How Should I Play This?

Don't initiate the talk! If the man wants something more from you, he'll come to you about could end up scaring him off, especially if he's not even on the "where do we stand" have a right to let him know how you feel about his non communication,but usually when he doesn't question where things stand, he usually isn't concerned and when it comes to having any kind of relationship talk,usually a guy has to feel like its HIS idea....which isn't fair but every man I've ever asked feels this way...
So, I've been seeing this guy for about 2 months. We usually see each other a couple of times a week. We have not had 'the talk' yet.

Things had been going well...that is until this weekend. Here's the breakdown of the events over the past few days:

1. I haven’t talked/chatted/or gotten an email him since Friday. On Friday, we had a date, his child’s mother had an emergency and he ended up having his son that day. I said, well, that’s fine, we can get together later on in the weekend. He couldn’t do that b/c he was going to a concert on Sunday and would have his son through Saturday.
2. His last text to me was…’I miss you’. (Reference to us not having our date this weekend)
3. Saturday, no communication. I texted him. No reply.
4. Sunday, no communication.
5. Monday, no communication. I happen to be looking on his school’s alumni site (I know - very stan-like)...and on there, I see a comment he left for some girl suggesting they hook up this week.

What should my next move be?

Here are my thoughts:

1. Fall back...don't initiate communication.
2. Maybe the girl he left the comment for is just a friend. I have friends from college too right?
3. Send a low level communication e.g. text or email. (But then, I couldn't hear the tone of his voice.)

What do you guys think?

Don't call him, don't text him.......when/IF he calls you or texts you, just ignore or keep it very short, like "I'm sorta busy, gotta run"

Don't let him think you've been sitting around waiting on his calls/texts?:rolleyes:

I still don't get this low level of communication called texting that men do now, I would not allow a man I was dating to text me and not pick up a phone and call me, seriously now its just TOO easy for men, they don't even have to do the basics, like call:ohwell: