How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you wash your hair?

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Sha76 said:
I was wondering am I the only hair wash-a-holic out there. I love to wash my hair. I wash it every other day. Right now, but trying to wean myself down to 2 times per week or every 3 days. It's hard work for me. I don't blow dry just air dry into a ponytail on most days. If I have a special function I need to go to I will flat iron it into place.

I do find washing it often helps keep the itchies gone and my scalp can breathe easier.

How often to you guys wash your hair?

Hey Sha76 i def agree:grin: whenever for instance i get my hair braided it always feel too tight or itch and only water and washing soothes me. that same day i get the hair did i need to just rinse it in the shower else the hair itch like crazy and i feel like my scalp is tense and headaches lol

in general i used to wash every 3 days when i started growing my hair a year and 4 months ago, then once a week but now i m soooooooo lazy and busy i only wash every 2-3 weeks ( i know it can seem gross lol) but it fits better with my lifestyle for now. i think in fact i forget to wash it from time to time but its usually in average every 2 weeks:perplexed but the hair grows faster with frequent washing though but i hate the detangling part, heavy manipulation so i wash less now:ohwell:
I almost always cowash every day, but I will do it every other day if my schedule gets too hectic. I use shampoo whenever I think I need it. I do not like to go more than one day in between cowashing. My hair thrives on frequent washing.
I shampoo daily for the most part -- sometimes I'll just rinse or co wash if I'm in a rush or my hair already feels pretty clean. I use oil in my hair every day (2x) so shampooing each morning works best for me.
But I'm going to reduce shampooing to once per week and cw/rinse the other days for bootcamp 2007, so I can follow the deep con after every shampoo rule.
SummerRain said:
Can i be trifiling for a moment and say that before LHCF I'd go months without washing my hair. OR I'd only wash after I relaxed :(

I wash weekly now, and for the most part - air dry with my hair pulled back into a phonybun.

I used to wash on relaxer days only too :look: (I didnt know any better back then) I also wasnt stretching then.... Thats why I am HERE.

I wash n DC 1X week on sundays
I'm still trying to figure out what the best routine is for me, not that I'm 100% natural. In the interest of keeping my hair nice and soft and moisturized I'm trying not to use shampoo too much, but because I have an oily scalp I need to use it at least once a week. I haven't decided about co-washing yet, but at the moment I do it once a week as well. On alternate days I rinse, or just let the steam from the shower "wake" my hair up.
Every 2 weeks and loving it. I have tried every washing routine known to mankind and this one works the best for me. I lose the most hair when I wash so I'm keeping so much more hair on my head now. I wish I had started doing it sooner.
If I am wearing a rollerset it is about every 3 days. If I am wearing it straight I wash everyday to every other day usually. I condition only wash most of the time and use actual shampoo maybe once a week if that. I really like washing it everyday and allowing it to dry in a ponytail . I started this routine after a severe car accident when I had to soak in a hot tub once or twice a day to decrease the incredible pain I was in and my hair stayed wet so I would just condition wash it and remembering the ponytail method from the board just putting it back in a ponytail after applying my leave- ins. My hair really seems to like this routine.
Well, I'm on the daily or every other day washing challenge. I love to wash my hair, it's so relaxing:) I plan to continue this up until springtime. Maybe around April or May. Then I would like to cut it down to 1x a week.
I was washing my hair every other day but now since its cold outside I will wish less. However I am starting to workout more for a 1/2 marathon so I will probably do a lot more wash and gos then normal. I hate dirty hair.
Allandra said:
I wash my hair once a week. Sometimes when I get lazy/busy, I'll wait two weeks. :lol:

This is where I am right now. I think my scalp prefers when I wash once a week. Sometimes, when I want to give my hair a break (and I can't be bothred to do it,) I'll wait 2 weeks. :cool: