How To Attract A Rich Man

Damn... I love ya'll. Subscribed and will read through this thread quickly. That's all I got :lol:

I need to stop playing and actually make some moves. Not getting younger!
Of course we strike up convo and find out his friend is a Kiwi (LOVE their accents). Kiwi immediately positions himself to speak with me and Frenchie casually starts chatting up my friend.

Kiwi's like how do you know each other (referring to my friend) and I say we met in bschool - he's like oh, I meant Frenchie in grad school at Stanford and now I teach at a bschool. Turns out they both got Phds at Stanford - Frenchie had a big career in Finance (algo trading) - got rich, retired at 38 now as a hobby is starting a hedge fund with a few friends. Kiwi took the academic route and now is a bschool prof at an ivy in the northeast (not saying the school bc some of yall might have had him as a prof :lol:), writing his first book, angel invests in/advises startups.

As we're talking he's giving me a million compliments on my outfit (tight white/leather dress), my hair (texlaxed bob/fro), my gap! (ha FelaShrine will appreciate that), my shoes, even how I was holding my drink lol. They keep buying drinks. Frenchie is married (damn it!) so my friend is like deuces but kiwi insists I stay and talk. We are having really good convo - getting my nerd on talking about the book he's writing, business/startups, game theory, so I stay. So we continue chatting and it's 2am at this point and I'm pretty tipsy (drinks did not stop flowing) so I'm like I need to go... He gets me a cab and gives me a $20 for the ride. My initial reaction was to hand it back to him but then I'm like um, naw girl keep it... it's only $20 anyway :look:

We've been texting everyday since and he wants to see me again. Wanted to have me come to his place for a weekend but I'm like I don't know you like that. You come back to NYC and we'll hang. So that's what we're doing next weekend.

Oh btw he's 48 (never married, no kids) and I'm 30 :blush:

Frenchie not married yet hitting on not a surprise. Im not even surprised that he mentioned he's married. Typical French :lol:
non -american complimenting your gap..not surprise either LOL and yea appreciated

So glad you had fun. Now google kiwi's name and make sure everything is on point and I wish you luck!! :grin:
Frenchie not married yet hitting on not a surprise. Im not even surprised that he mentioned he's married. Typical French :lol:
non -american complimenting your gap..not surprise either LOL and yea appreciated

So glad you had fun. Now google kiwi's name and make sure everything is on point and I wish you luck!! :grin:

I definitely googled him on the cab ride home haha. He's legit. Even checked for him on Angellist and can see the startups he's invested in and the average amount invested :look:
"What do you have on"
"You never have to worry if I'm dressed appropriately"

I can't stress how important this is to a certain type of man just had this convo this wknd. I was asking him but I think this might be helpful to the ladies in the thread. It's funny it rained here over the wknd and I just couldn't wait to bust out my favorite sweater it's cashmere but it's old as hell. When we met up he was like oh ___________. Nice! He had on a polo of the same brand. I think we are starting to think alike. Once for a date I showed up in a grey/yellow dress. He showed up in a yellow polo with grey slacks we looked like we planned it :cloud9:

I met a new dude at the Frenchy's/gas station of all places. Frenchy's is a Houston chicken shack :lachen: thank G-d I was supporting a black business instead of going to Popeye's like I wanted to. On our first date I had to pull out the digital recorder app he was dropping business knowledge. I'm looking for a come up and I love being mentored in business. Dating a rich man is not all about getting his money you need to be discussing how to increase yours.

Trini is trying to creep into my territory. We work out at his gym. But he decided to bring his tail to my gym and join me for my morning workout. African former millionaire has been gone from the gym for weeks and guess who decides to reappear on that very day :giggle: I got a call from him on Sunday saying "yeah what have you been doing besides meeting all these new men." I played coy and said oh there are no new men. Trini isn't new he made it past the 90day mark :look: Trini says he hates my gym and that people outside the 610 Loop are not ready for our interracial relationship. He said "The hateration was real" :giggle: I must admit a few souls seemed to be roasting, but when I point out Indian/Arab souls roasting he never notices or dismisses it as curiosity or the famous "my people are cheap and they stare cause staring is free" Get out of here with that you just don't want to admit Indians especially in Sugarland are racist.

PS can this thread make it to 2k b4 we let it rest in peace :sekret: update and post please it's one of the only threads I like lately

*taking notes on the game*:grin:

What the heck is a Kiwi? You nick named him a fruit? Or am I missing something here :-/

New Zealanders are popularly referred to as Kiwis


Thank you FemmeCreole. Why would I nickname a potential a fruit :nono: Kiwi refers to a bird, not the fruit. It's a national symbol in NZ.

He actually referred to himself as a Kiwi first and I think it's a cute nickname for the professor - oops I leaked my new nickname for him :lol:
So dude surprised me with some stuff from DVF..and said he'd like to take care of me and give him a monthly figure.

Why does the cat always have my tongue in these scenarios?! WTF is wrong with me?
So dude surprised me with some stuff from DVF..and said he'd like to take care of me and give him a monthly figure.

Why does the cat always have my tongue in these scenarios?! WTF is wrong with me?

...If you don't learn how to say YES... :lol:. But I understand the hangup.

Were the dresses cute?
I have been meaning to post this. A friend won one of the Entrepreneur of the Year awards two Fridays ago. We were late in getting tickets so we didn't go to the event, but we met at a bar later to celebrate his award.

If you are bold, look for the one held in your city (Ernst & Young sponsors it), get a ticket, and get into the main event. If you are not as bold (I probably wouldn't be) go to a nearby upscale bar after the event. A lot of the attendees will be there. The people there were awesome. I made two work-related contacts. I am meeting one for coffee on Friday and the other for lunch on the same day.
who is "dude"?

Sengalese dude. Decided to give him another chance after he insisted on it (strictly under my conditions). He's trying to make up for pissing me off and I could dig it, I just need to learn how to say yes and send my wishlist :ohwell:

Anyway that event Ogoma posted sounds like FUN! Let me look into this really quick.
This week I learned that a double breasted London Fog trench coat with a dress (hemline just shorter than that of the trench coat ) is a grown man's kryptonite. I tested it 3 days in a row :sekret:

Still going strong with Trini he took me on a business trip he is talking me picking up kids from soccer and scaring first dates a la Will Smith in Bad Boys. Or do you not think so far ahead...cause he's been thinking bout'............ :lachen: :driver:
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This week I learned that a double breasted London Fog trench coat with a dress (hemline just shorter than that of the trench coat ) is a grown man's kryptonite. I tested it 3 days in a row :sekret:

Still going strong with Trini he took me on a business trip he is talking me picking up kids from soccer and scaring first dates a la Will Smith in Bad Boys. Or do you not think so far ahead...cause he's been thinking bout'............ :lachen: :driver:

PretteePlease , he was sending mixed messages up until recently. Is it becoming any clearer that he wants to take things further? It sounds like his actions say yes, but through words he's afraid to verbalize that he wants something more serious. Do you feel more certain now than let's say 4 weeks ago?
He has what he & I call "running shoes" at any moment i feel like he will break camp and I'll never hear from him again.....he is just that crazy and I kind of like it.

He told me I spoil him and that soon he won't be able to live without me. I told him that is my grand plan. :look: Then he proceeded to tell me about how spoiled his grandfather was and how his grandmother took care of him. I'll say if this is spoiling him I'm getting it easy all I do is rub his forehead, his back, his neck and listen to how work is going. I don't cook (though he has hinted), I don't clean (cause I ain't a ___ maid), & I don't sex cause I'm not a wife. I have made it clear that in no uncertain terms I am looking for a husband.....and that I'm still dating.

Eta as we were sitting there on bizcation (business + vacation) He said that a proposal is like getting fired it should come as no surprise. If he keeps talking this way I will start expecting things............oh he asked if I could be with someone with a nasty habit. When I asked what he said "um like smoking". Please baby Jesus at the right hand of the Father don't let this man be a closet smoker.
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H.oh he asked if I could be with someone with a nasty habit. When I asked what he said "um like smoking". Please baby Jesus at the right hand of the Father don't let this man be a closet smoker.

Lmao wouldnt the signs be obvious to you by now if he was..smokers arent THAT good at hiding it :lol: