person. What is rich to one person may not be to another.

For me personally, rich would mean I could be a stay at home mom while still maintaining my current lifestyle or better. It would also mean that we could live comfortably off his savings without working.

Where I live, you need $$$$$$ period because the cost of living is extremely high. So by default rich to me is more than the average because out here early to mid six figures is really middle class not rich by any stretch. You would ve lucky to send kids to a decent private school on six figures.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I don’t need a millionaire. Cal me low-budget, but I just need 6 figures. Ideally… we can increase the figures. I just don’t want to have to work, but be able to stay at home when the children are young, take vacations, and have enough money to retire and not have to worry. I want someone who is wise with money. I’d rather have a wise person making $100K a year. Than a foolish person who blows through a million dollars a year.

[quote="barbiesocialite, post: 18863233"]crashing events is awesome.---blindly or planned.

it works. :look:

This is why everyone needs a few super extroverted friends with a healthy dose of entitlement. They literally find and hunt their network. Don't care what people think about them either. They could be incorrectly dressed and not know a single soul. But these friends usually end knowing a lot of people and they willget you in any and every where. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yes!!! I have a best friend. I call her my VIB, she is very extroverted and funny. Even when she’s sober she has such an outgoing personality. But get some lickahol in her system… BAM! She’s working the room. She’s sorta like a Meatball (Think Snooki and Deena), but she can get along with a variety of people from various backgrounds. Feareless and Fun! Blast in a Glass!

When I’m with her, I am the more calm, put together classy one. She’s a great wing-woman. She’ll start a conversation with anyone, and I come over to come pull her away from whomever she’s talking to. That leads to her introducing me, BAM foot in the door.
I just remembered something interesting I read about attracting others.

Basically the article mentioned having a prop when you're out and about. A prop is anything that would spark conversation or be an opener for someone trying to approach you. Could be a thought provoking book, interesting jewelry, pet etc.

I think there is something to it because a while back I was reading the 48 laws of Power. Now the book is pretty big so it never fit in my purses and I had to tote it around. I can't count how many timed someone would comment on it either asking what I thought of it or their opinion of it.

A good lead in to other conversations.

^^ agree.

I was on a long flight the other day and had Americanah in my lap while I slept. When I finally woke up, the older man next to me started talking to me by asking what the book was about because the title was intriguing. From that, he told me his life story of being a naval security consultant traveling to lots and lots of places. I told him about my travels, etc. It was nice. He was going to visit his grandchildren. On my other flight, the young man next to me started chatting with me. He was home to visit his parents after a 2-year stint in Australia. Helped me find my way once we arrived. Book was still in my lap. Could be why?

I agree. This is why I like physical books rather than tablets or kindles. When I was reading 100 Years of Solitude and The Ravashing of Lol Stein that started a lot of great conversations. Plus reading classic literature makes you look intelligent and well read. (Side note: I never finished those books. :look: That’s on my list of things to do.)

Julia Sarr Jamois is my fave. I adore her. She is my shero.




WOW she is gorgeous! New hair idle!

Just back from afternoon tea with my new amiga. She really is an incredible woman, I want to be just like her when I grow up!

She let slip that she didn't love her man properly at the start but she sure loved his cash! She told me that too many women are focused on the Disney effect - we all want everything, love, good looks and pots of money. Well something has to give - I think she is right. She told me she married him for what he could provide and the love came afterwards. I guess people from older generations had similar experiences. Every woman of my Grandmother's generation that I know always tells me that "love doesn't put food on the table!"

I asked her where to meet these rich men and she just laughed again and said they are everywhere so you must be everywhere too. She asked me what I did when I wasn't working, I'm a home body and I generally stay in or go to a select few places. She told me that I must go out of my comfort zone and related it to her story. She said that she wasn't comfortable going to work in the city when she was younger but did it because she needed to meet the type of person that wasn't going to be walking around in the (rough) part of London she was from. I liked how she put herself out there and it paid off for her.

She also dropped this gem. Why should a rich man pick you? Are you useful? Her husband is a prominent banker and when she worked with him she knew he was busy so often made him coffee, picked up lunch and ran errands. She told me not to start acting like some slave for a man but be prepared to enhance his life through things I am good at. She said her husband decided that he couldn't live without her. She told me that there are 1001 women for every rich man but the ones that get the prize are the stand out ones. HTH someone.

LOVE everything about this post! I completely agree.
So I took a little adventure in the land of rich men.

Last night had a impromptu girls night. It was originally just me and my VIB, but then we invited 2 other girls. I figured we'd just go grab a bite to eat then hang out at a dive bar.

We end up in Buckhead (we go there often) and while bar hopping I walked ahead of the group. We walked passed this swanky bar. When I walked passed I saw a group of men in suits sitting outside having a drink. A very attractive black guy caught my eye, but once my ratchet drunk friends walked up we went to our original destination.

I still had that swanky place in the back of my mind. I thought about this thread and how sometimes you gotta fly solo. For the sake of safety, I asked one of the girls to go take a walk with me to the other place. [The sake of safety wasn't fully enforced that night... :look: but I mean we let a ton of people know where we were every step of the way...]

Immediately, we walk in, and I am at home. A bunch of suits in small clusters laughing and talking. The place was packed. The DJ was playing top hip hop/ rap music... 2 Chainz, Drake, Jay-Z, etc. I texted the others, "The place next door is really classy with ratchet music. You can smell the 401(k)s in this piece!" I beeline it to the back of the bar. It's pretty small. When I walk in the black guy that caught my eye stood up and came in, but he never made his way to me, so I let it go.

So the girl I was with is a very thin, waif-like with neck length relaxed hair. She was wearing a simple sheath black dress black tights and black pumps. I let her borrow my silver and lime green jeweled necklace, but other than that she looked rather plain. I felt some kind of way when a guy immediately started chatting her up, not even acknowledging me. So I just asked if I could take the seats behind him. So I sat down looking carefree, high fashion, and slightly bored yet enjoying the music.

*The DJ was everything* The ratchet music spoke to my soul. The decor was very nice, like a luxurious hunting lodges.

Buck heads all over the walls, as well as antlers scattered among the tables and in other cool nooks. The DJ booth is tucked in the corner a level up, accessible by a vertical wooden latter.

The whole place is made of wood and smells great, dim lights and burning candles all over. It's a narrow space but I think it fits the overall mood extremely well.

I did have to blow out a candle b/c I had a huge afro, and didn't want a Michael Jackson Pepsi moment.

Just to recap my outfit. I thought we were going to a basic dive bar, so I wasn't dressed to the nines. I had on jeans, a peach lace top with a tan tank underneath, a patterned scarf with dots and birds, a cropped grey leather jacket, with dotted pony hair pumps, + big peach earrings.

The shoes were everything. I even got a straight male to compliment them.

My make up was understated for a nighttime look. I kept getting compliments on how clear my skin was.
*click to enlarge any photo*

So the other 2 women come in *Toasted*. So in typical fashion they come in and in no less than 5 minutes, I find my friends gathered around this drunk white guy rapping about politics. He claimed that he was a rapping comedian.

I join the huddle the man decides to rap to me. The rest of the girls have moved on, but the rapping comedian had zoned in on me. So he was name dropping like a mo4. He kept reiterating that he lived in a pent house around the block and that he had unlimited wine. His claim to fame is that he lives 3 floors above Ludacris, and across the way from Elton John's unit and Young Jeezy's.

He finally stopped rapping and tried to engagement in drunken conversation. He kept claiming that what he says is legit. So I asked him for a business card. Director of Sales for a large wealth management and investment firm.

He introduced me to his friends there. I loved his introductions, "Isn't she beautiful?!?!" I shook hands and smiled.

Highlights of the conversation:

Him: "I'm sad."

Me: "Why are you sad?"

Him: "Because I'm old and you're young, beautiful and intelligent. Why would you ever be with me?"

Me: "The age difference doesn't bother me. We don't have to decide anything right now. Let's just get to know each other." [I turn 25 in 2 weeks. He turned 48 that day.]

Him: "I'm tired of being single. I have wealth, great career. Only thing missing is to share it with someone. Why is it so hard to meet someone smart, beautiful, intelligent, and sexy?"

He told me about his dog and how he acquired ownership. His ex-girlfriend's father bought her the dog to teach her responsibility. :perplexed He broke up with her and offered to buy the dog.

I told him there were so many red flags and problematic aspects of that story.

He agreed and lamented that it was just him and his dog. *Aww pity party* I told him to not be sad about it.

He said that he wasn't sad, but having someone in his life would make him happier.

I do think he's probably genuinely a good person because he said his goal in life is to make a positive impact in the life of anyone he interacts with. He said he never wants people to ever say that he brought negativity.

So I had planned on leaving him, leaving the ball in his court. So I put my number in his phone and called myself. He insisted that I save his name first and last. I didn't. But he made sure to lock in my name.

At this point, I was over it. I was ready to go home. I gathered my troops. But my VIB was on a level 10, so she wasn't ready to go home. The rich dude and his friend the limo driver + his friend walked out with us. Some how that lead to us getting into his limo, and the adventures ensued. :look: *So not safe. :nono: But who needs a lecture? :ohwell:*

LONG story short. The rich dude was caking hard in the car. The limo driver and the friend were quite entertaining. We drove around the city looking for some place to be because at this point it was 3:30 AM, and everyone knows ATL closes at 3.

Somehow we landed in some suspect after hours hip hop speakeasy. (We don't know the name or the actual location, so it will forever be known as Narnia amongst my friends and I. We were the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe that night.) Then Waffle House. And we were safely delivered back to our cars.

The night was completely fun. Completely unsafe, yet turned out to be safe in the end.

Came home and the Director of Sales dude checks out. So we'll see what happens. I'm not going to reach out to him.

I wasn't following The Rules to the T. But I at least kept it light and breezy. I did ask him if he had kids considering I didn't want to date someone who has children my age or older. I broke a lot of the rules... but at least when he asked to kiss me, I said No firmly. His advances were not granted.

He was turnt all the way up, but I'd like to see how he is sober. His two friends were cool, so we made plans to keep in touch with them. Plus I'll use the limo driver's company for my events.

Sorry for the long post, but I figured it might be worth the read and keep this thread alive!
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Shoes love em and want deets!
Skin looks great and love the hair... so thanks for the pic!

I was entertained reading it and sounds like adventurous nights my girls and I had when we were younger (i'm 28 now but career has taken over smh). If only when I was more adventurous I was more marriage minded lol But this year will be different I am claiming it!
stephluv Thanks! The shoes were super cheap LuLu Townsend on sale at DSW.

CLAIM IT! My wedding date will be 10/10/2020. It came to me in a dream. Looked on the calendar, and it's a Saturday. I think that's a very obtainable date for my platinum wedding.

To be honest, I don't think me and the rich man will keep in touch. I'm not going to call him. I'm a Rules Woman!

(Rules Girl sounds so freaking stupid. Add woman is a step up from stupidity. Still stupid, but not as.)

Anyway, he might have just been speaking his drunk old man game. He kept insisting that we can go back to his penthouse and utilize his unlimited stash of wine. I don't blame any man for trying. If I was a man, I'd try me too. :gorgeous:

I mean don't get me wrong. He was an utter gentleman after I told him No. I didn't get the sleazy vibe from him. But I don't want to get my hopes up that he'll call. He mentioned that this was "our first date", I quickly course corrected him that this was not a date at all, but gave him the green light to take me on a proper date.

We'll see...

Any advice on how to play this? I guess I'll ask a more specific request for advice if he calls.
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Oh, I forgot to tell y'all the most telling thing. As the rich man was telling me that he was sad he was single, he then proceeded to say that he was honest in everything he was saying. I guess he felt the need to confirm this. Although, I wasn't asking for receipts, I was unimpressed with his name dropping.

He then said if he was a girl he'd ask to see bank statements.

This was odd, so I asked, "On the first date?"

He said, "No, but by the 3rd."

I said, "I'm not a gold digger. Let's get to know each other before we start seeing bank statements."

I forgive him for all his verbal diarrhea because he was lit like an X-Mas tree.

Oh and he's white. So he asked me if I had ever dated a white guy. I have.

Then he said he's date black women.

I said, "I could tell."
I feel like Patti "Meet my Millionaires"

New guy met online divorced raised in the hood highly intelligent very "Carlton" very republican and yet still has swagger. We have only been out 2xs but I like him. He says dating life sucks for men and women and he wants a companion but he is content going to work and working on his cars :driver: he has several high end fast cars and yall know :auto: I like a nice car. He is in the energy industry owns a few companies that serve different parts of the industry.

He is cool and conversation comes easy. We sat and talked for 5hrs at 2 different places. Maybe I need this rules book because i'm sure that was a violation :giggle: I'm kind of put off by the fact that he outright told me on date #2 that he is a millionaire. It wasn't in a braggy way but it felt a lil off. Why are you telling me that?

Trinny has been sat down and is on pause. I have no time for commitment phobes. He keeps blowing up my text and I want none of it.....ok that's a tale I want me some him but I refuse.

I happened upon the super upscale places to be it's on and crackalackin more stories to come.
PretteePlease if you don't mind me asking what online dating website are you using?

I'm going to go back online in March. I've upgrade from the ranks of OkCupid. I was thinking, but I do know there are specific websites geared towards finding rich men. But I sorta feel like meeting someone on that type of site would be really cheesy.