How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you wash your hair?

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I wash once to twice a week. I noticed that when I started washing and deep conditioning twice a week my hair grew like a weed. The only thing is I don't always have the time to wash more than once a week. :ohwell:
jenteel said:
how do u guys wash so often w/ so much hair!!!
is this the relaxed girls? and even still rollersetting and all that?
any naturals wash 2 or more times a week in the winter??
in the winter i wash 1.5-2 weeks
in the summer when i wear it curly i do wash more (2-3 times)
but no way in the winter
i have so much hair i couldn't bear!!!:eek:
(ooh that rhymed)
or maybe just lazy:lol:

and is it really healthier 4 the hair 2 wash more often?

I noticed we have very similar regimen's. In winter I wash every two weeks or 11 to 12 days and in the summer when I wear it curly I wash once a week and I'll do a co-wash and a rinse somewhere in between there, just depends.

To answer your last question, it may be healthier for some but not for all. It just depends on your hair and what it likes. I know it isn't healthier for me because my hair is growing and stronger than ever doing this. If your hair is growing well and is healthy doing what you're doing than I see no problems.
jenteel said:
how do u guys wash so often w/ so much hair!!!
is this the relaxed girls? and even still rollersetting and all that?
any naturals wash 2 or more times a week in the winter??
in the winter i wash 1.5-2 weeks
in the summer when i wear it curly i do wash more (2-3 times)
but no way in the winter
i have so much hair i couldn't bear!!!:eek:
(ooh that rhymed)
or maybe just lazy:lol:

and is it really healthier 4 the hair 2 wash more often?

I'm natural. I CWC once and CO wash once each week. Since I'm in CA, weather isn't as big a factor. If it is cold, then I just CWC once, and skip the mid-week CO wash.

ETA: Whether it's healthier to was more often, depends on your hair.
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thanks for the input pokahantas and golden breeze
my hair is really healthy which is a big plus
so i don't know if when i wash makes a difference
i think it is so fascinating that certain people's hair thrives
washing 2 or more times a week
i guess it's easier 2 get moisture in the hair when u wash more often:scratchch

my problems were w/ dryness but thanks 2 u guys:)
by changing my moisturization techniques
and paying specific attention to my ends
i completely cured this:D
Every 2 weeks. When I first joined I would wash more often but I noticed even with conditioner washes my hair was soft yet too dry/dull. As soon as I oiled it up good it was time to wash again. Every 2 weeks allows the oils to really sink into my hair.
I voted 2 times per week. I have to wash every 3 days because I workout a lot. I shampoo and deep condition with every wash.
naturallylovely said:
I voted 2 times a week a while ago, but now I'm trying to cut it down to once a week to limit my manipulation.....

Same here. But, for me after 3-4 days I cannot stand it and want to shampoo. I really want to try 1 time a week.
I've started washing once a week. Before I started washing my own hair it was once every 2 weeks at the salon.
I wash 2 times a week.

My aunt asked me this last night. Her response to me washing 2 times a week was, I was washing all the moisture out..........:mad:
I think my hair loves a once a week wash and deep condition. It's still not hot enough around here, but starting June, I'll add one conditioner wash during the week, since I will be working out a lot and sweating outside. The Summer is the best time for growth for me.;)
once a week. but i find myself having to try very hard to wait that long, because of all the new products i'm always picking up. i just got my hooded dryer, so i'm anxious to start deep conditioning!
Usually Every 2 Weeks,But I Don't Think My Hair Likes That And Starts Getting Dry After A Week, So I'll Be Going Back To 1x A Week :)
I usually wash 2-3 times a week, but I exercise and sweat a lot particulary in my hair. I've tried to get away w/ less washing and the sweat just wrecked my hair. I've actually had less breakage since I've started washing more.
I wash 2x a week. I Shampoo/DC on Sundays. Wed or Thurs I will shampoo/condition. I just tried co-washing for the 1st time today and my hair is in love. I might become addicted to this!
I wash my hair twice a week. I'm thinking of adding daily co-washes to my routine because my hair could use some extra moisture.
I wash once a week, but I will start co-washing 1-2x's per week for more moisture.:woot:
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