I've learned a lot from this thread so I'll resurrect from lurkdom share a story - been sub'd for the longest
I've been stepping my game up to meet men worth my time and putting myself in places where I can meet my type - international and wealthy
So last Saturday I decide to get pretty and drag my friend out (she's Latina) to a hotel bar/lounge. I'm surprised that there's actually a lot of people there; turns out there was some internationals party - just my scene but are there any wealthy men
We head to the bar and my friend is trying to order our drinks. Of course it's taking forever and while at the bar I notice 2 men there - already with drink in hand. We make eye contact and so one of them bites - French guy. He's like "it's been pretty dead in here until you 2 ladies arrived. Can we buy you a drink?"
Of course we strike up convo and find out his friend is a Kiwi (LOVE their accents). Kiwi immediately positions himself to speak with me and Frenchie casually starts chatting up my friend.
Kiwi's like how do you know each other (referring to my friend) and I say we met in bschool - he's like oh, I meant Frenchie in grad school at Stanford and now I teach at a bschool. Turns out they both got Phds at Stanford - Frenchie had a big career in Finance (algo trading) - got rich, retired at 38 now as a hobby is starting a hedge fund with a few friends. Kiwi took the academic route and now is a bschool prof at an ivy in the northeast (not saying the school bc some of yall might have had him as a prof
), writing his first book, angel invests in/advises startups.
As we're talking he's giving me a million compliments on my outfit (tight white/leather dress), my hair (texlaxed bob/fro), my gap! (ha
FelaShrine will appreciate that), my shoes, even how I was holding my drink lol. They keep buying drinks. Frenchie is married (damn it!) so my friend is like deuces but kiwi insists I stay and talk. We are having really good convo - getting my nerd on talking about the book he's writing, business/startups, game theory, so I stay. So we continue chatting and it's 2am at this point and I'm pretty tipsy (drinks did not stop flowing) so I'm like I need to go... He gets me a cab and gives me a $20 for the ride. My initial reaction was to hand it back to him but then I'm like um, naw girl keep it... it's only $20 anyway
We've been texting everyday since and he wants to see me again. Wanted to have me come to his place for a weekend but I'm like I don't know you like that. You come back to NYC and we'll hang. So that's what we're doing next weekend.
Oh btw he's 48 (never married, no kids) and I'm 30